the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

the meaning of the POD "Atlantean" star.

Violet: COSMOS:: the multiverse

In the beginning, there was that which is beyond that which is. And from that which is beyond came the holy one, blessed be he, the maker and shaper, the former of all that which is. The multiverse came into existence at the same moment as the universe. It has grown while the local universe has shrunk. The multiverse of a pleroma of baby universes, formed from the oldest particles in the local universe, is the light from the surface of the dark orb of the universe, and this appears against the inky black infnity of the parent universe beyond. Thus, the "colour" we associate with the Cosmos is purple, for black-light, the closest form of light to pitch darkness.

Green: SPIRIT:: tachyons

Now, when the holy one, blessed be he, began to form and craft that which is, he took forth a basic set of principles, the first of which was comprised of Light, the second, Love, the third, Life, and the fourth, Liberty. He laid these down with a quill of Pure Will, that "higher Light" above the universal principle of the "lower light," photons. These four principles enshrined the holy one, blessed be he, as the 4 corners of a square, and designed that which is as a circle with the same area. Thus, we say the first thing the holy one, blessed be he, established was MATH, as an Idea in his own mind, and second, GEOMETRY, as the Word of that Idea. He called the square time and the circle he called space.

Blue: WATER:: gravity

Once the holy one, blessed be he, created the circle of space, and observed the four corners of time, he was pleased. He set that which is into motion. He begat the big bang, and the singularity of the universe began being. He made the corners of time to move, and to change places in an order over time. He made the great universe to churn like water. The first force to appear was gravity as a motion opposite the direction of time. In this motion God lost sight of his clear reflection in creation, and so we call this the "separation" of the waters Above and Below. Above, there is the Lord God (AHDVNHAY). Below there are the multiverse and universe as time and space, alike a square and circle.

Indigo: AIR:: electromagnetism

The next force to appear in God's crystal globe as he made and shaped the entirety of that which we know now was lightning. Sparks began to form in the evaporating mists of the waters above. The multiverse began to be pulled apart around the edge of the universe like a shell around a yoke. An atomsphere of dew and condensation, like the sweat off God's brow, began to form above the trembling darkness of the waters of the deep. This mist began to thunder with bolts of static energy. These sparks formed the earliest stars.

Orange: FIRE:: weak nuclear fission

The earliest stars were ignited when massive clouds of gas became electrically charged, forming plasma, which quickly compressed into dense spheres of flames. Thus was fission, the weak nuclear force, next to be born within the looking glass of the divine creator. As these sparks ignited, they were reflected in the eye of God, that all-encompassing bright-darkness of the parent-universe surrounding our own singularity. So we say that, like the tears of God, these far few sparks or "sols" were formed alike unto angels, forever singing the praises of their divine maker and modeler. However, these stars did not live forever. As the oldest ones burnt out, they puntured holes out of space into time, and began consuming the interior of the universe into the exterior multiverse surrounding us. So it is said that a portion of the heavens have fallen, which means that many stars stll visible to us now have already burnt out or been consumed into larger black holes.

Yellow: EARTH:: strong nuclear fusion

As the quantum foam came to a rolling boil around the outer-edges of the spherical universe, and the multiverse of time grew while the local universe diminished, God looked down and saw the universe, that it was Good, and was well pleased in His creation. The weight of his gaze penetrated to the depths of space and activated the fourth force to be formed, the strong nuclear force of fusion. This simple gesture by God united the planets together, and allowed the formation on earth of complex-macro-molecules that would give rise to the earliest known forms of life here. Just as now matter, the fusion of atomic elements, governs the local universe, anti-matter, or dark-energy, fules the exterior multiverse.

Red: MAN: the local universe

The final miracle of God before resting was the creation of mankind as a micro-cosm of all these elements. He took the red-clay dirt of the EARTH, then mixed with it his own breath, the wind. Thus mankind was set above the stars, even the black-holes, for our role in the destiny of this universe is not fixed, as is their's. For inside the hearts of living beings is the spark of life, and this connects us each directly to God. So we see, in the final design, man is the measure, stretched across the Abyss, that connects all the five elements. The white square surrounding the red star of MAN represents his spirit, which is a reflection of time.

The entire POD "Atlantean" system is colour-coded according to the spectrum split from white light by a prism. The best acronym for this is "Roy G. Biv" meaning Red-Orange-Yellow-Green-Blue-Indigo-Violet. To apply this to the entire preceding description, look at the picture of the pentagram-star within a pentagon surrounded by five petagram-stars. Follow the ROYGBIV pattern from one colour to the next. This yields the progression of related attributes of:

Red = MAN
Orange = FIRE
Yellow = EARTH
Green = SPIRIT
Blue = AIR
Indigo = EARTH
Violet = COSMOS

also, although it is not implicitely labeled:
White = TIME

Now, the order of the elements as they are associated with the colours is different from the order of the colours in an ordinary, prism-split ray of light. Instead of the regular ROYGBIV, we find that the elements formed in the order:

OUTERVERSE = the "parent" universe's black hole containing the baby-universe we live in.
SPIRIT = superluminal tachyons, anti-matter or dark-energy
COSMOS = the singularity of our own universe, surrounded by the corners of the 4 elements and spirit as a multiverse
TIME = the motion of matter, causing entropic decay into energy
WATER = gravity (gravitons = the supraluminal "Higgs Boson")
AIR = electromagnetism (electrons)
FIRE = weak nuclear fission (stars, protons)
EARTH = strong nuclear fusion (planets, atoms)
MAN = mankind's evolution into increasing sentience from basic cells.

the pattern formed for the colours by relating them in this way to the formation of the elements following the creation of our universe (the "big bang") is thus no longer ROYGBIV, the exact split by a prism of a beam of white photons. Instead it follows:

