the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
""An estimate of the total number of humans who have ever lived was prepared by Carl Haub of the nonprofit Population Reference Bureau in 1995, and was subsequently updated in 2002 and 2011; the 2011 figure was approximately 107 billion. Haub characterized this figure as an estimate that required "selecting population sizes for different points from antiquity to the present and applying assumed birth rates to each period". Several other scholarly estimates published in the first decade of the 21st century give figures ranging from approximately 100 billion to 115 billion.""
""According to genetic and fossil evidence, archaic Homo sapiens evolved to anatomically modern humans solely in Africa, between 200,000 and 100,000 years ago, with members of one branch leaving Africa by 60,000 years ago and over time replacing earlier human populations such as Neanderthals and Homo erectus.""
world population (as of sept 12, 2015) is around 7 billion, 272 million.
107 billion "modern homo-sapiens" have lived and died on our planet earth over the last 200,000 years, and around 7 billion people are alive on this planet right now. If we factor them into how many people lived before now, we have a rough estimated figure of 114 billion people.
"Let's Have a War" - Fear.
""Just about reincarnation and where all the new souls come from over time. Everybody always says that they've been the reincarnation of Cleopatra or Alexander the Great. I always want to tell them they were probably some dumb fuck like everybody else. I mean, it's impossible. Think about it. The world population has doubled in the past 40 years, right? So if you really believe in that ego thing of one eternal soul, then you have only 50% chance of your soul being over 40. And for it to be over 150 years old, then it's only one out of six.""
(scene from the film) "Mr. Nobody"
celebration of the death dream...
The truth about metempsychosis (or the continued survival of the "soul" - as a container for the "mind" of "memories" and a "self-awareness" - after the death of the biological body - which serves as its vessel while alive) is this: the soul dissipates across more and more vast a distance over time, and the "ego" dissolves more and more the thinner it is spread. The "soul" (or vessel for the continued existence of a "mind" - as "memories" AND "ego" - after bodily death) is a mental form of being itself. Shared memories revolving around the "ego" of a survivor may provide the "hungry ghost" of one recently deceased a place of refuge in their early "afterlife" existence, but over the generations these memories, even if passed down, will begin to fade into vagueness and their preservations become distorted. Eventually the "soul" in the form of a person's memories in the minds of later people will resemble a diametric opposition to everything the original person stood for.
Every being whose memories we devote time to recalling frequently continues to exist (even after their body's biological death), as a fragmented, mental-only form of being inside of our minds. This part of the other being becomes detached from its originator's persona, and becomes attached to our own, and often this mental reflection can oppose and conflict with its supposed source. The more "person A" thinks about and dwells upon their ideal of "Person B," the less "Person B" will be able to relate with, let alone live up to, the image held up for them by "Person A." Admiration, appreciation, even familial affection, yet mixed with complex fears, are common symptoms of this syndrome, but it is not driven by only either extreme feelings of compassion or distrust, but both; obsession is the mother of all "love / hate relationships." Whether you are voyeuristically stalking someone because you think about them constantly in a "good" way or in a "bad" way is ultimately irrelevant from both the behavioristic point of view that considers "stalking" a "privacy invasion" crime and the psycho-analytical point of view that considers "obsession" a "mental illness."
The manner in which "love-hate" and "obsession" relate to metempsychosis, or the preservation of the soul after death, is that, the more people remember a historical figure after the death of that actual person, the longer the person's "soul" lives on in history beyond their own lifetime. People with large cult followings after their deaths suffer the fate of having their "memories" recalled for a longer time, yet watching helplessly as their original "ego" is slowly misinterpreted, misrepresented, misconstrued and ultimately becomes irrelevant to the independent existence of their memories. Nevertheless, this method of surviving bodily death as a "soul" proves 100% effective, 100% of the time; much more than can be said for any other theory regarding preservation of the soul after bodily death or proposition about the nature of the afterlife for such.
let us consider the "soul" as a pattern of energy by examining the nature of a similar, more commonly perceived object, with similar physical properties: a soap bubble. So let us say that the soap bubble shape of the "soul" is called the "aura," that the soap part of the bubble is the "ego," that the water molecules in the soap bubble are the "memories," held together in a tensile structure by the soap, and that the contents of the bubble would be "mind;" in the sense that there is air inside the bubble alike the same air outside it, yet they are separated by the surface of the bubble, there is "mind" within the "aura" of the "soul" and there is "mind" beyond the "aura" of the "soul," and though they are both of the same sort of substance - a zero-point energy field - they are slightly unlike, and this difference is measured as the "ego."
the ego, once independent of the body and in the form of a soul, does not "make direct replications" of itself in the form of the increased scattering apart of direct memories about them. The ego, once a bodiless soul, has no means of causing any outcome to occur, unless it fully possesses the mind of a later living body.
