the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
resources: (SCID self-test pdf) (DES self-test pdf)
it is the height of egoism to believe nothing exists, that all is mind, or perception, or that everything we sense is all one big illusion. Solipsism, nihilism and "mentalism" (the belief expressed in the Kybalion as "the universe is mental") are terrifying things to think of the human species imagining. What other species can sit under them and look up at the canopied stars of unending night and think to themselves, "this is false," or "all of this is fake"? The universe existed before our kind, self-titled "sapients" - capable of perceiving reality and perceiving themselves doing so at the same time. To think we invent all we perceive by our mind tricking our perception is a hellacious philosophical farce dating back at least to Rene DesCartes in the mid-1600's. Yet people to this day promulgate this orientalist gibberish as pay-worthy advice. Nowhere did Buddha advise his students (to my knowledge at least) that "nothing is true, everything is permitted." But the old man of the mountain did. "Theosophy" is only a syncretist fad, a failed attempt at a "one-world religion" for the "new world order." Yet what more "secret doctrine" lies buried in its tomes of nonsense than that "nothing matters," that "nothing is true," and that "none of this is real"? Many suspect they maybe experiencing a form of "temporal overlap" with not only "past-lives" but also "future selves" as well, whereby an individual's mind may experience "flash-backs" and "flash-forwards" that access the "akashic records," a well-spring of "new age" rhetoric, "ascended masters" using automatic authors as "trance-channelers" and recently a lot of pseudoscientific gossip about a "galactic federation of light" comprised of multiple aliens from nearby planets in the milky way. All of this is delusional, but is only a microscopic fraction of the ancient delusion of theism. With all these REASONS to disassociate, is there ANY wonder why people do so? With all these people forcing delusions down your throat, why NOT simply believe "everything is an illusion"? Even if you know it is not what is best, why NOT go along with the stampeding herd headed toward a cliff? Yet people continue with these delusions, and in so doing label those who would escape them as the ones who are "delusional," "dissociative" or "dreamers." Is it purely idealism to imagine a world without religion? Is it purely utopian to imagine a world without any need for one? In our lifetimes, we will be 3-d printing GMO "food" in our great-grand children's kitchens. Isn't it time we remembered what it is we are afraid to admit? Isn't it about time to tear down the memory walls that hide us from the truth? Isn't it time for peace to become ubiquitous internally AND externally alike?
if we think of theism as a false spell cast over the minds of ~90% of the +7 billion human beings alive today, then the question becomes how to "break the god-spell." How can the mind of mankind recover from the traumatic induction of belief in a false concept of a, truly non-existent, "god"? How does one "emancipate themselves from mental slavery" and so forth? So long as the answer to this remains unique to each individual, there can be no mass "exodus" away from theism and toward rational atheism, because in this manner, conversion from one form of belief to a form of rational logic that questions all belief occurs uniquely for each individual, and thus no consensus of experiences that achieve this conversion can be statistically ascertained. In short, although theism is a group hypnotic ritual reinforced false belief, atheism (the absence of this belief) can only be attained by individuals breaking away from organized religious theist groups. Once these individuals are thus liberated from this collective mind-state, they may align with one another, but until they constitute a statistical majority of the living human population instead of theists, atheists will be marginalized, endangered and threatened by theists.
