the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy


Now let us ask, specifically, "What is the Pythagorean Order of Death?"

To answer the question, what is the "Pythagorean Order of Death" (or POD for short), we must begin with asking the question, "What is the Order of Death?" first.

The Order of Death

Not all who are psychic belong to the Order of Death. But only those who are psychic are allowed to become members of the Order of Death. Those who are not psychic are made to become so by initiation into the Order of Death. There are many rituals offering entrance to the Order, there are many doors leading in. Once one has become a member of the Order of Death, one is elligible to vote in the psychic elections for the heads of the order who lead the invisible college. At this time in history, this means that certain positions are democratically elected while others are not. Presidents in Democracies are elected, the Pope is elected, etc. Others comprise their staff, who are appointed. A small group are appointed from birth. This group include royal monarchs and reincarnated Boddhisattvas. These too have the capacity to prommote their cabinet ex officio.

The presidents combine to form the democratic electorate: for example in modern society, the G-20 nations. Now among this group there are obviously special interest groups, such as AIPAC, the Carlysle Group, the Trilateral Commission, etc. However there is no cohesive organisation in opposition to these groups excercising their right to control the majority votes in the electorate's relative democracy.

The reason the Catholic Pope is an elected position is because he is supposed to serve as the chair of the electorate of presidents. At this time (+2010YP), he does not. However, when the G-20 becomes the G-22, he will be forced to step in. Until then, the Pope presides only in secret with the other 6 (and their alternates) from the Vatican bank (the orchestrating head of the global network of "national" central banks, called Majestic-12). Likewise, within this group there are smaller special interests controlling the majority, such as the CFR, the Bildeberg Group, and the Bohemian Grove Club.

The reason for the political pendulum swinging in two directions to come around full circle every aeon is simple: there is a magnetic polarisation due to rotation that occurs within any bicameral system. Thus, to measure the effect of time on gravity while on the surface of such a closed geometry, one employs the pendulum. Likewise, over time, the same force induces the same effect invisibly upon all objects bound to the surface of that sphere. Hence, the polarisation between opinions on popular public issues for political debate in the minds of loyal citizens.

Likewise, it is planetary polar centripedal force that induces inside our brains the chemical cascades leading to all ideas as centrifugal counter-spin on the planet's spherical surface. Therefore, regardless of who, no matter how good they are beforehand, comes to occupy the throne of ultimate authority over the first earth-wide, global empire, they will go mad from that much power. Hence the careful system of checks and balances proposed in Atlantean Democracy.

Therefore, on this planet at this time, among the psychics of the Order of Death who vote in the Order's elections of its presidents and pope, there remains a constant polarisation of opinion between two extremes: on the one-hand there are the "neo-Sethians" and on the other the "Pythagoreans." These tow compete over modern psychic politics for the goal of controlling the global telepathic communications system.

Just as there are happy, tolerant and helpful people in any same political group as there are authoritarian, totalitarian and sadistic people, so too are there both psychic conspirators and psychic revolutionaries in both ends of the current occult political spectrum. Thus, there are neo-sethian conspirators and neo-sethian revolutionaries, and there are pythogorean conspirators and pythagorean revolutionaries.

neo-Sethian conspirators

To "form order from chaos" is the proclaimed goal of those who conspire, but it is only to accomplish their group's will by manipulating other people into using their phsyical energies on the group's behalf they truly do so. The only way to achieve group-end goals is by using others otside the core group. This is simply necessary. No group can act on its own outside itself, it can only act alone within itself. To expand out into the world beyond the group, it must have the tacit support of strangers from afar. The silent majority are secret admirers of some very extreme ideas, however they are only so easily polarisable due to a fault not of their own choice.

Psychic conspirators seek to exploit their own faults in other people to bring about their own desired ends, to render strangers into "chaos servitors" to bring about "toxic magick." This can accomplish any ends the core group wills, and this core group can be either even (evil, passive) or odd (good, active).

Conspirators working in odd-numbered groups seek to liberate the minds of non-psychics to the psychic continuum, and to initiate them into the Order of Death in a way most pleasing to the initiate's self. Such are the Pythagorean conspirators, whom we will examine in a moment.

Conspirators working in even-numbered groups accomplish the will of their belief-collective. If an even group has even 1 more member than an odd numbered opponent group, the even gorup will prevail. However, no even numbered group can persevere throughout any adversity. As soon as the political winds turn, and the religious tides ebb, they vanish without trace.

