the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
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Today I would like to share some knowledge on the Law of octaves. 8 and 64, 8 being the square root of 64, these two numbers dance in harmony. Let's have a look, shall we? As we know there exists 64 squares on a chess board, 64 hexagrams in I Ching, the 64 codons of DNA, 64 positions in the Kama Sutra, 64 is the maximum strokes in any Chinese character, 64 is the fourth most superperfect number and there are to be found 64 classical arts listed in ancient Indian scriptures. 8bit versus 32bit, in a 64bit world.
We carry on...
Electro-Magnetic Phi Chi Energy as coined by Dr. Freud has 64 divisions, as 64 divisions of the mind i look to the explanation poetically poured out by Manly P. Hall (love this man) and let us not forget the 64 the human zygote begins cell differentiation at cell count 64 (or the 64th division, the Mobula), which reminds me, the 64 spheres that form in the star tetrahedron, this 64 tetrahedron is made up of 8 star tetrahedrons coming together. Kinda like the I Ching. O.o
Perfect! Now we are on to the eights. 8 is infinite and your letter H, H is for Hat or Heaven and Hell, et cetra; the true number of the beast and a double entwined ouroboros. 8 is a curious topic indeed, I would like to take a moment to thank Dan for his contribution in chat, the 8 octave scale standard of 440hz. Ahhh, sweet melodies!The Universe is like the Rubix Cube; there are countless numbers which compose wonderful twists and turns. Ah, but when you see this one~verse of mathmatecal vortex song, the numbers in "Nature" stand Absolute, lucidly dePHI-ned.
Ever really take a good look at 33, turn (ε) one about and there is your 8! Brings forthe now to my 64 division mind, the planet Venus, her pentagonal pattern, 8 and 100 lunar cycles = eight solar years and we have 8 notes in a full octave. Now the the orbit of Venus crosses the Sun five times every 8 years and traces a five pointed star as we have just moved past this point on 06/06/12. Ishtar or ISIS (THR0N3) and 888 (ATE ATE ATE), 24(elders) X 37(singularity) sums 888. The "Toll Free" (Ha! I don't think so !) number has a prefix of 888. Lucifer's number is 80 - ISIS has a number of 1 in this case.
ISIS gives her power unto Lucifer, he sits upon her THR0N3. 80 + 1 - together they sum 81 ! 81 and 18 hide behind the base 10 count system and the Moon, it does not matter where one may look, 8 is there, 8 points on a compass, the Double Square of Free Masonry is 8 points and we labour daily by the sweat of our brow 8 hours a day. remember the double square 8 point chaos star? Ancient symbol for Venus (and Ishtar) was and still IS a star with 8 rays shining upon pyramids. 3.14 = 8. Pi-RA-MID 369 (369 - 3960 miles radius of the earth ) – You are the center of Pi 64 Bit game cube. 88 (HH or Heil Hitler) represents a higher octave of 7, thus 888 represents a higher octave of 6 ((24=6=flower of life)), as well (Jesus) IESOUS = 888. Chew on that!
This gives us a grid of the six personality type characteristics that emerge within one 72 million year Manuvantara timecell vehicle:
1. The Manu = 1
2. Deva Cheifs = 33
3. Manu Sons = 12
4. Indra = 1
5. Great Rsi sages = 7
6. Avatara, Godhead Partial Incarnations = 10
= 64
Thereby, the second of three sets of grids that comprise the vasta purusa yantra design, emerges, the genetically pognent 8 x 8 = 64 vasta purusa yantra, also known as the Asti-Pada meter, which became the basis of the game of chess...
I'm just fascinated with numbers, how about you?O.o
For now I leave you with an excellent read from Robert Anton Wilson.
Thank you for reading.
From: The Order of the
Sirius Section
To: Galactic Central
The progress of the domesticated primates
of Terra has been advancing nicely since
we introduced the Tarot deck five krals ago.
As predicted, the amusement of the Tarot
game has led to wide dispersion of the cards
among the primates, and some have
inevitably learned to use the cards also for
scanning quantum probability waves and thus
foreseeing "future" events. A few have even
begun to decode the evolutionary script in the
structure of the deck. We have, therefore,
elected to introduce a second educational
device among them, once again disguised as
a game.