solipsism and nihilism lead to a dead-end. This dead-end has been referred to as "the memory-hole." Down this hole has fallen almost all history, but most significantly, the very recent crimes of the US CIA, DOD and State Department. When people say "we" invaded Iraq, or that "the terrorists" were responsible for 9-11, I cringe. This simple, thoughtless re-association of terms, for victory from "them" to "us" and of blame from "the incumbent administration" to "arab terrorists" translates to an individual, dumb though they maybe, willfully associating themselves with a criminal cartel that is steadily involved in war-crimes, daily atrocities and bourgeoisie free-living, eating caviare and drinking champagne while laughing about how many Iraqi children they killed that day - dead for nothing but the "crime of being Muslim." Not only is the average American family complacent about this process of fascism's encroachment on their personal civil liberties, they are confronted, with little possibility for debate in their living rooms, by a presidential election cycle wherein BOTH candidates are on the same side politically - one opposed to the best interests of the average American family. There is no choice when the candidates running are Hitler and Stalin, as they say. We, the people of America, neither need nor want the ongoing "war for oil" being fought on our behalf, killing off our own youth when they volunteer for armed service for the promise of a college fund, only to have their own core services out-sourced to private companies, who leave them "ill funded, ill trained and ill equipped" and, if god forbid wounded, to face a viciously defunded veteran's administration when they return from this imploding "front." Most average American families are not only aware of all this, they have direct first-hand experience with at least some part of this whole rotten "chain of command." People, as a species, hedge their bets. Right now, the average middle class american house-hold is holding their breaths and hoping that they are going to survive what they realize will be an unavoidable surge of disgust with and distaste for them, and rightly so, de-popularizing the American middle-class, robbing them of their "victim's hoods" and revealing them as "wolves in sheep's clothing." By now most Americans are fascists; plain and simple. And of those who are willingly outright fascists, most are also proud to adopt the NAZI philosophies of Adolf Hitler as well. This is not merely "troubling news" in your "feed" online. This is a fact of daily life here in the American suburbs, and our ineffectuality toward the "war machine" waging genocide in our name, and in the name of our "national defense," allows it to continue, daily and nightly, to wage war by drone planes and proxy host nations' militaries, by radio-waves broadcast from long range, and by remote control, to kill families, and children, and wives and husbands, even right now at the very second I am writing these words. This isn't an "Israeli" war-crime, when Likkud and Netenyahu bomb Gaza; this isn't a "Zionist" cabal when American politicians drain American taxes into arming Israel; these aren't "western" war-crimes. These are EVERYBODY crimes, these are murders that affect EVERYBODY; the WHOLE VILLAGE. And when Hillary Clinton says, "who cares?" she means, no one will remember tomorrow to blame the US State Department for its crimes of today - and that the American people are safely enough hypnotized to be entrusted to vote for her for President, and forgive her for slaughtering the US Ambassador to Benghazi, because "a vote for Clinton is a vote against Trump;" plain and simple. Is she wrong? I don't think so. I would wager 99.99% of everyone alive at the time I write this, who have the misfortune to have read all these words, will forget their content in less than 48 hours after having done so. That's simply the nature of the "memory hole." Americans are hypnotized amnesiacs; the only other option available is to admit that Americans are willingly fascist NAZIs, and this remains, while true, too horrible a truth for most to face, resulting in the same "self-displacement" delusion.