there are not "human" and "non-human" Spirits. There are not even, technically, "human" or "non-human" souls. Dogs have souls, but when the dog's body dies, as with a human's, their soul leaves the body and it ceases to be the "soul" of a "dog" or of a "human" and becomes simply a "soul" - a torus of electromagnetic energy flowing in a more or less unique pattern on its surface.
also, if a soul enters a living body, and does so prior to any "other" soul entering that living body, is that "body" then NOT the body of THAT "soul" itself, and that soul alone? So, who is to say when the soul first enters the living body of a biological organism, or how?
different things in different cases. Sometimes the psychology of a person comes to believe itself dispossessed by its "original ego" or "central self-concept" and become possessed by "something" or "someone" else. This can occur as psychogenic fugue states such as in multiple-personality syndrome, which was originally discovered by psychologists studying the NAZI concentration camp physicians during the Nuremberg trials, which found that most of them had developed MPD to cope with the inhumanities they were being told to commit. Were these men "possessed"? If "possession" by "evil ghosts" CAN occur, to what extent is chosen reincarnation an attempt by "good ghosts" to combat them in this middle-ground, our physical plane?
so the "soul" is a "wave" of "mind" within a universal, zero-point energy "field," also of "mind" as well. How does one, while living, seek to access this greater, universal-scale of mental energy, and by doing so, how does one seek to increase their own "soul," to better preserve their "memories" in this cosmic "akasha"?
just as a soap bubble of air can float in a medium of air, so can a bubble containing air rise toward the surface of a body of water. When the exterior surface tension is greater than the interior, the bubble is less likely to pop than when they are exactly equalized, when it is most likely to pop. So, when the "mind" outside the "aura" of the "soul" of the "ego" and the "mind" inside equate, the bonds between "memories" formed by the "ego" break apart, and the "ego" ceases to be a cohesive bonding element for them.
for further consideration on the nature of the "mind" while it is alive as a "soul" inhabiting a biological body as opposed to the nature of the "mind" while it exists as an electromagnetic torus after leaving the biological body at its death:
The truth about the existence or non-existence of the theist hypothesis for deity is that, regardless of what anyone believes about their own concept of "god," this idealization they envision both exists and non-exists simultaneously. In quantum-mechanics this is referred to as "super-position."
As a fact of solid, material reality - the universal space-time continuum of all matter-energy - "god" (in any form imaginable) cannot exist; there is no such thing as a "more ideal form" of anything that exists, there is only that which exists, thus all belief is self-delusion. However, at the same time, what we imagine does have the semblance of solidity (within our minds), and thus the appearance of existence (to our minds), if not existence in itself (as a solid material body); but, as a mental-only "archetype" of all humanity, any mind can conjure up a hallucinated apparition to serve as its definition for deity, if need be. The question then becomes: "if something appears to exist only within the mind, is it not equally real to something manifest as a definite, empirical fact, but that is beyond the mind's present reach and unknown?"
Traditionally, the existential argument posited by biology is that "existence precedes essence" - meaning the body evolved before the mind, which is, then, merely an appendage of the body - and that our perceptions (easily deceived) are all that allow us to become aware of the nature of our surrounding environment; however the cosmological argument posed by quantum mechanics and astrophysics posits that "operant observer principle" (the presence of an actively interfering factor from a higher vantage position above all the rest) is a necessary facet for explaining how the "uncertainty principle" can yield "atomic structure." According to the "uncertainty principle," a quantum object that is not being directly observed exists in a condition of "super-position," or multiple quantum-states simultaneously. The usual comparison is a cat in a box that is both "dead" and "alive" simultaneously because we cannot see it (this is in brief, the actual allegory is more complex).
Is "god," then, both "dead" and "alive" at once? If it were not for this mysterious law of physics governing quantum size-scales, then there could not be a mystery about whether or not there is such a thing as "god;" and yet, though we perceive the solution, we don't yet apprehend it.
Picture it like a coin: on one side is the "face" of "god" - all that is "good," all we "imagine" as being "more ideal" and "better than" what is; and on the reverse-side of the coin is the "tail" of the "devil" - all that is "base," all we can "know" and "apprehend" as being "empirical facts" about our surrounding "material reality," even though dependent on our flawed senses to comprehend. When this coin spins, the two appear to be one; the coin spins while we watch it. But when we look away, the coin stops revolving and falls flat onto one side or the other: either symbolically "good" as "an ideal god," or "evil" as "base matter." This is the true nature of reality: that what we believe is just an illusion, created by the motion of polar opposites that, whenever we do not sustain their duality by direct observation, cannot coexist, and collapse into a singular form that is, in truth, all that really is.
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