the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
""None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, author of "Faust."
God has a plan for each of us. It simply isn't the plan that we would choose for ourselves. God gave mankind free will. He created Adam, according to legend, and gave him the freedom to be able to choose to disobey. He set the forbidden fruit there in the Garden with Adam and said, "don't eat this." Had God wanted, He would have created Adam unable to do so. But God gave Adam the free will to make a choice, and as soon as Adam chose to transgress God's imposed boundaries, God cursed Adam and exiled him from Eden. God created Adam "flawed," with the Potential for "Original Sin" already built in. Being all-knowing, God knew Adam would fall, as He had known Satan would rebel. According to the legends, God created Adam to tempt Satan into rebellion, then punished Satan by casting him down from heaven, whereupon Satan then tricked Eve into feeding Adam the forbidden fruit, resulting in God cursing Adam, Eve and the snake Satan possessed.
God Is Worse Than Dead. God Is Evil. The God prayed to and made sacrifice to, the God all believe in but none can prove, the God shared by all religions yet agreed upon in form and feature by none - this God, even Your Own Idea of "God" itself - is a phantom feeding off of emotional energies. "God" is to the minds of people like what the surface of a pond is to the fish beneath it. Beyond this limit fish have no knowledge of the nature of those "angelic" birds that occasionally swoop down and abduct one from among their many competing "schools." God is a bad idea, at best. In truth, the idea of God itself is the only way in which "God" exists, and yet this idea has, itself, grown so powerful and has taken up so much space inside the minds of so many, many people over its history, that the idea has a mind of its own, a free-will all of its own, its own "plan," not only for itself, but for each of us as well. That a mental projection that has developed artificially intelligent awareness of itself has a "plan" for us all is, to most people, actually comforting. People have been conditioned to squander God's gift of free will on prayer and a life of cowardice and obedience to His covenants and commandments. Instead of thinking for themselves, most are happy being led blindly by their belief.
If God is all-knowing and all-powerful, then His plan for our predetermined destinies is irrevocable, and His choices for our fate irrefutable by their very, ineffably infallible, Divine nature. However, if God is NOT "eternal," but merely "immortal," and if God is NOT "omnipresent" but present ONLY in the minds of His believers, then God is NOT "omnipotent" and "omniscient," but remains a deadly adversary down to the last psyche possessed by this foully demonic idea. This "ghost king" that rules the minds of us all, all his "true believers," uses charismatic leadership, threatening propaganda and untaxed voluntary extortion to train free people into fearful, obedient, angry and sad fools.
I once heard a "big booming voice from the sky" tell me "I am god, I am you." But we all know this story. It was merely a delusion brought on by hallucinogenic drug abuse. My turn from "high priest" of theism to free-thinking atheist however didn't finally occur until I exchanged some emails with Shek Singal, a troll for Marko Rodin's "vortex math" cult. In these emails, Shek revealed to me, via some youtube video citations, a method for "talking directly to the universal mind of god" by simply touching one's thumb to one's forefinger and asking oneself a question. So he asked himself "was all of Jon Gee's work bullshit" and "found" the answer to be "yes." That was when I realized there is no such thing as "god," because not only is it an unnecessary idea, but it is highly detrimental to one's own mental stability and so-called "sanity." I gave up "god" and gave up on my own "god complex" that was "hell-bent" on sorting itself out in the most round-about terms possible. I gave up on warning everyone the world was ending, because it is always ending, and there is nothing anyone can do about it anyway. I used to think (by the time I talked to Shek Singhal) that perhaps "I was my own god" as well, that "myself in the future" had sent the message I received as a "big booming voice from the sky." But I do not care for the idea of there being ANY "god" over myself, or over ANYONE anymore. We do not NEED a "god" anymore than we NEED a "king."