The new game is called "chess." Detailed
instructions for play, with a hologram of the
playing board, are enclosed
as an appendix to
this report.
The purpose of the chess board is to insinuate
a correct model of the primate brain into the
semantic circuit of said brain, with the hope
that, as with the Tarot, the smarter primates
will gradually decipher it.
To begin with, we have made the board of
black and white squares, although it can be
altered to black and red, or any other starkly
contrasting polarity, as suits the whims of
various primate artisans. The essential signal
will remain the same,
although black/white is, of course, the
strongest artistic expression of the encoded
The primal message is, as Your Lucidity
will readily scan, the basic positive-negative
(off-on) pulsation of all energy forms. Since
we have already infiltrated this signal into
Terran culture in several other artifacts and
(see Memo 2317, "On the Chinese Yin-Yang and Related Electronic Codes"),
the more intuitive primates will easily recognize
its reiteration 32 times in the 64 squares of the
chess board. We thus hope confidentially that
some of them will eventually contemplate the
relation between the eight rows of the board,
the eight files, the proportions of 8 x 4 = 32
and 8 x 8 = 64, etc., thereby deducing the
great Law of Octaves which we are still trying
to teach them.
Since the chess board itself models the
Terran brain, as they will gradually realize,
the black-white symbolism will help them to
intuit the relationship between the active left
hemisphere (Yang) and the passive right
hemisphere (Yin). As in all neurogenetic
codes, we include extra information in each
signal. Thus we hope the on-off
(positive-negative) symbol will
simultaneously suggest to them the on-off
nature of con-sciousness itself
(and the unreality of their current static self-images or egos);
the off-on functioning
of the individual synapse; the on-off of the
emotional-glandular switches; the off-on of the
sleep-waking cycle; etc.
We cheerfully predict that, within only a few
tneks, some Terran primate gazing at a chess board
will intuit "in a flash," as they say, that the repeated
pattern of black-white-black-white-black-white-black-white,
etc., is the peak and crest of a sine wave, entirely
similar to their own + — H -------- 1 --- h - brain
processes. In short, a philosopher will arise among
them to announce that the illusion of a continuous
ego is caused by insufficient self-observation.*
To reiterate the basic application of the
plus-minus polarity to the Terran brain, we have
encoded die signal in a more complex and subde
way into the larger design of the chess board. That
is, we have divided it into a seemingly strong
"King side" and a seemingly weak "Queen side."
We have also divided it (rather obviously) into a
"strong" white side and a "weak" black side. The
strength of the white side is so blatant, in fact, that
the primates, as soon as we introduced the game,
established a tradition to "make the game more
fair." This tradition obliges the players to exchange
roles, so that whoever is white (has the advantage) in one
game must play black (have the disadvantage)
another game.
This is where we get sneaky. Having discovered
that one side of the board is stronger, going up the
ranks, they will soon try to learn if one half is
stronger, going across on the files. It will seem
obvious to them that the "King" side (from white's
perspective) is stronger. To make the neurological
lesson obvious even to a Terran primate, we have
placed the "strong" King side where the right hand
of the "strong" (white) player naturally rests. Thus,
each time primates play this "harmless game," they
will be neurologically absorbing the information
that the "strong" right hand is connected with the
"King side" modes of thought, i.e., those in the left
hemisphere of the brain (Vang).
It is our estimate that, given the dominance of
right-hand, left-hemisphere functions in all
primitive species at this stage of development, and
given also the mode of male superiority that the
primates of Terra have currently adopted, they will
almost all try to win the game on the "King side."
This is one of the jokers built into our code.
We estimate that it will take 1.5 krals before
even the cleverest of the Terrans realizes that the
"Queen side," corresponding to die left-hand,
right-hemisphere neurological mode, is actually the
stronger side. This lesson should have a dramatic
"shock treatment" effect on their evolution.*
* Addendum: As predicted, when the superiority of
the "Queen side" was discovered, the event was synchronous with such related righi-hemisphere phenomena as the use of Oriental perspective in Occidental
painting; the Bohr-Schrodingcr discoveries mentioned
above; the rise of Feminism; rapid evolution from
"psychology" to precise neuroscience; creation of
syn-ergetic geometry and holistic philosophies of
evolution; a Yin revolution; etc.
