the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

Globalism- Dictatorship by Protocols or Atlantean Democracy?


intro: why is it called "Atlantean" Democracy?


A. Globalism in the Present Dawn of the 21st century.

1. the history of the modern trend toward global government

1a. prior to the 1900's: the Dream of Past Petty Tyrants Becomes the Present Protocols for a Future Global Dictatorship.

1b. the early 1900's: Neo-Collonialsm (Zionism, Imperialism, Central Economic Planning)

opposed by Nationalism (Fascist Corporatism, Patriotism to Free-Market Capitalism, Centralised Oligarchical Statism).

1c. the mid-1900's: Leveraged Buy-Outs of Corporations by Banks

(identification of key, new resource-exploiting, tech industries for aggressive acquisition).

1d. the late 1900's: Lobbyists and Special-Interests push Entitlement Programs and Militarism

(the interest-bearing debt-restructuring of financing for independent nations by multi-national central-banks).

1e. the early 2000's: the Bankruptcy of Fiat Cash Following its Expediency in Acquiring Power Resources

(the Military Industrial Empire, the Disenfranchised Mass Populous and Individuals as Enemies of the State).

2. the modern Globalist political planners and round-table / "think-tank" groups.

2a. the Trilateral Comission funded by the Vatican Bank (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, etc.)

Military-Industrialists over the East Asian, Afro-European and trans-American "Economic-Unions," etc.

2b. the Council on Foreign Relations (rotating membership) and the Club of Rome (permanent membership)

private share-holding stock-owners of international central banks over the Fed, Free-Trade Agreements, etc. 

2c. the Bildeberg Group (mobile, rotating members) reporting to the Committee of 300 (stationary, life-time members)

"owners of the means of production" from all industries over the independent media, public politics, etc.

2d. the Bohemian Grove (Maloch) Club AKA the Finders (MK Monarch)

(human traffickers in child sex slaves) over the intelligence communities, commodities distribution networks, etc.

3. the modern rich elites' plan for futre world government.

3a. the prison / ponzi / pyramid model of 3 Classes: 1) a single warden; 2) a few guards; 3) the imprisoned population.

3b. 9-11: a neo-con coup using Continuity of Government providing redundant DUMBs for the chief executive officers.

3c. the lack of a back-up plan in the event of failure of this system for any alternative form of adaptive survival.

3d. the "doomsday" scenario of eschatology being the only alternative form or back-up plan for modern globaists.

3e. the "all for me or else nothing for anybody" mentality of investment (credit) banking sold to prop up petty-tyrants.

3f. betrayal of the armed middle-class by the owners of banks and by the disenfranchised prison populous alike.

4. Ultimate Failure of Dictatorships in General and of All Historical "Global" Empires by Over-Extended Spending.

4a. the flaw of Socialist Labour-Unionism in attacking Monetary-Exchange methodologies. (Marx's "Das Kapital")

- fixed amount, solid-commodity legal currency vs. fiat tender based on interest-bearing loans from investment banks.

- use of the latter by US-banked Russian Sovietism to erode the former by promising "redistribution of wealth" to poor.

- use of the former by "Revolutionaries" for sound money to withstand the erosion of promisary notes by state banks.

- results of free-market capitalism founded on solid-currency vs. Wall-Street croney bail-outs and the fall of Sovietism.


B. the Protocols for a Future Global Dictatorship.

1. the history of leaked documents from the Protocols of Zionism to Project Blue Beam and beyond. ("BaPH" model)

1a. the Protocols of Zionism, attributed to "the learned elders." (early 1900's)

1b. Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, a military economics manifesto. (mid-1900's)

1c. Project Blue Beam, the end-game doomsday scenario to kill off all life on earth's surface. (late-1900's)

1d. the cyber-age of dis-information, wikileaks of newly "legalised" war-crimes vs. alien conspriacy "theories." (2000's)

1e. the prediction of impact with earth and the asteroid Apophis 99942 in 2029 and preparing for the end of the world.

- use of the calendar to induce millennarian eschatologism, compounded exponentially by celestial coincidences

- use of propaganda to compoud public panic to mass fever pitch over non-existent threats ("terrorism," drugs, etc.)

- preparation of DUMBs (mass bomb-shelters) to survive a surface ELE and UFO tech to out-live a global destruction.

- final initiation of plans for population reduction "by any means necessary" (food-control, bio-chem germs, nuke, etc.)

