the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

"neo-Sethians" and the "New Age" movement
by Jon Gee (aka benpadiah)
origins of "neo-Sethianism"
origins of the "New Age" movement
important dates:
April 10, 1904: Liber Legis
October, November, 1917: Bolshevik Revolution
October 1, 1918: Battle of Megiddo
the "New Age" and millennairian eschatology
important durations:
July, 1999: Nostradamus X72
5-5-2000: rebirth of earth
12-21-2012: birth of the "New Age"
Conclusion: the death of the "New Age"

origins of "neo-Sethianism"

The neo-Sethians are a modern religous sect that advocates bringing about the "Second Coming of Christ" and establishing the Zionist global empire under the sole Messiahnic Dictator as stipulated in the Protocols of the Learned Elders. Their sect worships at Bohemian Camp, they hold annual conferences to filter down orders at the Bilderberg Club, but the real planning bodies are the CFR (handling finances) and Trilateral Commission (handling militaries). Currently, the chief neo-Sethian is Henry Kissinger, and the second-in-command is James A. Baker. Under the previous executive administration there were hundreds of prominent "neo-Sethians" in politics. Now they are running for their caves.

The "neo-Sethian" movement was originally initiated by Meyer Rothschild, father of the infamous Rothschild banker families who have managed to acquire the majority of the (non-Catholic) holdings of solid gold by waging pogroms in Europe and Crusades in Palestine. He realised that someone would have to step forward to plan for the geo-political reaction to the calendrical event he recognised would occur in 2000. He predicted the flame of fear by average people, whom he saw as "Goyim" and chattle (human cattle), could be stoked to such a heat that it could purge all the "goyim" from the surface of earth, and leave a "utopia" with a reduced population. He proposed, in the Protocols, a time-line to conquer the world and declare a global dictator by the year 2000.

The "neo-Sethians" who advocate all this, also formerly called "Zionists," "Illuminati," "Globalists," etc. can trace their blood-lines back to the rulers of Babylon, the enemy-nation to the Jews of the day who lived in Sumeria. Their blood is Rh negative, meaning it lacks the Rhesus-monkey gene. The result is they have "blue" blood, meaning it does not clot, resulting in Hemophilia. More importantly than only to the blood-lines of the rulers of Babylon, the modern day
"neo-Sethians" can trace their origins to the Lemurian race of Nefilim, hybrid Annunaki and early hominids. Some clain the Annunaki are aliens. I do not. However, they were undeniably a more advanced species than the contemporary hominids they bred with. The result of this was, to the "neo-Sethians," the division between a slave class and a ruling class among entirely equal human beings. Therefore, some "neo-Sethians" profess themselves to be descendents of alien reptilians, when in point of fact they are merely cowering in their own hind-brains.

origins of the "New Age" movement

As dear to my heart as the desire to restore Atlatean ideals is, I have to concede the majority of the founders of the "New Age" movement, which some see as "resurgeant Paganism," were, and remain, "neo-Sethians," and people who plan to "cash in" on the "eschatological millennarian" panic kicked-up by the calendar's coinicendences. Theosophy, which is such a confidence-scam in its origins it should be considered illegal to practise it, remains the only religion practised in the United Nations "Meditations Room." The post-Blavatsky Theosophical Society's financial wing, the Lucis Trust, is also in charge of handling all donations and dues collected by and for the United Nations. The "New Age" movement is 100% a Theosophical scam, spear-headed throughout by "neo-Sethians." Blavatsky herself wrote what the Theosophists plan to replace the current mythology of the "Judeao-Christian" Bible with, complete with the "missing years" of the bible explained with an equally fancifal imagination, however providing only even worse fictions. The means have followed the motive from the start, and so all that grows from the "flower of life" of the "Ascended Masters" is poison. The entire "New Age" movement can never be anything more than a scam in origin, no matter how noble it can ever become in theory.

important dates:

April 10, 1904: Liber Legis

Aleister Crowley, the greatest Magician (theoretical or speculative philosopher) of his day, translated "Stele 666" of the Egyptian collection of the British Museum of Antiquities in Cairo and, with the help of his wife at the time, Rose, interpreted it into poetic prose as "Liber Legis," the "Book of the Law."

The timing of this writing was chosen by Crowley to celebrate the entrance of the rising sun on the Spring Equinox to the constellation Aquarius, and thence-forth the choice was made to celebrate the "Equinox of the Aeons" in Spring as the "Age of Aquarius." In point of fact, the actual "season" in the ice-age cycle the magnetic-negative North Hemisphere is in is early/mid Autumn, and it is in the southern-hemisphere where the multi-millennial "seasons" are in early/mid Spring. The result is "global warming" in the southern hemisphere and "global cooling" in the north, however by celebrating the "Age of Aquarius," rather than of "Leo," the "New Age" conceals the truth about "global warming."