The modern incarnation of this extremist form of evil are the "neo-Sethians." They worship the second-coming of the mythical firstborn human son of Adam and Eve following the fall and their expulsion from paradise. They believe in the rapture and the imminant eschaton. They desire to hasten and bring it about. They hate life and wish to see the world end. They are marked by the belief everyone but themselves are hopelessly inferior. Their skin shape-shifts reptilian when they lose thier mental concentration, and this effect can be captured on certain video media. They do so because they are manifesting a future evolutionary mutation to their genes. They appear reptilian because they are a throw-back to dinosaurs, and a pre-cursor to future avian, species.

The conspirators seek two things: to gain and maintain control over the most powerful force they can presently imagine, that being ZPE. ZPE comprises, for example, the cub-octahedronal framework for earth's lay-line grid, which in turn forms the chakras of our planet's electromagnetic aura. ZPE is often also called "anti-gravity" because it can reverse gravity effects, but by applying this same form of force, only amped up to a much more chaotic scalar wave field, one can also cause temporal effects as well. This is a non-physical force-field, however it can be influenced directly by the mind. Excercising mental accumen causes it to function on an electromagnetic level like a muscle, for example the heart. The mind, like the valves in a heart, expands and contracts at varying rates, and this variation of excitation results in changes in our surrounding environment on a non-physical level, akin to emotional mood or ambience.

The neo-Sethian, psychic conspirators, seek to gain mastery over ZPE, the mental force, because it is something they believe they instinctively lack by nature. Their religious views follow from the concept that Adam and Eve descended from paradise, that Seth descended from Adam and Eve, that Jesus descended from Seth, and so forth. They track a thread of histroical descent, and so there is descent among their innermost ranks. Each believes themselves loneliest and thus at the topmost of the ponzi when alone, but believes themselves part of a long line of traitors to their present world these liars call "history." In truth, they are the enemy within themselves, and there is no other.

neo-Sethian revolutionaries

While neo-sethian conspirators plot to control the world, neo-Sethian revolutionaries are acting on their behalf to bring about their every desired end. The neo-Sethian conspirators are shape-shifting reptilians. The neo-Sethian revolutionaries are the "shadow people" or the "Men In Black." They walk between the shadows in likeness of the crew that never sleeps, but they are the opposite of their own substance. Like two sides of one coin, the "shadow people" vampires and lycanthropic or zodiacal creatures of the night, and the "Men in Black" heroes or giant Nefilim who walk the earth now, are forever in pursuit of apprehending the other because they are diametrically opposed on a quantum level. The neo-Sethian revolutionaries are at the fore-front of self-destructive negation among even numbered groups.

The goal of the neo-Sethian conspirators is ultimate control over earth's entire global ZPE field, the so-called "Enochian Communications System" (or ECS for short). The goal of the neo-Sethian revolutionaries is making the short-term moves necessary to accomplish these longer term goals. Thus, we find neo-Sethian revolutionaries in politics, but they remain only like spies for a higher sect, the neo-Sethian conspirators.

Just as neo-Sethian conspirators appear to shape-shift reptilian, the neo-Sethian revolutionaries shape-shift insectile. Among the neo-Sethian sect, there is an OHO and an IHO, just as there are for the overall Order of Death. This sect within the Order's IHO is a conspirator, and their OHO is a revolutionary.

Again, the neo-Sethians believe they serve a God called the Great Burner, whose host of angels, the crew that never sleeps, serve as spirtual guides. Of course, the Pythagoreans think this is highly subjective, and the mysterious "Owl of Bohemia" and "Ascended Masters" seem dubious self-delusion at best.

However, it is equally important to realise the conspirators are the real threat of neo-Sethianism within the Order of Death, from the Pythagorean point of view. The conpsirators are the fanatical faction of the neo-Sethians, while the revolutionaries are merely foot-soldiers, following orders. The neo-Sethian revolutionaries are dangerous beyond belief. However the neo-Sethian conspirators are far moreso.

Just as the goal of the neo-Sethian conspirators is to control earth's global ZPE grid, the "ECS," their foot-soldiers, the "shadow people" and the "MIBs" have been actively taking it over on a person-to-person basis by shifting beliefs towards this objective for aeons. They do this by travelling, discorporeally, between a series of bodies in the form of a meme, or an info-worm, a simplified form of matrix-system virus. By travelling from mind to mind, an act called "body jumping" they elude capture and killing, and appear to posses all people's minds alike with an unerthly, super-human, God-like omniprescent power.