To say, "my grandparents were all abusive drunks," or that, "my uncle was a child-molester," or that, "I drink too much," or that "I over-sexualize my female coworkers because I subconsciously wish I was female" - these are NOT topics people discuss outside therapist offices in this nation, in this day and age. "Family secrets" are contrary to a vogue topic for discussion; is it any wonder why video-game tech-designers sound like they're speaking newspeak their jargon is so detached from modern slang. Everyone of us are sinners guilty of the crime of "omission," and while the venal sins (and by indulgence even the mortal ones as well) maybe forgiven and atoned for through penance, they cannot even be admitted to without confession, and thus, to commit a sin, but to omit it from one's admissions of guilt, is to commit an unforgivable mortal sin in itself. And yet, we do not go around making confession of our deepest innermost darkest secrets to every stranger on the street. The reason for this is obvious: CEOs and NYSE traders would prefer to shake hands and exchange business cards rather than delve to the level of "full disclosure" on first meeting - they'd prefer to resort to this only over a pitcher's worth of liquor at 2AM at some otherwise worthless poison peddler, if ever. Civilization is built on secrecy and the "little white lie" of guilt for "original sin" and the belief in an "all seeing eye" that "forgives all" anyway. What absurd nonsense modern life requires us to believe. As a result of keeping these deep, dark secrets that - though traumatic and damaging - rarely even result from ourselves or our own actions, we eventually self-abuse so much we dissociate. This has become so endemic in modern imperial citizenship that it is an aspect of globalist culture, a "movement" in itself: the "movement" to "forgive and forget." Because this psychological disorder is seen as necessary for the day-to-day efficient functionality of society as it exists post-industrialism, and because it is a mental-illness suffered by the majority of modern people, psychogenic amnesia cannot, rightly, be considered a disorder so much as an emotion; amnesia under imperialism is only one (albeit the most overpowering) of the spectrum of all emotions - happiness, sadness, anger, etc. - and acts alike an "umbrella term" encompassing the rest. It is the ABSENCE of the crown-chakra; it is the blockage of the mind's aura. For this reason, whenever dealing with its bureaucracies, citizens under imperialism have an innate distrust of the State for the safety of their own fates. In truth it is as George HW Bush once said, "If the people knew what we had done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us." But the truth is even worse and deeper than this: the people do know, but, led along blindly, they embrace their enemy, forgetting they are their enemy, forgetting themselves, forgetting everything.
The modern "globalist" model of imperialist western civilization is only ONE possible option for how to structure a human society, and not even the best one at that. Therefore, those who advocate for its supremacy "uber alles" are worse than myopic fools, they are dangerous zealots, the foot-soldiers of a truly organized criminal network, the ultimate "gang," the "globalists."
Shrink Statism. Put politics into a pressure cooker.
In a world the natural laws of which bred us to be vicious savages, the quest for fair and equable justice is the only truly noble cause.
humanity cannot morally and evolutionarily progress unless and until we accept that knowledge and intellect are based only on truth and facts and not on trivial memorization of fictional myths, and that, as long as we suppress truth and facts beneath the dishonesty of advocating the value of fictional myths instead, we will remain in our presently "retarded" phase of developmental neoteny.
ideals are like oil on the watery surface of reality. A "better world," some call it the "kingdom of heaven," exists invisibly overlapping our own worldly realm. Being able to sense this invisible netherworld is a mutation, uniquely found in only a few among the whole of the human species. Idealism is a rare gem in all the cosmos and should be cherished and nurtured as one would their own child; likewise, it should not be raised up to become a means to achieving violent or destructive ends, such as the reshaping of the material cosmos to fit our perceptions of this invisible, "ideal" realm. While possible - even on the scale of the local universe in its entirety - such remaking the material elements of reality as we see fit, and thus "playing god," will never benefit the masses, life itself, or the stability of the space-time continuum, and can only result in increasing entropy. Nevertheless, there are "more" and "less" damaging forms of weaponry possible to reverse-engineer from this "ideal" world, so unlike our own the very word "weapon" sounds alien. Thus, if we focus our attentions on manifesting anything, it should be a thing that is less harmful and more harmless than the opposite of these. If we make a weapon, it is immoral. If we make a tool or a toy, its "morality" is at least debatable: how long will it take for our enemies to weaponize our invention and use it against us? That is the only real concern for any true idealist: where the oil and water meet. Peace.
a tool is less harmful than a weapon. a toy is more harmless than a weapon. if we focus on manifestation, therefore, it is better to manifest tools than weapons, and ideally best to manifest only toys, and neither weapons nor tools.
a toy could be manifested made of ether-energy that could result in causing synchronicity for its maker, however the temptation to use synchronicity as a tool for guidance would probably rapidly lead to such a toy being weaponized, such as by all the synchronicity events leading its maker in a shrinking circle or so-called "downward spiral."