The contents of the writing are also meant to obscure, rather than reveal, the true science behind the process of polar-precession, and thus to maintain the power-structure that enables weak scientists (such as Einstein) to sell their continued needs to strong soldiers (such as the Pentagon). In brief, Liber Legis was an attempt by Crowley to "dumb down" the true "high-science" of Mysticism to his wife Rose's level of knowledge. The result combined the true, base-12 system of the Aeons with gross, Christian Trinitariansm. The result was the "3 Ages" of Liber Legis, the "father-mother-son" model, replaced the model of the 12 zodiac Aeons among the initiates of Crolwey's later OTO cult. The OTO has included high-ranking scientists (like Jack Parsons) and low-ranking soldiers (like Michael Aquino), and is based on revealing the true "sciences" only to the highest level initiates, while sowing the seeds of dischord, "Thelema" (the law of "do what you want") to the low level servitors. Unless you know how, you can accomplish nothing by will alone.

October, November, 1917: Bolshevik Revolution

The "Red" army take-over of the interim-government of Russia following the abdication of Czar Nicholas the preceding Spring is a much more important event for the rest of the world than it has proven to be for those of us in the western hemisphere's developed nations, like Switzerland or the USA. This is due, entirely, to the insulation of "capitalist" (metals backed) economies from the impact of Marxist "Communism." This "buffering" was accomplished by the "Soviet Block" of the "Iron Curtain" countries acting like the "Great Wall" of China between the east and west. Thus, while what we advertised and did in the west was purchaseable equally by the east, from the west's point of view, the embargo placed by the west on the east prevented all the progress and knowledge of the east from being known to the west. The result was the projection of a xenophobic secrecy onto the east by the west.

This is why it is so important to know the full story about the original Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, that resulted in the propped-up Soviet tyannical dictatorship under Lenin and Stalin, which weakened the Russian economy in an unwinable "arms race" against the west under Kruszchev until finally, under Gorbechev, the "Berlin Wall" (built following WWII) fell, and east merged with west, under the conditions the west had "won" the economic "cold-war."

Lenin was exiled to Switzerland in 1905 following a failed revolution in Moscow, when the Czar was forced to create the Democratic Duma. But the creation of a Duma was not enough for Lenin, nor for the US bankers who backed Trotsky, Lenin's accomplice, when he promised them a Leninist Russia would make a "peace pact" with Germany to end the eastern-front offensive during WWI. By 1917, Lenin was on a train from Switzerland to Russia with a small "Red" army and $5M of US backed, German financed gold. The bankers who backed Trotsky and Lenin included Max and Paul Warburg (handling the transfer), Jacob Schiff (investing $20M), JP Morgan (bankers), Rockefellers (oil, steel and railway) and Alfred Milner Rothschild (contributing 20M roubles).

October 1, 1918: Battle of Megiddo

Contrary to the doctrine of most modern Christian preists and preachers, the Battle of Armaggedon has already been fought. It was a light skirmmish during WWI that represented the culminating victory of the British over the Ottoman "Turkish" Empire in Palestine (modern Israel). Also called the "Rout of Nablus," the British offensive under General Edmund Allenby surrounded the Ottomans from the western Jezreel Valley, forcing them backward through the Carmel Ridge into the valley of the River Jordan. There, the British massacred the Ottomans with cavalry and bombs dropped from planes strafing above the helpless Turks.

This battle, beyond the Bahai faith that celebrates its immediate implications on the Christian religion (an effect otherwise totally ignored), is of primary importance to the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917. The Balfour Declaration was issued in a letter to the 2nd Baron, Walter Rothschild, and stated, in full:

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Essentially, the Balfour Declaration declared it a British Imperial mandate to conquer the "Holy Land" of Palestine and declare it a Zionist "Homeland" called Israel. This occured exactly 30 years later, however the geo-political landscape was vastly different by that point. In order for the Rothschild-Balfour pact to be realized, WWI, the Russian Revolution, WWII and the founding of the UN would all have to occur. To this day, the territories of this illegal occupation by British-backed Zionist "Diaspora Jews" is contested militarily by the Palestinians and diplomatically in the UN.

