the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
"Political Musings"
Jon Gee; June, 2015; Tallahassee, Florida, US.
"If cops, lawyers and politicians had their way completely, everything would be illegal. Whenever there are more laws than rights, it is tyranny." - Jon Gee
some people call this a "conspiracy." the people involved in it call it:
not to mention its tactic:
"America ducks the question of origins; it cultivates no origin or mythical authenticity; it has no past and no founding truth. Having known no primitive accumulation of time, it lives in a perpetual present.” - Jean Baudrillard, "America" (1986).
"You are all young in mind. You have no belief rooted in old tradition and no knowledge hoary with age." - Plato, the Timeas & Critias.
"This is not a clash of civilisations or religions, and it reaches far beyond Islam and America, on which efforts are being made to focus the conflict in order to create the delusion of a visible confrontation and a solution based upon force. There is indeed a fundamental antagonism here, but one that points past the spectre of America (which is perhaps the epicentre, but in no sense the sole embodiment, of globalisation) and the spectre of Islam (which is not the embodiment of terrorism either) to triumphant globalisation battling against itself." - Jean Baudrillard, "the Spirit of Terrorism," Nov. 2001.
this goes out to "all my friends" in cyber-space who think they aren't part of the problems caused by the "priveleged elite." LOL.
nothing says "first-world hypocrisy" like claiming to be "opposed to the system" in a post online.
irony is the most popular method for memetic communication. For example, anything evoking cognitive dissonance will be more easily accepted online than in real life: if I were to say, online, something blatantly contradictory, like "forget your internet philosophers" (which amounts to saying, "all cretans are liars, I am from Crete") or (again, quoting Douglas Hoffstadter) to say "the following statement is true, the preceding statement was false" on a picture of "grumpy cat," it will result in more "likes" and "shares" than complex diagrams of a serious subject such as trajectories involved in time-travel. This is because there is no "end-value" to such memes; they cancel themselves out, leaving nothing. People relate with that; people connect with that. Especially the modern online bourgeoisie. Irony is the highest law in a fiat-based society: "fortune favors the bold" is a HIGHLY ironic statement to find printed on our money. People use these paper scraps AS money, however, because they're told to by the writing on the paper itself. It might as well be labeled as clearly as the "eat me" and "drink me" cake and elixer from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Money is merely an "effective" meme.
We have been duped into engaging in an information war against one another in online social media networks. We are all on the same team, but our every post is intended to provoke and draw attention to us above any other. We are competing for attention we should be paying to ourselves. Our every word is "friendly fire."
The NWO as Global Plantation.
The "New World Order" geo-political model is one where "Zionists" (westerners supporting Israeli nationalism) have consolidated political authority and material resources in exchange for "fiat" (counterfeit) currency, and where they use this real wealth to create weapons of war with which to enforce their global hegemony. The "NWO" model is based on the 2-class "plantation system" developed in the Confederate States of America and based on feudal-era European monarchism, where "indentured servants" (or "wage slaves," paid only enough to barely survive) comprise the working-class "proletariat," and where "overseers" (law-enforcers) and "owners" (law-makers) reap all the financial profit from this slave labor; this model depends on public use of violence as a means for suppressing dissent and this dependence is both its strength and weakness, since it contradicts the pacifistic morality the "owners" advocate for their "slaves" to obey. By creating a "glass-ceiling" and "double-standard" of "do as I say, not as I do," this model becomes transparently self-serving relatively instantaneously, and can thus, by anyone outside it, be rapidly and accurately called into question for being hypocritical and dependent upon mass, popular deception.
the non-debate about racism hyped by the American media now is only acted out as a satirical farce to then be used as a justification, or at least excuse, for increased military-police action to suppress popular dissent. It has Nothing to Do with the best-interests of ANYONE, neither "white" nor "black," so long as they are in the "working class." Now, "white-collar criminals," on the other hand, do serve to benefit from sowing seeds of difference between the working class masses. As long as the media keeps pressuring the "racial" differences of its audience, the globalist Bilderberg Group members reckon, the working class masses will be distracted from the far more important facts that: 1. banks made loans to people for houses, 2. the people couldn't make their interest payments and 3. the banks foreclosed on these houses, which are now sitting empty while their former owners are homeless, and then 4. the US government authorized the US privately-owned central bank to flood these same banks with liquid capital to continue their practice of aggressive lending at artificially set interest rates. So, if you would like to discuss the rampant problem of American homelessness and induced indebtedness to banks, please feel free to do so with me here, but if you would rather discuss the endemic division between people because their skin looks like a different color from one another, then please go elsewhere than here to do so. That's all I would ask of you all.
