the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
"The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegestos"
(a modernization of its language, by: Jonathan Barlow Gee)
1. Here is a Certain Truth: Beyond All Doubt.
2. The Single Greatest Work is "As Above, So Below."
3. As It Has Always Been, All Is Now; So Mote It Be Forever.
4. Iao Father Sun, Aum Mother Moon!
5. By Wind Nursed, by Earth Nourished!
6. Maker of Talismans and Sealer of Omens, Perfected Illuminator,
7. Like A Comet Fallen Earthward to Divide Order Out of Chaos,
8. That "Runs And Returns," Ever Inward And Outward, So "As Above, Below."
9. By the Splendors of Illumination, Let the Cloud of Unknowing Disperse!
10. The Force Surrounds and Permeates Everything; It Binds All Existence Into One;
11. The Form of the Microcosm and that of the Macrocosmos are the Same.
12. Let No One Ignorant of (Such) Geometry Enter Here.
13. Engraved These Words, Did I, Hermas, The Thrice Most Wise,
14. Onto This Emerald Tablet, Concealed in a Secret Crypt.
- cf. for earlier interpretations.
- cf. to learn more.
“How does one sing a song through silence?”
I cast a vast net into the sky and this I called my mind. But thoughts passed through its mesh like mists in the boughs of weeping willows. So this net I sent up beyond even the sky's borders, into the darkness of the vast empty void beyond our home planet's own atmosphere. From there the thoughts below became clear.
"The events the contemporary populous consider most important and those recalled about an era in later history texts as being such seldom coincide."
What is Wisdom? It was once said, and to this day it remains believed by the majority, that "wisdom is knowing you know nothing." This is and isn't true; it certainly is incomplete. To complete this equation let us follow the initial premise through to its logical extent: if "wisdom is knowing you know nothing," how does one "know they know nothing"? To know you know nothing is still to know something. But this only means that you know how little you know compared to how much there is to know. This conclusion is inferred from the similar saying from another, equally ancient, tradition, that: "fear of god is the beginning of wisdom." So, if "wisdom" means both: "knowing how little you know," and "fear of the unknown" (personified as "god" in the form of some unknown power over you); then wisdom is merely instinct - to be able to close one's eyes and "feel the enemy," or to meditate and to experience the "presence" of "god" - that is, "Shekinah" or the "bride of god." However, as I said initially, this entire premise is an incomplete definition for the concept. It was said of the sayer of the originally quoted saying that he (Socrates) was a wise man. The attributes of Socrates are many, but there are not many other "wise men" alike him to compare him to. It is said, also, that mankind (or the vast majority at least) are Fools, while a Sage is wise; again, there are few sages throughout history. Confucius was a Sage; Buddha could be considered a Sage; certainly Jesus and Muhammad could be as well. Modern wise sages are few, and their council should always be sought. Noam Chomsky is very wise. Stephen Hawking could be seen as a modern Sage, alike Socrates; Michio Kaku as well. Nevertheless, no matter how many their skilled and practical followers, the majority remain possessed of superstitious, false beliefs. It is far preferable, even for those who "know" the same sort of "intellectual" information as Hawking or Chomsky to engage in pointless, heated debates with conspiracy theorists over whether the earth is flat or round. The historical records of our species being so scarce in their listing of wise sages among our kind leaves a dismal accounting of our some 10 billion humans to have ever lived. So, what is Wisdom? Is it like that ever ineffable "forbidden fruit" we always desire yet can never attain? Wisdom is not per se "knowing you know nothing," but knowing the true value of all your knowledge to amount to nothing in the face of virtually infinite space-time.