SPIRIT = green
TIME = white
COSMOS = violet
WATER = blue
AIR = indigo
FIRE = orange
EARTH = yellow
MAN = red

Thus yielding the pattern: GVBIOYR (as opposed to ROYGBIV). This pattern (GVBIOYR) is colour-coded according to the spectrum, however is represented on the above "POD star" depiction as a different pattern of connections from one colour to the next. However, also notice that the pattern from one shape to the next in the above diagram following the ROYGBIV colour-coded pattern yields a spin around the colours of the shapes in a counter-clockwise motion (beginnig rightward from the lower right), and that the pattern of elemental formation attributed to them follows a motion associating the colours of the same shapes in a counterclockwise spiral, beginning from the upper-left and proceeding downward. Follow the red star to the orange star, then around counter-clockwise: ROYGBIV. Then start with the green star down to the red star, then to the left and around clockwise: GVBYOIR. The significance of this is in the rotational direction of the colour-coded pattern: the word-colours correspond to the triangle-colours in a counter-clockwise progression.

A squared circle constructed using the ratios of earth and moon.

Imagine looking down at a sun-dial. As the sun changes position in the sky above the stationary gnomon, the shadows will revolved around clockwise if one is standing facing north (in the N. Hemisphere, or alternately south in the southern hemisphere).

Now imagine lying down beneath the sun-dial, so that your head is directed north (or toward the closest pole), but you are looking upward towards the sky. Now the sun will rise on your left, and will set on your right, just opposite a moment ago, when you were standing facing north. Just so, from this position the measure of the shadows will appear to rotate counter-clockwise.

Looking toward the pole demonstrates our planets' rotation "clockwise" around its axis (moving from west to east, thus appearing as a "clockwise" circle from above either pole. However, if we orient our own point of view toward the tropical equator of our planetary sphere, time itself will appear to revolve in reverse.

Here is a squared circle of my own. Think of the outer-square as time, the interior-most square as spirit, and the area of the square between them is the multiverse, the same area as the circle, the cosmos.

Because we have the direction of rotation followed by both the prism-split spectrum and the formation of the elements, we can orient our model of the POD star to its place on a larger spherical coordinate geometry, ie. our own globe. The four cardinal directions operate counter-clockwise to one another, so if we began in the east at dawn, and moved (south in the north, or north in the south hemisphere) counter-clockwise, we would be facing away from the nearer pole, and toward the equator. This model is meant to be viewed on the interior of a ceiling, looking upward. Thus the green star on top of the POD star model would be facing toward the nearest pole if graphed onto a globe.

- Jon

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Aloha Jayce,

I am pleased that you honestly believed it was not my intention to offend you. Often times, when I have given frank and blunt worded personal advice to people, they blame me for my tone and leave without listening to my advice. It's been my experience that the truer the advice, the more deeply probing the truth about it, and the more deeply believed the correctable mis-perception is in the person's psyche, determine directly their amount of defensiveness. Some people have told me, "take the criticism of lesser minds as a compliment." I cannot, so every time I lose an interlocutor's patience, it haunts me. I am happy our conversation will not be damaged by that depth of an implant of an idea. I do believe the idea itself to be of utmost importance: that we are all equally infinite in our psychic potential already; that we are all equally one with the mental metaform "mind of God" already; that no one is apart from the "Absolute Source Field."

This is, I believe, so important an idea to share on such a deep level because unless it is shared, then nothing else (before or after) would be acceptable to either of us, nor to any readers, because there would remain disagreement over the medium of information exchange itself. It would be like you paying me in Pounds and me paying you in USDollars, when neither of us would agree on the exchange-rate.

Now that we are "on the same page" about us all being equally psychic in our potential for mental one-ness with the all, let me say this about "my tachyon theory": it is a discovery about reality, as opposed to an invention. Now, discoveries cannot be claimed by any individual anymoreso than you can "guide" someone to a higher degree of personal enlightenment and greater accomplishment in accepting their infinite personal psychic potential. When you look upwards and outwards, you cannot claim to be the first to find anything you see. On the other hand, looking inwards and downwards, one CAN invent a new object or system of ideas, and then share this with someone else that the other person can learn how to use the invented object, how to internalise the system of ideas. You can invent toys, tools or weapons; each and every new and unique idea you imagine is an inevention. You can share these, teach people them, and they can learn them, and use them on their own.

I have invented alot of things, and can call them exclusively mine. For example, the "Atlantean" calendar system, I invented. "Atlantean" Democracy as a system of government I invented. The rituals of the POD, the fictional novels and plays I've written are my inventions too. I have coined new terms for many concepts, including "metaforms," "neo-Sethianism," and the "Enochian Communications System." I invented the POD's degree system. All the art I've drawn in pen is my own invention, from the "tau sub tau" diagram to the "portrait of time" drawing. The collage work I've done with pictures, the editing I've done on other people's writing, and much of the content of my lectures and my own text-books, I did not invent nor create, but I consider it of value and wish to pass it on with my own contributions in addition.

I am pleased to know you intend on sharing your own inventions with me and with others and to hear you say (so to speak) that you intend for them only to inspire others to think their own thoughts about this content, and to come to their own conclusions about it, hopefully having been inspired to their own new thoughts by it. That is a goal I share in my own work. I hope you will find my feedback on your own works to be helpful, because if you share them with me, I will share my opinions on them with you equally freely.

I am also pleased to hear (again sic. "read") you say that you believe we are all equal in our potential for "ESP" or for the escalation of the psyche towards "nirvana," "satori," the "absolute," one-ness with the all, etc. etc. etc. This is a belief I share in my own philosophy. I hope you will not mind me taking your words at face-value and assuming you are honest. I only ask because some people are hypocrites and do not mean what they say.

PEACE! - Jon

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