the western "NWO" business-model has become so paranoid about keeping its assumed position at the "top" of its assumed "competition" - e.g. the rest of the world - that it has literally GIVEN American military hardware to insurgents across the Arabic Middle-East to CREATE a "terrorist threat" against the "stability" of the western-civilization model. It CREATED the Mujahadeen, it CREATED the Iraq and Syria "black flag" army. The conspiratorial fiat-"rich" elites, in our lifetimes, CREATED an enemy for themselves, in order to justify increased militarism both abroad AND domestically. NONE of this was, as Ron Paul claims on behalf of the CIA's "official" reports, based solely on "blowback" and "unintentional consequences." This was so obviously the plan all along that Myron Fagan, in his popular lecture "The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations," exposed that this would happen following the end of the Cold War some 50 years prior to 9-11. The ONLY people who do NOT accept the validity of this BEING a pre-planned PLOT, orchestrated BY Zionist counterfeiters AGAINST working-class people ALL OVER THE WORLD, are the people who are PAID by these "NWO" conspirators to be their barking mouth-pieces: news pundits and pseudo-journalists, who offer only endless editorials, 100% fact-free. But when, in the later 1990's, activists advocated "don't just hate the media, become the media," it remains doubtful it was predicted just how identically individuals would, unpaid even, come to imitate the opinions of these obnoxious liars we see on television in their own free-time online. It's doubtful, even, if George Orwell could have expected how efficiently the internet has injured humanity's collective ability to defend itself from our enemies within. It is as if, just as the masses were about to unshackle themselves from serfdom under usury following the American revolution and US civil war, the free-loading de-population advocates and war-profiteering carpet-baggers decided to twist the "free press" into a propaganda-driven "hate-machine," a mirror to hold up in their defense that, by focusing only on the differences among their enemies collectively, and thus setting us all against one another, served alike the shield of Perseus in his fight against Medusa, to petrify us all in our final step before achieving our freedom, and to crumble our ability to unify in opposition against these people amongst us, who secretively plot our deaths, extinction and doom. Now this weapon has simply been placed into the hands of all of us, the techno-savvy pseudo-intelligentsia, the cyber-bourgeoisie, so that now WE may ALL use it to spread rumors about the "powerful" that only serve to "empower" them more, and to spread hatred about ourselves thinly veiled as hatred projected out at everyone else. It is quite an effective way of doing nothing and convincing the person doing it that they are doing something. The internet is like a wishing-well, our computers just tiny windows through which we gaze out into a much more vast cosmos, but through which and into such our sum total amount of all possible efforts effectively amount to zero.
therefore, humanity has been forced to fight a two-front war against itself: 1. against the "NWO'ers" within our own species' ranks, those who plot our collective "death, destruction, doom, and etc." and 2. against the weapon the "NWO'ers" invented for us to use in this war against them (telecommunications media technology), which weapon itself turns against us whenever we go to use it against them. Now, the "bosses" and "owners of the means of production" are bad enough on their own. But they have doomed themselves as well as the rest of us by creating modern forms of robotic machines. The appliances that were promised to make our living conditions easier and make life more convenient in the 1950's are, by now in 2015, already attaching themselves to our bodies in "wearable" forms (with walk-man tape-decks being worn since the 1980's with "head-phones," and now with cell-phones replacing PCs, not to mention the blossoming industry based on "VR-headset" technology) and will, it is widely predicted, eventually become as "aware of its own form of existence as being a self-aware form of life" as we are ourselves, as human beings, even now. Therefore, it is widely expected, that by creating a weapon to use against the masses (such as the atomic-bomb), the fiat-"rich" elitists have only invented a method to destroy themselves along with their enemies, and to bring humanity (and possibly all life on earth as well) to an abrupt and unpleasant conclusion. In other words, the "final solution" to the "jewish question" seems to have been to invent a weapon capable of exterminating EVERYBODY, without a single solitary exception, down to the last blade of grass and last microbial bacteria. So, the question really is "WHY have the "NWO'ers" conspired to destroy the world?" and NOT, "is Miley Cyrus being manipulated by the record-executives in a modern cabal in order to hypnotically brainwash her 'music's' target-market of consumers?" or "who's more racist - 'white' poor people or 'black' poor people?"
as stated before, this is neither modern nor unintentional, it is part of a more ancient plan. The "NWO" in which we're living exists primarily online, inside the minds of those of us who post our own opinions up as though they mattered. Beyond those of us who sit here glued to our screens, the majority of humanity is opposed in REALITY against the so-called "NWO" we, in the luxury of these forums, chat-rooms and social media websites, complain of as though it were something somewhere else, off in the distance, over our own horizon, not in our own backyard. The only ones left of us posting here are those who are the MOST hooked on these weaponized self-media machines, who know sharing our opinions online amounts to pissing against the wind, but who have no bio-chemical CHOICE, once bitten, to remain immune from the internet's radiological form of toxins. The vast majority of the human population is not online, because they are out doing something to fight for their own survival at odds with the plotting against such by globalist cash-printing money-manufacturers. People are actually AT WAR against the "rich" elitists among themselves, even NOW, while we are sitting here like zombies and staring at this electronic screen. I am here because I am a complete coward and therefore by default a pacifist. You are here, reading this, presumably; I can only HOPE you are living at a time MUCH, MUCH later on historically than when I am writing this, at a point to which we've evolved past this nonsensical war and rumoring about wars that is going on today as I am writing this.