Truth Is Timeless.
music is the most effective form of mind-control mankind has yet invented. For this reason, Woodie Guthrie's guitar was called a "fascist killing machine."
the most common conspiracy that sustains and supports the entire vast global conspiracy called "civilization" involves only two co-conspirators, equally and mutually involved, and is called the conspiracy of "Love."
love is true.
how does the spurned lover suffer? alone, ever alone. And so they may seek to fill this void, but only with anything other than love. And so many turn to "god" this way, seeking to prove an idea can sustain a person as well as another person can (ever untrue). And so they fall along the way-side. But what does the scorned lover do who has found "god" when they discover their former lover is now an outright atheist? Why, the scorned lover renounces their life-long quest to prove the existence of some cosmic mind and intelligent designer, and adopts atheism themselves as well, ever at their lover's heals, like the dog at the feet of the fool. Does it matter? If there is a god or not is an irrelevancy, compared to the primary necessity for survival of love.
knowledge is finite. it is therefore false, or at least "less true" than emotions, which, we may be certain, are of a more primal and instinctive nature. Nevertheless, emotions extend beyond knowledge into the realm of an "abyss," or a "cloud of unknowing," and because this abyss is frightening to some, "safety in numbers" dictates the majority should value knowledge, albeit limited, over emotions, though the latter may be less restricted than the former.
Emotions should, rightly, be considered a "fuel" source for the psychological engine of the intellect. The intellect is wise to select its emotional diet very, very carefully, but one should NEVER become prone to censorship in any form.
the angst one feels emotionally can serve as a bottomless well-spring for creative sublimation and catharsis as one attempts to attain impossible apotheosis.
reality dictates that an individual organism experience more negative stimuli than positive over the duration of its lifespan, whether it is sentient about this cognition or not. An amoeba, though short-lived, may, even in the isolation of a petri dish, be subjected to the pokes of the needle and the prods by the scientist, and so suffer for its entire existence. Likewise, the human organism, able to infer such grandiose meanings for this simple fact of nature, is tortured most by our millions of millions of nerve-endings' immeasurable sensitivity to the perception of even the simplest of stimuli.
Our impotence to balance nature's negative and positive stimuli drives the mind of mankind into a frenzy, causing our species (alone) to raise sky-scraper monuments and worship false idols in our futile attempts to "make right" our innate sensation of suffering. The more we feel empathic pain from the perception of natural stimuli, the more driven we feel to make changes to nature to improve its stimuli's effect on our personal psyche, but when we attempt to do so, nature retaliates, and this foments an endless "cycle of abuse" that leads nowhere and feeds on the destruction of both the perceiver and the perceived.
Time is subjective to our perception. Our perception is subjective to Truth. Time is therefore "thrice removed from," or "three times" as subjective as, Truth. If Time is more a part of the "abyss" or "cloud of unknowing" than it is of the "intellect" and "knowledge," it is thus opposite on this spectrum from Truth, which is, then, central to "knowledge" and "intellect." However it is not the presence, but the sensation of its absence, that causes Truth to motivate the engine of the intellect to expand outward and to envelope inwards more of the abyss and thus to disperse the "cloud of unknowing." This perception of Truth as an Absence brings about a Hunger to discover Truth, and thus a Thirst also to manifest Ideals - such as "good" and "justice," etc.
Square vs. Circle until the end of the world.
Circle is turtle, slow and steady wins the race, ever revolving from west ever eastward, ever around and around.
Square is hare, born and bred in the briars, quick to violence, slow to reason, ever thinking itself ahead of the wolves, ever falling behind.
What is "flow" but a continuous series of "breaks"? What is an ocean besides a multitude of drops?
one passion chases the tail of the other, and so lovers enter into the conspiracy called "love." "love" is "true," that is considered "real," because it is "known" - not as a solid material object, but as surely as one can be in the form of a purely intellectual ideal. "Love" is expressed in Genesis as the "Forbidden Fruit." True Love brings with it only "Knowledge of Good and of its opposite: Evil." Thus, we are indoctrinated, and thus is seared into our cerebrums, that "Love" is Impossible to Fully Apprehend, no matter that we all experience it at some point in our lifetimes. Love is scorned in the education of virgins; the final test they must pass is to face what they have been conditioned to fear: Love itself.
