the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

an open letter to Free Masons and members of the POD,

dear brethren,

recently the POD has been accused of being "clandestine Masonry," a slanderous and libelous false charge, considering I designed it, and I did so specifically hoping to avoid it being considerable as such. I am not a Mason, so I can share no "secrets of Masonry" that are not public knowledge. If, by coincidence, I have, it is not the fault of either myself, nor the POD, the Lodge, nor even a "fault" at all, but a happy accident. However, to clear this charge from the minds of POD members who are also Free Masons, or who, like me, plan on becoming Free Masons, I put forward the following brief retort to this claim. Please enjoy reading.

POINT 1: the definition of "clandestine Masonry."

"Clandestne Lodges: Some years ago there were a number of so-called lodges, but there are none at present. Clandestine lodges are such as have been formed by avaricious Freemasons, who take money from those people who have no idea of the difference between warranted and unwarranted lodges. They were not warranted by any Grand Lodge, and endeavoured as much as possible to conceal their existence from the Grand Lodges; their founders formed a ritual from their memories, and by this ritual they made so-called Freemasons, but as they could not legitimize themselves for want of certificates and proper information, they were unable to gain admission into any worthy and warranted lodge. Since the lodges have been formed into unions, working under one Grand Lodge, unwarranted lodges have less chance of existing than formerly. A lodge which is held without the knowlegde of the magistrates or police of the place may be considered an unwarranted lodge. - Gadicke."

- Macoy, Robert (1815-1895). "A Dictionary of Freemasonry." published 2000AD, by Gramercy Press on Random House Books.

There are three specific points that, as of the mid-1800's, defined a clandestine lodge: 1) formed by ex-Masons. 2) collected dues. 3) replicated rituals and ranks of Masonry yet could not correspond these to the same rituals and ranks in a constituted Lodge. Granted these points may have changed since then, but as far as extra-Lodge public-record goes, this remains the most recent and best definition. In short, when they began at least, the concept of a "clandestine lodge" meant simply people dressing up like Masons, and doing Masonic rituals for money, but who were not ordained to do so by the Grand Lodge. This definition may have changed since then, however this should remain the core of the meaning of this concept.

POINT 2: the modern Masonic terror against "Clandestine Masonry."

Masonry is in a time of peace. There are few competitive "mystery schools," and none have come close in the past 100 years to equalling the numbers of Masons. So, as with a hegemonic nation at a time of peace that grows paranoid of unforeseeable threats to its sovereignty, Masonry has embraced a defensive posture relative to all its perceived or possible competitors. And this is a wise strategy, considering that most of the newer cults do seek to infiltrate the Lodge, alike how the IO once did. Their motives are each different, but the Lodge does, and rightly should, perceive each small cult that endorses such a strategy as "clandestine," particularly in accordance with the definition given in POINT 1, above.

However, the predominant belief under this modern startegy, as it is understood by EAs and 32nd°s alike, is that anything even remotely similar to Masonry, whether in costume, in politics, in ritual, in hierarchy or in passwords, is "clandestine." Thus, for a non-Mason to design a degree-system is, by these Good Men, assumed more of a risk to the Lodge's peace than the already existing, much larger secret societies, such as the Bohemian Camp and the Blderberg Group, who do use Masonic methods, and who do plan to destroy the Lodge.

Thus, though the overall condition of cults and mystery schools today is ruled 90% by Masonry, 9% by other large cults, and only 1% by small groups or individuals practising "magick," the Masons (at least the ones I know personally) see the fate of Masonry as safe only if it squelches out the last 1% of free-thinkers, and then sides itself with the NWO agenda of the other 9% of the mystery schools, who prommote a totalitarian global government.

The result is that the POD material, entirely generated by myself, Jonathan Barlow Gee, a non-Mason, is considered unquestionably "clandestine Masonry," despite having no directly "Masonic" elements within it (besides being open to Masonic members to join), and is considered, in fact, an inestimably greater, threat to Universal Masonry than the entire secret conspiracy of the Bilderberg NWO.

