the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

Sicksince's Comments

Comment Wall (6 comments)

At 2:46am on December 3, 2010, William Alijia Russ IV said…
killisto producing the four horseman album for canibus ras kass priest and "kurrupt" does not know about atma and masta buildaz he must why is this not on the mainstream SICK SENCE?!?!?!? "since" we are here?
At 2:46am on December 3, 2010, William Alijia Russ IV said…
duly and truly. idealy with out idea. ideas without idealism. ???
At 1:20pm on July 7, 2011, Jonathan Barlow Gee said…
word, brother. I just got out of the mental asylum ("behavioural health centre") for a 5th time. Tried to whack myself with pills, some stranger online took it to heart to call the cops to my address and have my "baker acted." Not too cool. But whatever, I am fine as sun shine right now, and pushing in other directions. I am really glad to hear from you here brother. Have you checked out the copy of "ordo historia" I sent you on facebook? By the way, I deleted all my accounts on there. Too creeped out by it for now. Anyway, glad to know you're still kicking it in the old countries. I will be keeping it for real right here. PEACE. - Jon
At 10:29pm on July 7, 2011, Jonathan Barlow Gee said…
Brother Sicks, it's nigh past time for the Ascension! There's too much dualism in the news, because the news hasn't been "new" for 60 years. Bluebeam is a natural outgrowth of the Protocols and Silent Weapons. The Protocols states quite clearly: "gold is power." Silent weapons describes the entire Federal Reserve system concisely by saying "cash is a power conductor." All these visions we been dreaming, and writing about, and spitting on lyrics, are the result of transduction of electrical current through the HAARP-controlled mental-energy grid. If gangstas be rapping about "cheddar" like they rats in a maze, and rapping about infusing this activity with positivism, it does more damage to the scheme of things on an individual level, but it just ends up strengthening the collective mind-set. If we want to get out of this time-loop, we got to ascend up above it, see the whole cycle for what it really is, and try to balance our minds to it and act in accordance with that. The crux of it is this: the energy-field of earth that allows us our common visions, our mutual thoughts, is NOT man-made, and is NOT in mankind's power to ultimately control. Bluebeam is simply turning that system on using mechanical means, like tv, radio, HAARP, etc. The system itself is natural, and so are its changes. See, what I think most people know, but just don't care enough to think very deeply about, is that the damage being done by our current temporal loop-hole is affecting our minds, and because this invisible horizon remains taboo, we witness it instead by physical activities, pollution, wars, disease, revolutions, bail-outs, etc. But as bad as it gets on the surface of this planet, it can still shake it all off. The damage done to our minds when we try to "play dumb" or "don't wake the baby," when we speak about the common current end-times scenarios, for example, occurs as simply tuning out excess information; it seems harmless, even helpful, but it erodes our minds from within.
At 10:35pm on July 7, 2011, Jonathan Barlow Gee said…
I guess all I'm sayin is that we gotta BE the ascension, we gotta step up above for ourselves, and get our heads outta this quagmire of material existence, and that this means looking at a longer-term, more natural-based as opposed to mechanical or man-made, method of measuring events, on a historical social scale. There's gotta be more to the Ascension than just bluebeam end-times scenarios, in the same way the New Age emcees' lyrical content is more than a minor evolutionary leap forward from gangsta rap. I think the whole key is to extract what we can characterise as potentially fictional histories, textbooks and myths alike, set all that to one side, and then look at what is left over as being True. PEACE! - Jon
At 4:48pm on January 18, 2016, john garner michels said…

ha what up,man i used one of your beats for secret passageway i can send it to you via soundcloud if you wanna heart kinda gave me a laugh

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