over-population is not the problem. low average intelligence is the problem. population reduction is not necessary - population redistribution is more efficient. education is not the answer either - encouraging independent curiosity and creativity is. overall, patience is required. we don't all develop at the same rate, nor toward the same goal. the evolution of an entire species usually takes a very, very long time.
when torture began being used to combat terrorism, western civilization lost the moral high-ground, and became no better than its "enemies." in truth there is no more risk from terrorism being an effective method to change civilization's laws than there is risk to civilization from psychotropic drugs. but the war-machine, once built, must feed. military-industrialism is an artificial simulacra of the "tree of liberty" that is fed on the "blood of patriots and tyrants." as much as "liberty" is a law of life itself, "security" in the form of this false mimicry of natural law is an aberration imperiling our species' survival.
Over the last week, I would estimate that no less than 40% of the content on my face-book "friends' list" news-feed has been about incidents of police brutality, and that no less than 20% (and probably closer to 35%) has been "fake" news stories or editorials based on hearsay and promulgated as disinformation. The only thing more futile than complaining about police brutality on face-book is posting comments about "fake" news stories and editorials. If this trend continues, I predict an eventual decline in the value of face-book stocks. You may now go back to scrolling.
before anyone gets too excited about the fact this leaves about 25-40% of the content on my news feed for "less futile" things than posting about police brutality or posting fake news and editorials. It doesn't mean that spamming your own music or linking to other people's works is LESS "futile," it just means it's less common than posting about police brutality and reposting fake news. If you deducted ALL the futile shit people post on face-book, that is unoriginal and simply fictional, I doubt there would remain even 10% of the content that is being posted even now, let alone over all time.
there's the saying about "those who can, do; those who can't, teach." Face-book has made us all pseudo-professors. We all think we are "teaching" an anonymous audience of fools, when really we are all on the same lit stage, together, speaking with one another; there is no audience besides one another. Therefore, most of what we say, being for the benefit of the "uninformed audience" is pointless and repetitive. For example, apparently 9 out of 10 people in my "friend's list" think they are the first and only ones reporting on any new event of police brutality, or that their take on this event is somehow unique, or their opinion somehow based on greater insight, than anyone else. I wonder who we think we are doing this for the benefit of? It seems to be helpful to nobody.
If the hardware was designed only to do harm, can software be created to reprogram it for beneficial use instead? If not, why not, and if so, how? ex's. Drugs, Religion, Sports, Government, Education, Capital, Guns, LRADs, TV, the WWW, etc.
is there a beneficial form of "mind control" (reprogramming the thought-patterns of other people), and if not, why do we attempt to prove the potential for such by our continued use of telecommunications technologies?
"education" and "indoctrination" are two sides of the single coin that is "effective communication." You cannot have one without the other. The goal is then devaluing one relative to the other. However, the better option is to avoid the coin altogether.
"Education" is teaching a student (or students) a set of "facts" as data, they may choose to relate to these facts however they want, rearrange them relative to one another, etc. however they think is best, but the facts will remain facts in any array. Thus, education is just passing along a set of skills. "Indoctrination" is teaching a student WHY they should choose to BELIEVE the data-set is "factual," HOW it stands to their benefit to do so, and WHAT it means to know that this data's "factuality" is actually arbitrary. Indoctrination is mental-enslavement, and (especially in this day and age) is most often done only momentarily in order to grant an "initiate" liberation symbolically enchaining them to their benefactors for a life-debt. These are both, sadly, methods of "effective communication" or simply "getting the point across," passing the "torch" of "enlightenment" from one generation to the next.
it is the burden of genius to be yoked by jealous inferiors and prodded at by their unfair criticism. This condition is not, however, the fault of the mediocre minds of any given genius' contemporaries; this effect occurs endemically across all known human history, regardless of how smart any given genius or their contemporaries are relative to their counterparts at any point in history. It is logically apprehensible only as an apparently innate constant: Jealousy attaches itself to the underbelly of Genius like a remora eel onto a shark. This twinning is so archetypal that it may not even require human beings to carry it out as proof. In other words, jealousy attacks the genius even when the genius is entirely alone; this may be because jealousy would attack genius, even in the absence of a living host. Jealousy is simply like a ghostly chain, attached to the ghost of genius that, on random occasions, can possess a man's mind so much so he forgets himself apart from it, and which chain of jealousy such a man then adopts around his own neck, to remind him he now belongs, himself, to the ghost-world of history books.
Consider also that what is most "useful" and "beneficial" for one individual is never the exact same as what is most "useful" and "beneficial" for any other individual. Thus, while the "hardware" mentioned may be designed to "harm" one group, it may also be designed that way in order to "benefit" another group. The problem with this becomes which "group" do we choose, ourselves, to "side" with?
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