the "New Age" and millennairian eschatology

The "neo-Sethians" adamantly believe that if the Messiah does not come to save the elect souls, then the Apocalypse of Revelations will occur anyway, and none will be saved. Thus, they have sought to "prepare the way" for the coming of a Messiah, even if one is found form a non-Christian faith. They are simply cowards, hoping to ingratiate themselves to an alien God who could attack them and kill us all at any moment, and for virtually no reason. They know the declaration of the coming-Messiah is contrary not only to Christian second-cominingism, but also Jewish belief the Messiah's coming on the day of atonement cannot be predicted or known until it suddenly and spontaneously occurs. For this reason, the neo-Sethians pick no bones about worshipping the Jewish Satan and the Christian "Anit-Christ" (Gnostic "Lucifer" ). In a Theosophist utopia, religious tolerance would extend to Satanic sex-abuse cults as well as "Luciferian" Masonry, but would stop far short of allowing the reading of the current version of the BIble.

important durations:

July, 1999: Nostradamus X72

Nostradmus' most controversial quatrain, until the time it predicted, was both his most chronologically specific event, but also one of only a few that refer to what Nostradamus-scholars interpret as his references to the "third Anti-Christ." According to the scholars, the first of Nostradamus' forecasted "Anti-Christs" was Napolean, the emporer of France. The second was Hitler, whom Nostradamus refered to as "Histor" for the borderline-river where Hitler was born. The last remains controversial and contested, because he is believed to a prominent historical person alive now. Nostradamus refered to the "Third Anti-Christ" as "Mabus," an "Arab leader in a blue turban." This has generally been associated with the blue-colour symbolism of the United Nations, and prior to his hanging, many scholars believed Mabus was Saddam Hussein.

It appears that, despite Nostradamus' very specific date for his "X72" (tenth century, 72nd quatrain) prophecy, this revelation could only refer to the events we know to have occured on 9-11, 2001. Following is the original French/latin version by Nostradamus, and my own reading of the passage:

"L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois
Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d'effrayeur
Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois,
Auant apres Mars regner par bon heur.

in 1999 + 7 months (July)
the "Great King of Terror" (comes down from) "The Sky."
(he is the) Resurrection of the "Great King" of the Mongols (Genghis Khan).
Before and After, Mars rules in good fortune."

The significance of this date, which Nostradmus states so crystal clearly, is that it is the same duration prior to the turn of the millennium as the mirrored event of 9-11 was after it. In short 5/5/2000 + 9/11/2001 = 5/5/2000 - 7/1999.

5-5-2000: rebirth of earth

On Cinco De Mayo, the year between the last year of the second millennium (1000-2000AD) and the first year of the third millennium (2000-3000AD), there was an alignment of the seven planets in an arrangement called a "Grand Cross," although only Pluto and Neptune were actually at a ninety degree angle to the rest of the planets, which all aligned in Taurus. The significance of this to an astrologer is almost enough to implode their mind. However more significant than that is that most people remain unaware of this alignment having even occured at all. They are content to go to church down here on earth, and ignore the planets' influence on them. This does not make them "blind" nor "sheep," they are free to make their choice too. However, for those who are aware of this event, and its impact on geoplotical events both leading up to and following it, it explains the entire flux over the millennium.

At some point, at least 400 years ago (gregorian), and at most 2000 years ago (Julian), astronomers predicted that in the year we have come to call 2000AD there would be an event of astronomical significance that will mark a calendrical event of equal significance to the people as alignment would be in the solar system. This doesn't mean they could read the revolutions of the planets ahead by that many years, it merely meant they designed their calendar to mark the span of time between events of a cyclically occuring astronomical alignment.

However, it must not go under-stressed that it is the astronomical alignment event that dictated the duration measured by the calendar, and not the other way around. In brief, the year 2000 was called "2000" prior to 2000 not only due to it marking 2 millennia since the origin-year, "notional One," but because it also measures a larger cycle of durations that includes the alignments of our fellow members of the solar system. The calendar is based on astronomy, and thus it is no coincidence this alignment occured on the date of Cinco De Mayo on the year 2000.

9-11, 2001: death of the "Old Age"

There's really not much left I can say about 9-11 that hasn't already been denied as conspiracy by neo-cons and their propped-up "Commission's Report." In short, 9-11 was an arms show of reverse-engineered UFO-cloaking and mind-control technologies. It was done by the NSA, FEMA, the Carlylse Group and US STRATCOM. The motive was to start "World War 3," (what we now call "Gulf War 2" instead) as dictated in the "Pike-Mazzini" forgery, when the properietors of the plan alive now declare a US-led Crusade for Israel against Islam. This is a propped-up war, and there is no real justification for the murders commited since it began.