The best we can hope for as conscientious citizens is a "controlled crash" and to avoid literal "neo-feudalism" on the way back down. I would posit, and I do not doubt you agree, the original intentions of the "bill of rights" and the ideal of "limited government" are good models for rebuilding society, and will hopefully prove to come in handy among the people who will want to do so. I do not foresee the entire economy "collapsing" as many "trends predictors" have long proselytized, but I do foresee a steady, slow decline in the standard of living, a trend that traces back as long ago as to the founding of the Federal Reserve in 1913. What you and I do as individuals in this present economic environment depends entirely on our own goals for the future and what kind of world we would like to see become possible for our future generations. My vote is for "Atlantean Democracy" as a means of shrinking government's role in the average person's life. I foresee "min-archism" becoming a more and more popular concept, as Statism gradually withers toward Anarchy. Anarchy can only work peacefully if people are completely domesticated and able to "self-govern," to have "self-control" and to "self-censor" their antisocial actions. Still, it can and will eventually work. Peace.
Contemporary (corporate manipulated) media's inability to provide true "heroes" from amongst this generation (outside "American Idol" or "losers with talent," "get famous quick" game shows, etc.) does not mean we are lacking in people worthy of that title. Real heroes, like Luke Rudowski, Julian Assange, Ron Paul, etc. don't get celebrated on American TV, but that doesn't mean they aren't out there, working on behalf of the rest of us, as most of us are working toward the same goals as them. And, again, we may have different ways of getting there, but I know with every fiber of my being we will all wind up in the same place. Peace.
there are ~7,316,154,900 people alive on planet earth now.*
there are ~3,341,936,250 people using the internet RIGHT NOW. **
There are NOT so "few" like us.
on the other hand, each human being is entirely unique, so none of us are truly "like" each other, either.
Attempting to "perfect" the human being, to "help" them attain their full potential for achieving meaningful reason to exist, is not only impossible (due to reverse-psychology) but also extremely dangerous (considering all reasons for people to live are imaginary, and anyone who attempts to force their own onto others is a tyrant). People (even clones) are each unique, will each have their own independent motives, and see their own survival as the most important thing above all else. That is the essence of the instinct for "free-will." This "soul" cannot be bred-out, it cannot be beaten out, it cannot be eaten away by machines. It is who and what IS human about humanity, and seeking to "perfect" this, in any way, misses the point it is already perfect as it is.
that is humanity's role in the natural processes involved in our changing environment. As empires rise and fall, struggling against one another for relevance, they apply different strategies to do so. As they rise, they seek to acquire what is beyond their borders. As they decline, they only see the benefit in destroying what is beyond their ability to use for themselves.
If death did not exist naturally, mankind would have invented it.
If not for grocery stores and prostitution, there would have been no lure for people to come live in the cities. They are just giant ant-piles
Anarchy preceded Statism. The hypothesis of Statism is not more than 6,000 years old. Prior to this, for the 4.5 billion years life existed on earth, there were only Natural Laws as government and only the Natural State to govern; yet we managed to survive. If we had not survived Natural "Anarchy" for 4.5 billion years, we would not have been around to posit the hypothesis of Statism some ~6,000 years ago.
Anarchy is the highest valued goal of both radical liberalism in the form of Socialist Communism (the "withering away" of the "dictatorship by the proletariat") AND reactionary paleoconservative-ism in the form of Libertarian Minarchism (a "free market" gold-coin economy with minimal third-party oversight). As such Anarchism is opposed by and opposed to ONLY "neo-conservative-ism" ("corporatist" / fascist totalitarianism) and "neo-liberalism" (zionist protocols' "end of days" monarchism). The modern State being comprised of a majority of "neo-cons" and "neo-libs" who advocate war and dictatorship, the State opposes and is opposed by modern Anarchism. However, also because of the current State being so comprised, modern Anarchism finds itself arguing against the State using the politics and terminology thereof from 20th century "liberal" and "paleo-conservative" movements - Anarchism backing political "anarcho-communism" on the one hand OR "anarcho-capitalism" on the other. Anarchy is separate from BOTH "communism" AND "capitalism," however, because the Natural State of Anarchy allows both, as well as unlimited other philosophies, but depends for its own existence on none.