The NWO is seen, apparently, as so strong, Masonry can only best ensure its own safety by siding with it, despite it being so obviously antithetical to the basic moral principles of Masonry. If the Lodge and the NWO are on the same side, now, then I am as much against the Lodge as I am against the NWO. Any Mason reading this should compare this time in history to the Inquisition when, during a time of political peace, the Catholic Church waged a private war against its own citizens in order to squelch out free (Masonic) thought. Is this not like the war now being waged by Masonry against free-thinking men and women, outside of the Lodge, for the crime of "clandestine" thoughts that oppose the NWO, whom Masonry seems to now side with? Is the NWO now any different from a "Masonic Pope," ordaining a Holy War against "clandestine" individuals who oppose the NWO, who are free, yet have not paid in dues to become a Freemason?

In my personal opinion, which I do realise is only that of a slave besides the, albeit usually less educated, more socialised, opinon of a "Free" Mason, Free Masonry's greatest good is being open to any and all, despite their creed and religion. If Masonry has become so paranoid against new or non-members that to think outside their curriculum in addressing the same eternal questions is "clandestine" Masonry, then I see no more real, honest, true GOOD can come from the Lodge.

If, to be "Accepted" within the Brotherhood, one need only the authority to reject any petitioner on arbitrary grounds the petitioner can neither comprehend nor is allowed to question, and if "Accepted" means "to Reject," and if to "accept" anyone else's ideas is "clandestine," then there is no real Brotherhood, no real Freemasonry.

At this point, Masonry stops being a benevolent "society with secrets," and becomes full fledged guilty of snuffing out the Light of Pure Reason whenever it chances to occur anywhere outside Lodge doors. Masonry will become what it was created to oppose: itself a closed-minded religion, an inapproachable dogma, a top-heavy and totalitarian hierarchy, open only to those drones most socially indoctrinated in NWO thinking, and least individually liberated from cynical, atheist anarchism.

If Masonry punishes all the smallest or individual cults as "clandestine," then it will become what anti-Masons believe it always was: a religion of drones for Lucifer, bringer of the false Light. If this is to be the goal of the high-ranking Lodge officials, I would urge them to question if it will remain so long enough for them to accomplish it, without their being rebelled against from within by the actually moral Masons, of leser rank, who outnumber them each 10,000 to 1.

Freedom is precious. Do not waste yours burning books based only on their covers.

POINT 3: the POD's stated public position relative to Freemasonry.

"The Order of Death is automatically open to Free Masons and members of any other esoteric order (including but not exluded to Rosicrucians, Illuminati and Ordo Templi Orientis)."
- Gee, Jon (1977 - ). "Manifesto of the Pythagorean Order of Death."

The POD was originally drafted as a "learning lodge," an introductory course that would, upon completion, allow one access to a second secret society, with fewer members, and ostensibly with more social-political, or at least "magickal," influence on and in the world. This "second order," was disbanded and its ties to the POD were entirely cut when it was discovered its morals and dogma were too different from those advocated in the POD. The POD's chief goals remain to teach ideal forms of government being based on ideal forms of #-theory. It offers no oath to take, and invokes no promise of secrecy regarding the material it teaches. The POD, as such, defies the definiton of a "secret" society, however insofar as we recruit from members of other, existing "secret societies," it is as though we are one by "affiliation."

The POD, as it stands now, some 3 years later, is open to ALL, and there are no pre-requisites of ANY kind for membership. All our material is free to everyone. To become a member and / or attain rank, one does not need to pay any dues. These are the primary differences between the POD and FreeMasonry, or any other form of "secret society."

The primary aspects of similarity to Masonry, from my own perspective as a non-Mason, are in the attire of one or two ranks, the use of the word "Lodge," and the practise of rituals as "initiation" into the entry-level degrees. The content of these rituals, the titles of these ranks, and the lectures with them, are not Masonic. In the entry level, there are 4, not 3, degrees. Beyond these optional entry-level lessons, there are two degrees open to Masons only, one for York, one for Scottish Rite, however these groups are not open to non-Masons, and do not contain any additional Masonic information in themselves.