Birth is Circle and Death is Square. But in the final moment of life, as one dies, life is experienced in reverse: in death, birth becomes as death was in life: it is seen as an evil, feared for its finality. In the reverse of ordinary chronological cause and effect's sequential unfurling, birth becomes "evil," and death (a form of "second birth") is seen as a "good." Death and birth are the same action in opposite durational directions: the baby ushered forth into life from the womb and the corpse ushered out from life and commended to the tomb.
Heaven topples at the feet of the Universe's Mind, and who besides they that can outthink light-speed can even seek to aspire to know the contents of this mind's thoughts?
the greatest lie is the existence of the mind.
All differences of appearance are superficial. There is no significant distinction between the so-called "races" of humanity besides, at most divisions in ideologies resulting from ancient, false, racial theories. The premise of advocating diversity is shunned only in a racially-motivated culture. But these are all founded on beliefs that are only "skin-deep." People that cannot see through one's apparent "racial" distinctions on a genetic level, and perceive the distinctly individuating spark of light that is the hidden soul within them, are not technically "people," but a form of sub-species, de-evolved from the branch of the human genus over the last 3 aeons. To explain the premise that "things are not what they appear" to someone who has chosen to be blinded by false "racial" theories is equal folly to explaining to a neanderthal that, at the speed of light, distance in space and duration in time merge into a single faster-than-light hyperspace dimension of tachyons. No one down here on planet earth cares, almost nobody understands, and most who do not understand are also violent. It is a dangerous place to be stuck.
when we look at a tree we see the bark, but beneath the bark are the rings of softer pulp inside the tree, the tens, and hundreds, and even (in some cases) thousands of years they have stood witness to inscribed onto these layers like sounds in the groove of a record. Those who see only the bark will refuse, unto death, to believe in the rings inside the tree, unless shown them, and in most cases will continue to resist even then. For this reason there remains deforestation of the rain forests to print paper money with.
Those who see only the surface, and will look no deeper, CHOOSE ignorance, and so are NOT technically "homo-sapiens" because this term means "sapient," or, in modern terms: "self-aware." What does it mean to BE "self aware"? "Temet Nocse" means "know thyself;" as Socrates supposedly said: "the unexamined life is not worth living." Yet SO MANY people sacrifice their soul to embrace, instead, ignorance, shallowness, superficiality, entitlement, a "dumbed down" world-view, an intentionally distorted perspective on current events, etc. And so many of these are so eager to resort to physical violence; the role of pacifist on this planet is a braver and more dangerous road to walk than that of the "warrior" - Oh Ye "Noble Savages."
those who are "homo sapiens" among the rest of these "hungry ghosts" (these "damned" indeed, cursed to walk the earth in human flesh, possessed by demons from an early age) - the remaining "human beings" amongst "mankind," thus are no longer merely "homo-sapiens" but have been evolved, by default, more than their less "sapient" peers. We, who would maintain sapience during this period of time, have thus been thrust forward (as the remaining regiment stepped back) and, as such, have been forced into the role of "leadership," though undesired; we must, thus, now accept this mantle of "homo-superiority" to our own, less self-aware contemporaries.
I keep seeing "clues," subtle little "hints" that seem to me to be trying to indicate little flaws, little cracks in the "official story" version of reality, where the truth still shines through, where the "light gets in." I know I am only an idea, that my body itself is only an idea, inside the cosmic holographic mind, and that, if this universal "god-complex" wanted to, it could switch off my "life" at any moment by killing my body or removing from it my "mind," which is NOT "mine," but merely a microcosmic shard reflecting the macrocosmic all. I know the body of which my own body is only the "ego" inside this sleeper's dreamt of cosmic mind has died, and this leaves my own "ego-body" limited lifetime as well in which to accomplish what I chose (before existence) to come here to do. I am only a projection of a past lifetime in the last moment of a dying body's dying mind. I am made of another being's memories, and all whom I encounter are, likewise, merely reflections of these. This world is an unconscious mind, the cosmos just a dream inside a dying body's dying brain; life is subconscious and barely self-aware, most people live in routine cages; individual people are the only consciousnesses inside the non-self aware, sleeping, unconscious cosmos, but most people squander this on, as said, "routine cages."
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