Make vast the divide between the State and the Church, and instead combine religion with the financial economy. Unify the faith of the people with the goal of finding funding for their survival, and the result will be a free-energy based form of currency. Peace.
the worship of excessive hoarding of intangible assets (that is, having a big "savings account") is already deeply endemic in the modern model for civilization. The only difference between this and the POD's model of an "Atlantean" society powered by "free-energy" antennae (the ECS) broadcasting unlimited power globally for everyone to use for anything, is that to achieve such a society based on limitless free power, we would have to nudge the progress of modern society only slightly more toward the direction of realizing that "money has replaced god," just as "god" once replaced "gods." Ideally, there is a "god;" in reality, there is only "money."
in short, free-energy can't replace money until money has finally been accepted as having already replaced god.
it doesn't require ironic art to awaken the masses to their condition for evolution from one phase of globalizing society to become the next. Luckily enough for you, me and everyone else, eventually "money" will replace the concept of "god" so completely that the very idea of "god" will be forgotten, and then, some while still after that, the idea of "money" will be forgotten as well. People will simply adapt to new modalities and, in so doing, will forget the old modalities that are no longer applicable to them anymore. Once people lived in caves, now we have houses. Once people prayed in churches, in temples, in mosques. Now people pray to their television sets, their automatic-teller-machines, and to traffic lights. The modality of communication with the defining idea (the "watchers," the "over-seers" the "annunaki" or "gods") has not changed: people worship the deus-ex-machina now as surely as, before, they sacrificed cloven hoofed animals to offer praise to the "one true god," and as, before then, they slew one another to demonstrate the dominance of one "god" against another in a "pantheon." People do not NEED to "wake up" or "be aware" of such changes occurring around them for these changes to occur. These changes usually take generations to occur, and, as I said, people adapt.
however of those who follow such lines of reasoning most are paranoid chatterers who have nothing of significance to contribute to the historical story's continuation. Such "second coming" preachers promote patience with authoritarianism's incremental encroachment against personal liberty and dependency on the belief in a savior, someone who will magically appear to forgive their sins and punish their enemies. This is neither a new nor innovative belief, and "neo-Sethianism" is only the modern recurrence due to the calendrical millennium of the "Sethite" Gnostics who believed, around 2000 years ago, that Jesus was the "second coming" of Seth, the 3rd son of Adam and Eve. It does little to hang all humanity's hopes on a single savior / scape-goat, especially if doing so distracts the people from taking responsibility for their own survival.
in the gospel scriptures, Matthew 16:23, Jesus says to Peter, "get thee behind me satan," but in passage 16:18, He said to Peter, "upon this rock I will build my church." So, was Christ simply mistaken about his trust of Peter prior to seeing that his selection for "first Pope" would betray him three times before dawn on the night of his own trial? Or is there some kind of backwards logic at play that is "not for the uninitiated" among the unwashed masses to understand? In my opinion, such religious gibberish is utter rubbish altogether, but it does establish a precedent, at the very foundation of the Roman Catholic Christian tradition, to associate the Pope with the devil.
history isn't made by the "gods" themselves, but on their behalf by those fools tricked into believing in them.
"money" = "mammon." It is said, "a man cannot serve two masters." So it has been likened with "Christ" and "Mammon." You can either believe in the "moral messiah," the "savior" of monotheism, or you can accept the reality that "mal-och," the fire-devouring child-eater, an oven with the head of a bull, has already replaced the personal teachings of the Sermon on the Mount within the hearts and minds of the true powers behind the Catholic Papacy. However it does not end there. This "adversary" has infiltrated everywhere into the independent lives of our species; as you said yourself, "if there wasn't money in the equation," then civilization as we know it would collapse and we would be left with "societies of people bartering." The belief our present model of civilization is the most "utopian" option available is as false as the belief in a monotheist deity by ANY definition. Modern civilization being founded entirely on fiat currency, the industrial revolution having been impossible without which, humans NOW can be seen as repeating the same mistake warned against by the moral of the deluge and the purging of the "nefilim."