Some consider 9-11 a "Satanic Star-gate" due to the pentagon and twin-towers being the accomplished targets. Meanwhile, others raise the point that HAARP can target and vaporise a plane. What is my take in the midst of all of this? George W. Bush was a sucker for baseball, so I'll put this into terms even he could understand:

Think of the solar system as like a baseball diamond. On 5-5-2000 we had all men on base, and it was an election year in America. Who would be "up to bat" when the clock ticks down in the final hour? Would the world end when the planets aligned? At the time, some predicted a pole-shift, not only magnetic, but geographic, leading to complete global crustral displacement. There is evidence such an event has occured before at least twice since our planet cooled from magma. There was a terrible terror at the time, and when the 2000 election in the US resulted in a tie between the Democrat Al Gore and the Republican George Bush Jr, the whole world gasped and held its breath, waiting for the outcome.

Now skip to 9 months later, and in "universe A" (refer to the Jean Claude Van Damme movie "Time Cop" for more about the alternate universe where Gore won, or "universe B"). Bush comes up to bat. The planets are poised, and everyone again holds their breath with a mad ecstasy of hope and doubts. I think we here all agree on how the outcome of this has turned out by now.

12-21-2012: birth of the "New Age"

Because this event hasn't happened yet, I can't say what will occur for us. I can tell you a couple things that are "coincidental" to the year 2012 and astronomical alignment events and calendars, though. The Mayan "long count" combined the lunar "Tzolkin" calendar (used only by the priests) and the "Haab" or regular, 365 day solar calendar (known to all). 13 "Long Counts" will have passed between Dec. 21, 2012 and the date Aug, 13, 3114 bc (the Mayan "notional one" year). On the same exact date, the asteroid Apophis will pass closer to earth than the orbit of our own moon. I have contacted NASA directly regarding their threat assessment of this event, and they have assured me, personally, that it will not be a terrestrially-fatal event. It is almost 100% likely in my mind, also, that if NASA believed there were a dangerous collision scenario possible, it has the capability to deflect and or destroy the asteroid before it could pose a threat to our planet. Despite the evidence of thier origins, I trust the modern NASA-JPL. The "Apophis" event will only be a beautiful astronomical event, and not hail the destruction of our planet.

Now, knowing this, what we are undeniably confronted with is the same conclusion about the Mayans as we have just reached about the Julian-Gregorian calendar: both calendars are designed to measure two sepearate forms of astronomical event, and both worked to successfully predict astronomical events on their pivotal key days. The Mayans scheduled Apophis as exactly as the Christians scheduled the 7 planetary alignment.

How we choose to process the knowledge of these inter-planetary events in space beyond our own whole planet is really entirely up to each of us individually. We can choose to panic, or we can choose to lead. If we choose to lead by increasing the panic, when in truth there is no reason to fear that particular event, then it will be held as a mark against us by history if the event passes and the world doesn't end.

Conclusion: the death of the "New Age"

If the earth does not end in 2012, there will be even more people alive who believed the world would end than even in 2000AD, when only the die-hard Zionists and Catholics believed the world would end. Now, the internet has connected us all to certain, ante-dated, yet usefully explanatory, hints at their true motives along the way (ie. the Protocols, the Pike-Mazinni letter, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, etc.). These crumbs, however obvious in hindsight, remain hopelessly usless for the "gross masses" to yet understand the full picture without the last few missing pieces of the puzzle. This is the only reason we cannot even agree on what would be the best future for our planet as far ahead as only until 2012.

Regardless of what we believe will happen then, regardless even of whatever ends up actually happening then, if the earth does not end, the "New Age" movement will be declared a failure of eugenicist "utopianists" (in much the same way modern bank bail-outs are blamed on the free-market). No doubt there is nobody alive now on our whole planet who can even predict the exact true events that will occur in even ten seconds from their own present. Driving cars has conditioned many westerners to heighten survival-reflexes, and so some believe, wrongly, that they have developed ESP due to sunspots, when in point of fact, we have all had ESP all along, and have only been blinded to it by HAARP.

The best advice I can give to you is remain calm. No matter what happens, you won't die, you will live on beyond the flesh. This ride only ends when you are ready to get off. But just because you have chosen a different point of view on it, the ride goes on with or without you. The whole shape is essentially a massive screw, and we are only struggling up the thread while at the same time the column rotates opposite us, and drags the ground out from beneath our very feet.

~ Jon Gee
Decmber 7, 2009.

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