It is further hoped that the 64 squares of the
total chess board will eventually transmit the
concept of the 64 codons of the genetic code,
especially since we have already infiltrated
this suggestion into the 64 hexagrams of the/
Ching. Even if the 8x8 structure does not
totally communicate the Law of Octaves to
them, we have reason to hope that within a
kral or two they will at least stumble upon the
eightfold nature of the Periodic Table of
Chemical Elements.
To represent their present primitive stage
of self-awareness, we employ eight pawns.
Each pawn represents an ego state, and the
primates will easily identify with each pawn
as they move it. The fact that there are eight
pawns, not one, will, we expect, give them
some subliminal suggestions about the
narrowness of their "one ego" view of
We have also arranged the metastructure of
the game so that the quickest win can be
obtained by sacrificing the first pawn moved
(if the opponent is gullible enough to
succumb to the "grab-at-once" or
"attack-at-once" reflex, without using the
higher brain circuits). The art of sacrificing
pawns skillfully, to win the larger game,
will, we hope, insinuate
into the Terrans an
awareness of the
necessity to sacrifice
each and any ego state
for the maximum functioning efficiency of the
brain as a whole. In short,
the player who is
attached to or identified
with any given ego state
(pawn) will be defeated
by the player who thinks
in gestalts, using the
whole board, i.e., the
whole-brain model. The
other eight pieces, like
the eight pawns, hint
again at the Law of
Octaves, and reiterate
once more that the single-ego view of
consciousness is false, for each piece
represents a different mode of consciousness
or a separate brain circuit.
The king's rook, which can move only
orthogonally, forward, back, or sideways,
represents the most primitive amphibian circuits of the brain, having to do with
biosur-vival fight-or-flight reflexes. The
orthogonal symbolism also correlates with
the crawling of the newborn infant, when this
circuit is being imprinted. The double
symbolism is, we submit, neat but not gaudy.
The king's knight, which leaps up from the
board to descend in an unexpected place,
represents the mammalian predator who
leaps upon the prey. Since this section of the
brain is imprinted in the stage wherein the
infant rises up, walks, and begins struggling
for power in the pack or family, the up-down
symbolism is, we think, neurolog-ically apt.
The king's bishop, which moves on the
diagonal, represents the semantic circuit,
which creates Euclidean 3D reality maps in
the primate brain. We put it on a diagonal,
instead of at right angles to the orthogonal
rook and up-down knight, because 3D chess
is beyond the primates at this point.
The king, which stays at home, represents
the fourth circuit: mating and reproduction.
Thus we have provided a complete model
of the circuits of the left brain, standing
before the right hand of the "white" player
and hinting powerfully of the right-hand/
left-brain feedback loop.
The queen side contains a complete model,
in turn, of the extraterrestrial circuits waiting
to be activated by DNA-RNA signals at the
proper evolutionary time.
The queen's rook represents the more
intense/less intense modulations of the
neurosomatic circuit.
The queen's knight, which contains many
surprising potentials that chess players will
not discover for at least a tnek,(Jliitnrituttt papers
represents the electronic perspectives of the
sixth, metaprogramming circuit.*
The queen's bishop, moving diagonally
like the king's bishop, represents the neurogenetic circuit of DNA evolutionary intelligence, as contrasted with the narrow egotistic
intelligence of the individual primate.
The queen herself, the only piece that
can move any distance in any direction,
represents the neuroatomic circuit, beyond all
their concepts of space and time.
(She also represents Our Lady of the Stars, but it will take an oroblram before they figure that out.)
* Addendum:
Not until the twentieth century of their
calendar did the Terran primates discover that it was
stronger to move the queen's knight out before the
king's. Male chauvinism blinded them to many of the
strengths of the queen's side.
Finally, to illustrate that any mode of
consciousness can graduate through HEAD
work to the neuroatomic transtime perspective,
we have arranged the rules of the game
so that any pawn, by moving upward to the
eighth rank
(i.e., through the eight brain circuits),
can become a Queen, i.e., a
space-time traveler.
We confidently believe, Your Vastness,
that the chess game will be one of the most
successful educational devices we have introduced to the Terran primates.
named Jung expressed in better scientific language than Gotama
or Hume its application to consciousness.
Illuminati papers by RAW
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