I dread the day they crown their global king.
it does not matter what you or I know, suspect, believe or wish to be true about the "real person" the character of Jesus in the NT Bible was based on. The whole belief in a "king of the world" who will "save us from ourselves" is a lie. The word "devil" only arose as an adjective for real people who did evil deeds. Therefore, those who advocate the belief in a "savior" are liars and doing the "devil's work" for him. This is true of all priests now, but also of EVERYBODY who believes in, let alone who uses, fiat currency as well. The belief "money has value" is seen as as much of a "little white lie" as the belief it is okay to raise kids to believe in Santa Claus.
just so with "1984," yet no less used as a model for subsequent social engineering by this same conspiracy of manipulators, operating outside the boundaries of social convention in order to change these to better suit their own agenda, whatever that maybe.
these are just social conventions we once lacked, then someone suggested, others adopted and which have gradually come to be the mores of modern belief.
as is the belief in the value of any form of "money"...
once we realize all of these "ideals" are equally arbitrary, it remains to determine which ones are "helpful" and which "harmful" to hold onto, to embrace or let go, and then, how to move on from one "ideal" we had long-held as a "true belief," once we discover a better option to believe in instead, and how to transit from one "belief" to another, and by doing so, to distill "beliefs" from what is true, factual "knowledge."
I don't mean to say "all beliefs are false," but definitely all belief is dangerous because it is equally likely to be proven either true or false. To the extent beliefs are false they are dangerous weapons being used against the full potential capacity for growth, expansion and evolution of the human mind. For example, the belief humanity NEEDS a "savior" makes people dependent on it for their own "salvation." Without this belief, we would all be able to act freely as we truly are: masters of our own fates and with free-will to control all the possible outcomes around us in our immediate environment. Instead of reacting to the content on the television screen, people could realize they hold the remote-control in their own hand, and simply switch the machine that is brain-washing them off. However it is the belief that the content on-screen is of greater personal value to them than the more immediate presence of the remote-control, the true means to their own personal salvation, that keeps people from realizing they themselves have the power to control when and for what "the end is nigh at hand."
the catholic pope is a powerless mascot, controlled by political pressures put onto the office as part and karmic parcel of deeds done by the office's prior holders. the same is true of the office of US president. If you try to implement anything outside the plan for the masses as prescribed by past "meta-physicians," there is no question of ostracism, you will simply be executed so quickly you will not even see it coming.
pedophile priests are a byproduct of the moral corruption fomenting within the gates of Vatican City. If the cabal of pederast cardinals did not believe they could shelter their own perversions under the auspices of the simpler term "homosexuality," they would not seek to shelter their perverse kindred abroad within the cloth by aiding and abetting the creation of an international kiddy-porn network. The argument about "pedophile priests" is simply being permanently stalled behind the debate about "homosexual priests." In a religious hierarchy that STILL does not admit females as clergy, it will likely be yet another 666 years before any progress is made toward righting the current wrongs perpetrated by the Roman Papacy, the Holy See, the Vatican 2 Council, the Vatican Banks, the Vatican Archives, and the whole of St. Peter's Basilica down to the Swiss Guard staff. All Roman citizens are to blame for looking the other way while the pederast cardinals within their own city purchase local prostitution services, rent local rooms and perform their perverse sadistic pseudo-sexual fetishistic rituals and rites. But, so long as this remains the case, because these sadistic demons within the Church can now, as they always have, simply plead naivety of the norms, then the Pope remains in check-mate, unable (even if willing) to try to stop their cancerous progress, growing like a tumor within the Catholic faith.