This power is simply ZPE. The more they apply it, the more amasses for the control by their masters. Thus, the neo-Sethians revolutionaries are merely drones, existing in a hive collective, wherein no one is more special than the rest.

These mental appiritions are capable of moving about in the short-range between minds, possessing a body here now, then another one over there. But they can only do this tactfully, via a transferance of energy between the two bodies (such as eye-contact, or the stop-and-go of traffic, etc).

The psychic conspirators, on the other hand, move about over much larger distances, and do so in leaps up above and over the horizon to a distant location. Short-range mental teleportation is called "body jumping," and long-range mental teleportation is called "body surfing." Body jumping is motive on our planet's surface, but on a mental plane between living beings. Body surfing employs an arcing trajectory to go beyond the mental plane and approach the astral plane beyond earth's EM-field. This employs the ECS for use in calculating trajectories.

This entire process of mental teleportation as an invisible meme, a projection of one's aura to another location, so-called "astral travel" (whether awake or while dreaming), uses ZPE, mind-over-matter, and anti-gravity, wrongly. The more one does this, the more their genetic material breaks down and the more prone to apparent mutation on-screen as they shape-shift to a retrogressive species in form they become.

The method of accomplishing mental teleportation is to experience a temporal form of jet-lag. The more one travels mentally, the more physically "absent minded" they become. Their minds go "off in space" and their bodies "burn out." It is said, "the star that burns twice as bright burns half as long." Using additional ZPE from one's surrounding environment to effect their will on another person's mind is damaging to the overall ZPE environment, and will result in negative consequences for the overall ZPE environment on a scale relative to the expansion of the mind - the distance it teleports. Because more damaage is done to the ZPE environment the more anyone exerts their will upon it, its use is prohibited among most members of the Order of Death, and the Pythagoreans have long taken a solemn oath against this.

The neo-Sethians draw their energy from lying to people.

Pythagorean revolutionaries

Firstly, there are Pythagoreans who have been IHO's of the entire global psychic Order of Death, there are Pythagoreans who are psychic and non-members of the Order, and there are non-psychic Pythagoreans.

Secondly, to understand the way the current Order of Death is politically structured, one must understand there are 6 OHO's and 1 IHO, such that there are 7 total, but that each OHO has a vice-officer, or an alternate for continuity of office. The 6 OHO's and their veeps are elected for temporary terms, and the 7th CEO of the thirteen Areopagite council is elected to serve for life.

Currently, the neo-Sethian faction comprises 3 out of the 6 seats: the 5 permanent member-nations of the UN and the revolving rotation position for the remainder of the General Assembly Nations to have temporary seats on the Security Council. The Pythagoreans comprise a ratio of one third the remainder of these 6, and moderate, indpependent, non-party affiliated individuals make up the remaining two thirds. The Pope remains the deciding factor, and his affiliation has long been to the neo-Sethians.

Thus, among the seven ruling parties of the global democratic politics of the psychic Order of Death, 4 are neo-Sethian, 2 are unaffiliated, and 1 a Pythagorean. Were the Pope the Pythagorean, and the neo-Sethians less popularly accepted, then the balance of the earth's force would be restored. Atlantean Democracy's political chess board would be evened out, and the entire playing field  would be equal.

This is the goal of the Pythagorean party, however it is not a goal at all shared by or similar to those of the much more powerful neo-Sethian faction. If the Pythagoreans even only had two, instead of only one, of the 7 seats, then there would be a better balance. However, while there remain three factions of neo-Sethians, one IHO over all, 3 OHO's and three appointed secretaries of these OHO's, there yet remains only one Pythagorean position, held by a popularly elected non-psychic.

The Pythagorean position is cold hard rational anaylsis. It does not believe in any pre-written future, or anyone else but its own understanding of the meaning of the past. However, even though there is only one Pythagorean position in the 7 representative electorate, there are still two sides within the party. One is the conpsirator and the other the revolutionary aspect. Thus, even the single chair held by Pythagoreans in the 13 Areopagaites (Majestic 12 comprised of 6X2 plus the Pope) is divided between an OHO and an IHO.

However, the Pythagorean OHO is the conspirator-side, while the IHO is the revolutionary. This is the reverse of the "neo-Sethian" side, wherein the OHO is the revolutionary, and the IHO the conpirator. Thus, the role of the Pythagorean revolutionary is the pivotal point for the single seat on the 7, and the IHO over the OHO of the 12 and the 13.

