the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
Second in a series of podcasts featuring Peter Moon* & Jonathan Barlow Gee** discussing the Enochian system and time-travel.
This is very relevant because it demonstrates that the people at the highest levels of power - whether it be government or clergy - take this deadly seriously. Which tells us that anybody using this - attempting to use it - is considered a rival. Therefore, they must be eliminated. Wow. So this goes into the next realm of the psychology of time-travel, which is: censorship; so you’re censoring people’s ability to do this stuff. Now, we live in a culture now where nobody is gong to censor you - at least politically, I mean in a legal sense. You can go cast all the spells you want and you’re not going to get burned at the stake - at least in America. There might be consequences through other realms and whatnot; you might be attracting other entities that might consider you a rival to their powers, but - at least in the plebeian sense - the police aren’t going to come to you and arrest you for casting spells. It’s a very different era. But when I go take it back to the subject of time-travel, your’e dealing with the same thing. If you start experimenting with time, Dr. David Anderson has the proclivity to show up at your door because he has a “temporal tremor detector” and he can say, “hey, you’ve been experimenting with time, what are you doing?” And then all of a sudden, “Wow, he knows this.” So it’s like we’re dealing with a constant principle of “gate-keeping” in the universe. So this takes the realm of “power,” as he has often said, “is often all-consumed with censorship.” So now we’re seeing that “power” is a matter of “gate-keeping” and what gates can you walk through. Every one of us has a different “gate” in our lives. If you want to go to a university, you have to pass the gate-keeper, with entrance exams and credentials. If you want to get a new job and get money, you have to go through the gate-keeper: the hirer. If you want to go into Costco, you have to have a Costco card to get in. It’s like everybody is moving in their own steam of life, their own orbit of life, and they have to deal with their own gate-keeping. It is a normal function of living in life. When we take it to the more extremes of power, or the corridors of power, when we’re talking about government; the new book I’m working on, “Inside the Earth,” talks about getting past the gate-keepers to the inner-earth. And more than “gate-keepers,” these are actual “gates.” Gates, I guess there’s gate-keepers in between then, but it all has to do with resonance. It’s: What do you resonate? These gate facilities into the inner-earth will resonate with some people, the book that I’m publishing and editing is going to resonate with some people. It will answer many questions for those people who’ve consciously or sub-consciously explored these realms. It’ll answer many questions. Some people could care less about it, they’ll just go on living their work-a-day life. So, all of this has to do with resonance, and like so many things that I’ve studied or participated in, whether even the process of writing, it all comes back to yourself, and your own journey, and becoming self-aware. So it all comes back to the self, eventually, because the self is the one who started out on the quest in the first place.
Well, that sounds about right from a series of different perspectives. If it comes back down to the self, centered on the ego, then each one of the pathways or sigils on the circuit-board that forms its own little piece of the program is basically like an individual’s lifespan - their travels here and there, and not just across the surface of the earth, but also up and down mentally, psychically - and if we look at this entire system as artificial, I think it begins to become clearer how so many people seem to be caught up in the mundanity of social ritual behaviors, things such as money, material items and status in society. They’re more or less automatons in that sense, because they don’t have developed egos in a vertical sense, they may have developed egos in a downward sense even, but not elevated. In that regard, I think the system maybe alive in a sense, but I don’t think that life itself is boxed into the system exclusively. I think that life has free will that can change the system and I think that the human practice of control is something that can be changed, because I don’t think it’s necessarily a universal principle.
Well, I would agree with you, but one thing is: when we start talking about gatekeeping and that everybody’s on their own gate, and you know, blah blah blah; there’s another factor, that involves and this is what you would call: outside interference, outside danger. Because when we think of people just going along and doing their business - and we’re also alluding to the prospect that some people are just too interested in hand-to-mouth feeding themselves and gratifying their lower urges to live and survive and not seeking a higher aspiration to evolve or move beyond. Where this becomes critical - not only to those people but to anybody - is we go back to the analogy of NAZI Germany. And I will just give an example from a friend of mine who was of German extraction. His parents were - it was his grandparents or his parents I don’t remember - lived in NAZI Germany and they basically, they were not Jewish, but they said, “things are going crazy here,” and they moved to the United States; and that’s how he got to the United States. So, in other words, they saw the chaos. In other words, whether somebody likes the NAZI party or does not like it, basically chaos was being bred there and great dancer for anybody, particularly if you were Jewish or of a targeted ethnicity, but it wasn’t just dangerous for those people, it was also dangerous for the Germans themselves because of what was going to ensue there, and not only in Germany but across Europe and many other parts of the world during World War Two. ...
... So when you have a menacing element on the horizon - and we can go back to the Biblical stories of Sodom and Gammorha, there was too much, what you’d say, not paying attention to the higher aspirations of the individual. So an individual has to be a gatekeeper not only for what’s going on in his immediate world - does he have to make sure he has enough money to keep his kids fed and get them through school - but what is going on in the outside world around him that might discombobulate his life in a negative way. So, I’ve constantly when we used to have meetings on Long Island, people would constantly bring up this stuff: “Long Island’s going to fall into the ocean.” “There’s going to be a big tidal wave that’s going to wipe out Long Island.” And this kind of like real negative prophecy that was being generated by people, and I always thought that the reason that they did this is so that everybody would be reduced to their own level of misery. And this is a factor when you’re dealing with gate-keeping, you have to keep the gates out on people like that; but you have to also keep the gates open to see if there is actual danger, and are you in the right place at the right time. This is just a point of reference that is very important. So when we’re talking what with my interest with regards to the technology of time-travel, that has it’s own, sometimes there are elements associated with that which can be very dangerous or dubious and don’t walk down that pathway. Let it resolve itself. That’s all I had to say about that.
Well, I don’t have much more than that to add. If we’re going to talk about time-travel as it relates to the Enochian material, I’d be happy to do so, but it’s a huge subject.
Well, I think we should save that for our next podcast if we decide to go down that road.
I agree.
We’ve gone wherever we’ve gone today, and it was basically a follow-up to our last podcast which produced some very nice results, so we’ll see where we go with this one. So, I thank you very much for participating at the spur of the moment here, and my website is “time travel education center dot com” and also, to get books, “Sky Books USA dot com.” And give your website again, Jonathan?
Well, today my websites are “Youtube/benpadiah” (B-E-N-P-A-D-I-A-H) and “Issuu/benpadiah” (I-S-S-U-U, B-E-N-P-A-D-I-A-H) and those are my video and ebook websites.
Great. Thank you very much.
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