the Catholic clergy are simply an older fraternity, and so they exhibit now the same symptoms a junior fraternity such as freemasonry, or even a comparably sophomoric fraternity like skull and bones, should be expected to exhibit as well if left to become as large and influential as modern-day Papism.
it was put into an impossible position from the start. You cannot preach "peace" using the weapons of war. You cannot teach "truth" by lying. You cannot conceal "truth" in "fiction" and expect to never experience interior moral corruption. Some experiments were always meant to be self-terminating. The reason the expression "catholic guilt" exists is because the Roman legions were used to convert european celts, gauls, germans and anglo-saxons to the religious dictates of the Roman Catholic church, and to progress this process of "conversion" among the "faithful," torture (pogroms), extortion (taxation), and war (crusades) were all used to weed out the unfaithful and those who disbelieved in "original sin." This monotheist myth, the Genesis story of the Garden of Eden, from which the concept of "original sin" originates, is a lie. Therefore, "catholic guilt" is a principle founded on the moral bankruptcy one feels at their core for internalizing, expressing as valuable and acting to carry out the fulfillment of the interests of, this lie: monotheism itself.
"Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown", from "Henry IV," Part 2 (Act III, Scene I). - William Shakespeare.
What is a crown? A perinatal fetish, symbolic of the principality or kingdom, worn around the temples of the skull by the sovereign monarch, to remind them they and their estate are one. There are, however, the many crowns and then, above them all, the one crown that unites the rest under itself alone. In ha QBLH, the name of this "one true crown" is "Kether." What is Kether? In ha QBLH, it describes how Kether forms alike how a lens focuses a beam of light. Kether is like a bright spotlight, globally singling out one individual to become the "most high" of all. This one is then set up to rule over all others by serving as their one-world king and as a world-savior. However, Kether never settles upon anyone for long.
"Time is an Abyss. Freedom gives you Wings."
What Is Freedom? Freedom is knowing innocence. To be innocent and naive is to be a young fool, in love with life. But to be innocent and know this is to realize one's full potential. If one is knowingly innocent, they can stand up against the theist idea of deity itself. Such is the nature of Righteousness. One maybe self-righteous, but this is not innocence; it is ignorance: to know one is wrong and to push forward anyway. When one is righteous with innocence, one feels virtually invincible. That is the experience of true freedom: the freedom to do anything you want is only possible if you have the power to be able to do anything you can imagine.
To have freedom for one's body requires free space. Likewise, to have freedom for one's mind requires free time. If you have no "free time" you are not free. If you only have a little "free time," you are only a little free. If you have your whole life and no obligations to abide by anyone else's schedule, then you are free.
Freedom, unlike space or time, can be Absolute. Freedom Is Absolute, If & When: it is transmundane (above average) but especially if it is transcendental (a peak experience).
Freedom is naturally absolute in all life. Life grows in the wild, plants and animals in equilibrium, to create the ecosphere, and this homeostasis is the natural condition of freedom. Freedom for any living being means the freedom to grow and to learn as much as it can. To grow is a trait all animals share with all plants, but to learn is a trait reserved only for the sentient, the self-aware among them all. Physical freedom, mental freedom, free space and free time are all facets on the single gem of Freedom itself.
When one tree manages to grow taller than another - perhaps due to climate, to terrain and shade, or perhaps due to its seed taking root a season earlier - this is because it is free to do so. Likewise, when the planet evolves viral life-forms, omnivores and phagocytes that all combat against one another, and these competitions, rather than "ennobling" these life-forms, make them all the more savage and vicious in their blood-thirst for their own survival, then this is also because freedom allows such to give rise. When a dog has fleas, or the US Constitution allows National Socialism to fester inside Federalism under the guise of "national security," this is all because Freedom Allows Everything. Freedom is what makes ANYTHING Possible.