- the concept of "peak-point" for industrialism and prediction of an environmentally necessitated return to feudalism.

2. the history of the concept of a global dictator

2a. the Vedic Castes vs. an Alexandrian "Republic"

2b. the Roman Republic vs. Julius Caesar

2c. the Dark Ages under the Catholic Papacy.

2d. Privatised Ownership of Investment Banks and their "Protocols of Zionism."

2e. the modern model of a psychic dictatorship and the imminent crowning of a single global dictator.

3. the reasoning for wanting to have a single global dictator.

3a. the plotting of petty-dictators to create a system to more simply gain greater power over the largest populous.

3b. the creation of totalitarian beuracracy based on fiat currency to tempt dependents into state-salaried slavery.

3b. the use of beuracracy as a crucible for petty tyrants to progress at the expense of crushed souls.

3c. the eventual end-goal of all beuracracy is to become "king of the hill" - a lone tyrant atop a totalitarian pyramid.

3d. the eventual bait-and-switch betrayal of any such beuracratic tyrant by their bank-rollers in events of poor times.

3e. the end of the totalitarian beuracracy in every nation by the implimentation of a single global dictator over them all.

3f. the strategy of applied dialectics used within the totalitarian beuracracy by successful petty tyrants

- in rhettorical propaganda as:

thesis (statement of intent for changes),

anti-thesis (disproof of alledgedly existing belief about the intended changes),

synthesis (use as proof of need for the initial statement's intended changes).

- in strategic methodology as:

Problem: an existent situation for a group is classified as undesirable for some arbitary reason by one person

Reaction: the middle-management of social beuracracy is put into motion to correct the individual's perceived problem

Solution: by involving the social beuracracy in the process, the problem identified initially by one grows worse for all.


C. The Ideal Future of a Global Democracy.

1. the ideal Rights to Personal Liberty (individual sovereignty) and Honest Trade, and gov't non-interference therewith.

1a. the concept of Justice. Free Market Fair Trades, not "Free Trade" implying, which seems worse, "taxed trade."

- the lifespan of Justice, and the concept of Injustice.

1b. the reality of punitive enforcement for infractions of laws, even if commited by individuals in high political offices.

- the "concept of justice" is lost in the breach of law enforcement to exclude prosecuting the rich or powerful.

1c. Restoring one's own individual sovereignty occurs when one stops being led to believe and thinks for themselves.

- this pyschic liberation from mental-bondage must occur for any individual before they can help others in social group.

1d. Imagining better alternatives, regardless of how unpopular such time-consumption is to work-slaves, is important.

- answers come from asking the question, not from only thinking the question up. This takes time, sometimes absent.

1e. Rights are eternal, and as ideas cannot be killed, so too is Liberty first an idea, which is, simply, a realised ideal.

- Rights are above even the Law, which is merely immortal, but is man-made, not external in origin and only learned.

2. the ideal role of government is to enforce only the first law: to protect all individual sovereigns' Right to Liberty.

2a. the role of government in the lives of all non-soveriegn individuals should be to not interfere with them at all.

- hence no individual sovereign may benefit from using non-sovereign individuals. That would be the worst crime.

- hence no social group or its government should interfere with anyone anywhere that does not adhere or belong to it.

- hence the travels or trades between non-sovereign individuals cannot be taxed by anyone who would be sovereign.

- hence, likewise, if non-sovereigns deal wrongly with one another, no sovereign government may interfere to stop this.

2b. what is the ideal form of government to prevent its role from being anything other than protecting individual liberty?

- government membership may be left unlimited in strictly inverse porportion to the limitations on the group's authority.

- the larger a government grows, the more checks and balances must be pre-emptively put into place to prevent over-expansion and the eventual fiat (interest rated loans) currency of an over-extended empire that leads to its collapse.

- thus, the larger the group's membership, the longer its constitution and the bigger its government become.

- thus, likewise, the ideal form of government based on non-interference and punitive enforcement against infractions of anyone's personal liberty, be they individual soveriegns or belonging to any group and under another's government, would be a very small membership with very limited scale of authority over anyone outside those belonging to them.

- such a government consolidates power through acquiring group membership by setting a good example of their ideal.

- thus, a group based on small sized, powerless government being an ideal enforcer of the law of individual liberty do win in the end over all the other groups around them by outlasting them all, since all are dictatorships, bound to fail.

2c. how does a weak, small government punitively enforce laws against violations of any individual's sovereign Right?

