the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
A Damascus resident speaks to Al Jazeera via Skype about a rocket attack in the Syrian capital, that she described as a "big and huge explosion" that caused ...
The glass is half full. It's a 50/50 this is a WAg the Dog type scenario I hope and pray with all that is in my heart and soul and what ever the fuck else energy I can summon from with in my self to radiate throughout in unto up through above below and everything that is everything in between here and there and everywhere else that has will and will have to be and will be in and of existence that I cannot even comprehend to mention because it is beyond my realm of even the possibility of imagining. That pretty much sums up my prayer that that is NOT A FUCKING BABY NUKE! Nope. Nuh uh. No way. No fucking way Jose.
Super 1984 unfucking happyface emoticon piss my pants. Just seeing it made my heart hurt. It hurt so bad I think it may be possibly bullshit.
I hope.
I can hear 2 different types of audio. The video and the news broadcaster. The video voices could be fake al yippy ki yai duh/ contract mercenary. Al Jay-Zeerah could be the bitch step sister to See'N En no news spiderweb network. :) After watching it I have this odd feeling like I had with the boston bombing drill that the script could go either way. The report says people heard a "rocket". Was is Isreal? Was it US? Was it Syrian Rebels? Russia? China? N. Korea? You could literally fill in the blank with any of the options and it would be totally believable. Like Boston it's "virtual casualty" list, I put that on everything I think this may be a "virtual Nuke". And if that were the case I pray that if it is human destiny for WW 3 to happen, I hope it's a "virtual" world war. :)
Because then we would have a chance to render war "virtually pointless".
"Iran and Syria are showing considerable restraint in the face of these attacks" doesn't really begin to sum it up. Their voices are silenced in the western controlled media right now. Ahmedenijad is a better orator than Obama. He is either biting his silver tongue till it bleeds, or else there is somebody holding a sword of Damocles to his throat to make him appear mute, or at least moot. I pray for the poor people in these nations.
It's bad. I came home and watched the news today and became very sad. I pray for them too. They have gone through so much already. They're just regular people like you and I. So sad.
I'm sick of these crazy son of a bitches making these hair trigger decisions. What makes me even more sick is when people tell me I shouldn't worry about it. Thanks Jon, great video. It summed up everything for me and now I'm up to date. We shall over come. Hope is hard to kill. :)
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