Without Freedom, we could not have EITHER democracy NOR oligarchy. Oligarchy arose from freedom the same as did democracy, and did so even sooner in human history, we are told. The original tyrants were the first priest-kings, the tribal elders turned power-mad "pharaohs" by the promises of their deceitful shamans and magi. Freedom it was that overheard what they were planning and said quietly to itself: I Will Allow it.
Likewise, democracy arose from freedom the same as did oligarchy, although democracy arose as a means for the populous to combat the centralization of oligarchical authority into a tyranny. Pluralization, particularly groups with odd numbers of members, does successfully stave off tyranny temporarily, but for the State, tyranny is an inevitable a stage of its existence as is senility and death for the living being's.
Although the body, because it ages and dies, is only able to attain temporary freedom, limited by the necessities of survival, the mind, functionally independent of the physical body, can attain absolute freedom FROM not only the spatial limitations that weaken and kill the physical body, but also from the temporal limitations to which the physical body is therefore also subject.
to attain absolute mental freedom means to summon and harvest the absolute freedom to control your own lifetime, just as, to attain absolute physical freedom would mean to summon and harvest the absolute freedom to control your own location in space. If one's "body" were made of energy, one could be wherever and whenever one wanted to be, as well as exist in such a form, if not "forever," at least until the end of the local universe. The "mind" is such an energy "body."
What Is Time? Time is the combined motions of all bodies into one complete motion comprised of the sum of them all. Time is therefore NOT one of the 3-spatial dimensions (whose 6 directions: up/down, left/right and front/back) comprise the only directions possible in our cosmos; rather, Time is like the direction in which the sum of all 3d objects in our cosmos moves. This is, some claim, linear from "past to future," others claim local feedback loops and cycles form, and still others say on the smallest size-scale, these loops of quantum gravity are the only factor that exists. If time is linear, what motivates the cosmos along its trajectory? If time is locally cyclical, why is it not also so universally? And, if time is neither exclusively linear NOR looped, what other options remain? Time is an unlimited, infinite, eternal ocean of zero-point energy - sub-quantum fluctuations called the "quantum foam" that occur smaller than a micron in scale. This limitless ZPE-field is the 4th-spatial dimension, above the 3d of spatial objects inside our local cosmos: it is a realm inhabited by "hyper-shapes" in "hyperspace" - shapes like the torus and tesseract made of tachyons and ether-energy.
If Freedom Requires Time, as a bird requires the air it flies on, can one ever be FREE FROM TIME itself?
What Is Free Time? When one realizes they are Absolutely Free - that there is not now nor ever was, nor ever could nor can be, any power that can compel their obedience, because all that can be threatened, ultimately, is death, and death itself is inevitable for everyone - one ceases to fear death. When one realizes obedience is solely based on cowardice, ethical compromise and opportunistic capitalization, one can choose to side with stronger traits innate within human nature, such as independence, liberty and the movement for liberation. However, as one realizes their mind is absolutely free, one also realizes their body - bound to death - is only ever relatively free, either more or less so. The body being relatively free, however, extends to include how one spends their physical energy (at what value they sell their labor) and their entire lifetime (what hours one keeps, one's "sleep cycle," etc.). Assuming one has no responsibilities to anybody else, and is thus more relatively free than not, one can set one's own schedule regardless of even the light and dark cycle of days and nights on their planet. Once one realizes they are physically and mentally free even from the local cycles of time, and that their entire lifetime is always laid out before them (until death) without any pre-existent borders or boundaries, then they realize they are, and have always been, absolutely free to determine their own actions and that, at no instant, were they ever not responsible for this themselves.
According to an online count-bot resource, there are 1,025,109.8 words (how can one have 0.8 of a word!) in the english language.* According to another, based on the dictionary, there are 171,476 words still in use, with 47,156 "obsolete words" (how do words go "obsolete" exactly?) in the english language.** depending on which website you want to believe, that is still a lot of words people could be using to express themselves, that most people simply ignore as a resource for their own improvement.
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