Because the single seat currently held by the Pythagorean party is the one open to the non-psychic public through popular election (the "runner-up" for president), the IHO of the Pythagoreans is revolutionary, while the OHO is conspiratorial; both are non-psychic. Neither claims to forecast the future, or to know what is in the best interest of the majority, yet both represent more limited forms of government's imposition on the mental lives of its citizens. This is both a Pythagorean ideal belief and a concession to the growing population of non-psychics.

The non-psychics are capable of performing a revolution at any moment. Their few elected candidates, though forever only underdogs and runners-up, are more popular among non-pyschics than is the influence of the neo-Sethian empire capable of controlling. Currently, as the original founders of Atlantean Democracy intended for global government it to be, the revolutionary IHO holds the key to unlocking a non-psychic revolution against the majority of the psychics they oppose, if in a minority party, however this minority party is currently the Pythagoreans, and we do not advocate releasing a non-psychic revolution against the currently more powerful neo-Sethians at this time.

What we do advocate is a return to the simple number-theory principles at the basic core of Atlantean Democracy, the long occult, now possible to attain over all earth, psychic global government. The "Founders" advocated direct democracy, not a representative republic. However so long as the neo-Sethians hold the majority of the electorate, it remains premature for the Pythagorean IHO of the public seat to unleash a non-psychic revolution.

Pythagorean conspirators

The Pythagorean equivalent of the neo-Sethian-side conspirators are called "conspiracy theorists" by the non-psychic media. Hitherto, the non-psychic media has thwarted these "conspiracy theorists" to assemble into a single group, adopt a unifying doctrine and effect change alike a political committee. Instead, they are encouraged to compete and to discredit one another, and to follow into specialised fields of science that do not share data-sets. In this way, the non-psychic media breaks down the resolve of the moderates, the non-psychics, and the majority of the masses, into mental slaves.

The Pythagorean conspirator OHOs and the neo-Sethian revolutionary OHO's do battle on the psychic plane, but it is kept out of the non-psychic media. The neo-Sethian, insectile Men in Black and other anthropozoomorphs of the night-side, manifest in the minds of those who become distracted alike spirits possessing a host body. Meanwhile, the Pythagorean "hippies" and "terrorists" are hunted down and squished, and, because they are never allowed to organise, have failed to develop a sustainable political party, despite their platform being so popular among non-psychics.

So, we return to the goal of the Pythagorean Order of Death to find the answer to "What is the POD?" The goal of the Pythagoreans in the Order of Death now is to establish a working system of initiatory rituals along levels of rank to counter the neo-Sethian power-elite. However at every attempt of doing so, throughout the past 2000 years, the efforts of the Pythagorean party have been stifled and our message perverted by the neo-Sethians in power. The Pythagorean party remains the out-numbered under-dog, and portrayed by the school-yard bullies in the non-psychic media as a fringe that threatens to fray the very fabric of civilisation itself.

What the "Pythagorean Order of Death" (or POD for short) proposes for this end is: the adoption on an international scale of the system of "Atlantean Democracy." There are 7 CEOs over Majestic 13 already. There remains only the motivation of the member nations of the General Assembly of the UN to rally into the form of a 23 member world court for the balance to be accomplished. However, until that time, the Pythagorean popular minority remains powerless to summon a revolution of the mind, to achieve the goal of every Pythagorean conpsirator: the freeing of the mental slave to the full, God-like capacity of their mind. Thus, in the manifesto of the Pythagorean Order of Death document, I have said that we are a conspiracy that wants to set non-psychics' minds free.

The Pythagorean tradition of today upholds the initiation type of ceremony that has long been practised by the Order of Death to initiate new psychics and to pass them into membership and elligibility to vote. Inside a sacred ceremonial space, the vault, we surround, enclose and immerse the initiate into a ritual experience every bit as real to their mind as any traditional initiation ritual is performed on their body.

The Pythagorean Order of Death is as much a form of reality as the neo-Sethian belief system. However it is less popular due to the fact it is mis-portrayed in the media who are controlled by the majority of the electorate, who in turn have developed nepitisitic loyalities to criminal gangsterism as their modus operendi. This is due to the moral decline of the neo-Sethians, who reached their peak 2000 years ago. The Pythagorean era that has been perpetually postponed will begin to break forth in full force during the 21st century and beyond lies the utopia of Atlantean Democracy.