- by redefining to only a small contextual extent what constitutes a breach of an individual's sovereign Right to Liberty.

2d. how can such a government succeed against tyranny if it cannot actually enforce its laws by punishment?

- because tyrannies' turn-over rate is even more rapid than the downfall of a government that trusts in anarchy.

- ultimately Good simply outlives Evil, and a small, weak government can outlast the life-span of all petty tyrants.

3. the ideal form of a global government is thus a small, powerless group. The best method for this is a Democracy.

3a. to insure the best method for protecting all individual's right to self-sovereign freedom is to maintain a small gov't

- the concept of a gov't itself should become only political discussions between individual sovereigns, with no groups.

- this can be achieved by implimenting an impotent form of government at the top, to which all others answer below it.

- the importance of this global government over all being powerless is the core of why it must be a Democracy itself.

3b. Democracy is premised on rule by majority vote. Thus, a small membership is easiest and if limited legally best.

- ideally, for a global government to be able to punitively enforce the law of individual liberty, that must be its 1 power.

- a small, otherwise absolutely powerless, form of Democracy at the top level of world governments, does work.

- the role of the world court, the UN and global economy relative to the role of petty dictators, IMF and central banks.


D. December 20/21, 12:00 midnight, 2012: a time to choose.

1. the Zero-Sum Game of Fiat Croney-Corporatist Capitalism is either a dictatorship or else delivery of a doomsday plan.

1a. the result of such a plan on the time-streams for living beings on earth: their division from a single unified form into:

- the world where all takes a turn for the worse: a hell-dimension split at the declaration of global martial law.

- the world where all stays exactly the same: a middle-road where nothing adapts, which will be destroyed by Apophis.

- the world where all continues on, with improving: a world-line wherein a global Democracy rules all free individuals.

1b. the cause of their plans to pivot their position into power at this present moment depends on celestial events as well.

- the times leading up to 1999 / 2000 (new year's eve). The revelations of ritual magic cults behind the entertainment biz.

- the period of time from 2000 until 9-11-2001. The theft of the election and collusion of neo-cons and UBL to stage 9-11.

- the event of 9-11-2001: UBL, a long-term CIA mole, was falsely accused by the neo-cons for their own staged attack.

- the times from 2001 until 2012. The building up of the hegemonic army at the expense of national economic solvency.

- the year 2012. The three possible events: 1) something bad. 2) nothing. 3) something good. The division of time-lines.

- 12-20-2012. The prediction of the 7 planet alignment of 5/5/2000 by the Hollywood magicians. Neo-con calendar lies.

- 12-21-2012. The morning after: the division of the time-lines by the passage of this calendrical / celestial event in time.

2. Who are "We, the People," when the US is a "melting-pot," and what should the definition of citizenship mean to all?

2a. the "financial wizards" and "money manipulators" who pull the strings of political puppets to legalise their militarism.

- why the military obeys politicians, why the politicians obey the rich elites, and why the rich elites seek power over all.

2b. the disenfranchised, impoverished, imprisoned wage-slave serfs who obey the system of using the elite's fiat cash.

- why it is important to understand the premise of "sound-money" to be able to be truly free, and to defend the right to be.

2c. alternatives to the system of mental-slavery to taxation to pay the interest on loans backed by imaginary sums of fiat.

- the method of a gradual restoration of regional, national, state and local sovereignty by a transition to competing gold.

- the method of transition by competing currencies: an ounce of gold tied to a measure of silver per one dollar Fed note.

- to secure the transition from a hyperinflating dollar relative to gold value, and restore gold to use as circulated coins.

- when the dollar value drops, more dollars buy less, so gold would pose an easy transition to a higher valued medium.

3. "We, the People" vs. the zero-sum game of financing "wizards" engaged in croney-corporatism and political graft.

3a. the apparently limited likelihood of success by the masses to prevent the neo-con plot to dictate or kill all the globe.

- leading up to a much feared conclusive demonstration of doomsday / ELE level force by corporate controlled militaries.

3b. the actual impossibility of the neo-cons amassing enough fire-power to effectively execute a global dictatorship.

- the creation of the illusion to the public of power, concealing behind it the ultimate impotence of ignorant greed.

3c. the moment of greatest fear as any final attack scenario begins is the moment of greatest oppurtunity for its failure.

- the neo-cons will build up the illusion of their power (both fiat money and military command) until it finally fails them.


outro: Why is it called Atlantean "Democracy"?



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