the belief in religion (including all the "choirs of angels" and "orders of demons" as well) and the practice of ritual "magick" are one and the same. People go to church because they think they will be "saved." People who practice magick use the tools, rituals and beliefs as the church, actively rather than passively. Ritual magic CAN produce results, but these are based on the psychosomatic suggestibility of the human mind. Thus, the belief in religion that "magick" is based on is also a false delusion, and the results it produces also totally psychosomatic. The basis of benefitting from people's gullible belief in placebo effect is what has held back our evolution as individuals and as a species for the last 6000 years. All this being said, I am not opposed to use of hallucinogenics. But with the caveat that while under their influence, "nothing we see is REAL." If people bring back useful visions, such as architectural models for ecological homes, or builds some kind of new machine based on the insights gained while on hallucinogens, then there is no reason to doubt their benefit and usefulness in those cases. But because most people use hallucinogens recreationally at this point in human history, and because the invasive, predatory idea of "god" has been the product of 90% of all people's experience (whether on drugs or not) the actual benefits and usefulness of these (otherwise medical and mind-expanding) drugs is very little - in short, their potentially helpful effects are wasted on the unimaginative minds of modern humans. Promoting the delusion that a "god" exists is carried out solely by magicians using mind-control to further the beliefs of religions. None of this is "real." None of this "NEEDS" to be this way.
Hell is craving attention, affection and understanding from anyone in a world full of self-obsessed, technologically remote-controlled zombies.
To me, Hell is summed up simply in two words:
"Illiterate authors." If you write but won't read, you are my enemy. Peace.
There is no law over mankind that can be imagined or invented by us that can circumvent or supersede the Law of Irony. The Law of Irony, stated simply, is the Law of God, wherein "god" is the delusional hallucination shared as induced hypnosis by 90% of all humanity. The "law" of this delusion over their minds, and thus over the remaining 10% of humanity as well, via their actions to enforce this law, is "Irony." What is "Irony"? Irony is the condition of "either / or" being forced onto a mind capable of imagining "both / and" as a better solution, or at least a "lesser evil." Irony is the condition of juxtaposition between life and reality, enabling the commonplace social symptoms we experience in place of our own actual, independent, liberated lives. Cliches arise to treat but not cure this melancholia, boredom and disappointment. Irony prevents anything but death from curing the ills and ailments of life, but denies THIS cure to no one. Such is life: irony dictates that death is the only panacea. Irony dictates that, when you most need to be left alone by people, they will surround you and mind-rape you until you conform again, like an engineer fixing a mechanical gear with a blow-torch; but when you most want someone to talk to, when you most need a friend, no one is around to even answer their phones. Irony dictates: "when you laugh, the whole world laughs with you, but when you cry you cry alone" because to "laugh" in this world means to know how to "laugh at yourself," because if you want to laugh with the world, as they laugh, that is at whom they are all laughing. The only way to "have the last laugh" is to poison the food and water supplies of everyone else, and watch them writhe in agony until dead while you, immune from your own toxic sin, alone survive. Hence the saying "success is the best revenge" being a bait for vengeful Sadists, whose pleasure derives from others' pains. If you get more from life watching others fail than by trying to be a success yourself, you are the problem with humanity. Irony dictates that intellect frightens fools, that bravery "terrorizes" cowards, that "strength" SHOULDN'T (yet always will) crush the "weak," that the "unknown" is to be "feared," not "loved," and that "ghosts" and "boogeymen" are best defeated by fearful, cowardly, weak submission, obedience and placation. Irony dictates that people in society are like balanced "dominoes," and that when you topple one it topples the next until all fall down. All it takes to ruin each day for everyone is for one person to wake up in a foul mood - they then pass along this malcontent like a virus, until everyone becomes an "aggressive" (rather than "defensive") driver, pushing and bullying their way to the nearest red-light just to look down and text on their cell-phone. The speed-limit becomes a mere suggestion toward civility, ignored by everyone; people either drive 10 miles under it in the left lane, or 20 miles over it in the right lane, and there is no one on the road who obeys the law anymore, least of all cops who, as soon as they kick those sirens on, are immune from and above all law. "Civility" is just a Mask, concealing Savagery. That is the Law of Irony, inescapable curse placed onto human affairs by the deity all worship from fear, but in which, if ever given the choice, none would believe. Peace.
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