The Pythagorean Order of Death is the crowning head of this movement as it begins its glorious birthing achievement. But it has been there since the time of our school's founder, Pythagoras, who divided the psychic Order of Death into a system of continuity of office redundancies, an IHO and OHO, and began the system of conpsirators and revolutionary parties in the psychic Democracy. Its conception was announced with the second coming of Seth, called Yeshua Ben Padiah, and it continues on now despite the neo-Sethian movement attempting to stage a global military coup-de-tat to impliment martial law over the non-psychic revolutionaries.

The force that the POD represents cannot be stopped once it has been set into motion. It is as relentless as the revolution of the sunrises and sets. The POD may be forgotten, but Pythagoreanism is not going away anytime soon, and the Order of Death will persist so long as sentient life remains on earth.

Don't be fooled. The Pythagorean Order of Death is real. And those ideals we cherish are those of the greater good, and will not be going away anytime soon. They will outlive us, but more importantly, they will outlive the very ideals of neo-Sethianism itself. Pythagoreanism as the name for these ideals will be forgotten, but the ideals themselves will not. Neo-Sethianism's name and ideals will fall long before then.

Moderates and Non-Pyschics

The battle for the minds of moderate voters in elections using the non-psychic media is very real. But it is the star that burns twice as bright for half as long. In the end, when we achieve global scale Atlantean Democracy, we shall cease to need it, and will be ready to become part of the galactic community. In truth, the POD is only a "learning lodge" addended to the true Order of Death.

Psychic moderates believe in the ideals of republicanism, that it is conservative to want things to return to a smaller, simpler time, and for the government to interfere less with individuals' lives. These are good ideals. They do not advocate the neo-Sethian extremism of wanting to end the world, but they do nothing to prevent it from ruling us all either.

Non-psychics believe in the ideals of Democratism, that it is liberal to want the majority to rule, the state exists to serve the will of the majority, and to benefit them all they seek to render the state supbserviant. These are also good ideals. They do not advocate the neo-Sethian conpsiracy whose tentacles are behind every CIA "front company," but they do nothing to prevent it from running things either.

The psychic moderates and the non-psychics form a symbiont circle. They are like predator and prey, or virus and host. The moderate psychics continually bully the non-psychics. They lie to them from their first breath, and do every secret thing they can imagine to screw one anothers' heads up, the faster and more permanently the better. But this is only a mask, a surface facade, behind which the psychic is hiding the fact they are using the non-psychic audience's unconscious ability to control outcomes against them.

Psychic moderates fill every position of media power. From politics, to pundits, to comedians, to talk-show hosts, to rock-stars, to entertainers of any kind, these fools line the halls of power with hungry flotsam, waiting to leech off any passer-by. They stand along hallways in highschool, ridiculing everyone walking by in a loud tone. They push you down in the sandbox and tie your shoes together. They all become cops and narcs. To themselves, they are civilisation, and any non-psychic is to be exterminated. This is simply the "march of progress," and any victim merely a "sad-face" statistic on the evening news.

Non-psychics are more than just statistics. The age group of kids between 7 and 24 now owns most of the disposable income and controls most of the buying power during the peak seasons of the american free market's tidal ebb and flow. Cars, gas and college diplomas are bought and paid for. Christmas presents, credit cards and cell-phones are too. However, so long as the majority of the non-psychic population remains enslaved in the public school system (or to the mentality of those who "graduate" from it) they will be indentured servants of their evil, psychic elders, who will depend on their younger generations for their health care and retirement costs.

Not only are kids prone to being kept in the dark to their full potential for power in a fully psychic society, the homeless are another extreme example. However, even the majority of moderate psychics are not living up to their full psychic potentials, and instead merely abuse their psychic powers by feeding off the mental energy of others. Most of the neo-Sethians in positions of power consider moderate psychics and celebrities in the non-psychic media control system merely "sad" statistics or even as low as they do non-psychics. However, so long as the moderate psychics are locked in a death grip of manipulation and love-hatred with their non-psychic offspring, then no real change can occur that would favour non-psychic goals.


In conclusion, the POD is a means of establishing a social class system in the psychic realm of the ECS. It wishes to globalise democracy, and it seeks to free the minds of all to their fullest potential extent.


- Jonathan Barlow Gee

Tallahassee, Florida

November 4, 2010

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