The entire POD itself is a degree-system hierarchy. It consists of three orders. The first is 4 entry-level rituals. The last is either a political or religious system of three degrees each. Between these are the five degrees whose membership is automatically open to members of other orders, including York and Scottish Rite. Just as the York works with the Scot in this system, but divulges nothing from the Scot system itself outside of this system while doing so, so too the other 3 degrees, open to Rosicrucians, Golden Dawn, and OTO members, neither prommote, encourage nor persuade any secrets of one group to be shared with members of any of the others. The education of each group regardng the POD material remains "seperate but equal." As well, this content is "equal" in quantity, though qualitatively different for each group. Each plays its own unique role in the POD degree system.

POINT 4: the POD openly opposes "Clandestine" Masonry.

I, Jonathan Barlow Gee, designed the POD. I knew about the concept of "Clandestine Masonry" prior to beginning work on it. I assiduously attempted to avoid any reference within the material that could be construed as Masonic in nature, since I knew this material would already, naturally, be so different from Masonry that I could not expect to be granted a Lodge charter to administrate its currciulum. As such, I designed it to be non-Masonic, without being either a-Masonic nor anti-Masonic. Therefore, not only would I encourage members of the POD now to be cautious with their membership in other groups that might, themselves, be "clandestine masonry," but also with anyone, in any organisation, who accuses the POD of being unoriginal, or being a copy-cat system of any other group. The POD welcomes Masons, but beyond this, we have no further designs regarding the Lodge one way or another. We do not wish to infiltrate, to alter, or to threaten the Lodge. We wish to partner with it, and all other esoteric schools, as much as possible, assuming these prior statements as given.

However, the POD will not make concessions to Masonry anymoreso than to the GD or the OTO. If someone from OTO came and said, "You in the POD are not allowed to teach this fact, or learn that truth, because these are OTO secrets," we will laugh and say "prove it." Likewise, the same reverence should be bestowed any Mason who attempts to disband our group on the grounds we are "too much like Masonry." We are not an ordained body of Masons, nor of OTO, nor any other Order, and so no member of the POD owes, by their membership in the POD, to the POD, or anyone else, or even to themselves, any death-oath of ultimate allegiance besides any which they have already sworn to some other group.

The POD will not cower before threats by the Lodge, recusing us of their own dejour paranoia regarding "clandestine Masonry," because, regardless of the knowledge of he who would make such an accusation, any POD member knows it is a flase charge, since the intention of the POD is not to be "clandestine Masonry," by any conceivable definition. It is similar to charging a manslaughterer with murder in the first degree. If we are innocent until proven guilty, provide proof to us, all of us, Masons and non-Masons alike, of how the POD is "clandestine Masonry." If you cannot do this, you can keep your personal opinion to yourself in private, and even share it with your brethren behind the tyled Lodge Door, but it will not be an actionable legal matter that can be taken up by the Grand Lodge against the POD.

In short, if you are in favour of "Clandestine Masonry," look eslewhere than the POD. Regardless of charges to that effect made by modern socialised and paranoid Masons, or by anyone else, the POD is not now, nor is it planned now to ever become even remotely similar to, "clandeatine Masonry."

I do hope this letter reaches the hands of enough open-minded brothers in the Lodge to encourage at least a few to actually read the POD material, in full, before coming to the conclusion it is just more "clandestine Masonry" being practised by cowans and copy-cats. If they read it, and still reach that limited, closed-minded and stereotypical conclusion, that is for them to decide, not us. This letter can only express our honest and real intentions, and could never convince anyone who has their mind already made up on the "issue" of all non-Masonry being nothing more than mere "clandestine masonry."

- Jonathan Barlow Gee
Sept. 15, 2009
Tallahassee, FL, USA

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