the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
An Open Letter to ISIS aka Daaish
Bismillallaah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
In the name of God Most Gracious Most Merciful
From Steven Pearce aka Abu Nour
Salaam alaykum ramatullaahi wa barakato. My name is Steven Pearce and I am an American Muslim. I have been a Muslim for 16 years. I am 40 years old so I embraced Islam when I was 24 years old. I am not a scholar but I am a student of knowledge. As a result of your heinous actions in the name of Islam I felt obligated to address this letter to you. Islam commands us to fight oppressors even when the oppressors are Muslim or claim to be Muslim. However it is not the way of Islam to condemn or perform takfir but to give good advice. Islam is a religion of sincere advice. Please forgive my lack of proper citations but I am currently not in the USA but in a Muslim country so I do not have my books of Hadith so basically everything I say is out of memory.
Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi the self-appointed Caliph said in a khutbah that, “If you see me on the right path, help me. If you see me on the wrong path, advise me”. The Qur’an says that there is no compulsion in the religion but that the truth will stand out by itself. It seems that you have bought the media induced lie that Islam was spread by the sword. This is a lie propogated to entice fear in order to get funding for wars. Islam was actually spread by the honesty of the Muslim businessmen when they travelled. A prime example is Indonesia, the largest Muslim country on Earth and yet a Muslim soldier has never lifted a sword to spread Islam there. It took 300 years for Syria to become 50% and Egypt 500 years to become 50% Muslim. Also there has never been an Islamic civilization that lasted more than a few generations that were oppressive.
The Prophet Muhammad PBUH dealt with people at their heart. He never condemned people for their actions, instead he advised people. When the man visited him and offered him alcohol as a gift he does not say go to hell he just said it was not permissible for consumption. The man then told his servant to sell the alcohol the Prophet PBUH said that the one who forbids its consumption also forbids its sell. Also under Shariah if a person steals their family has the right to pay back what was stolen. You are killing people for perceived sins but are you sinless? Can you or your followers honestly say you are righteous enough to kill innocent children, mothers, and fathers? Would a righteous person even consider this? There is nothing in Islam that says to kill a mother’s children in front of her then kill her or to bury children alive. Allaah swt tells us in the Qur’an that if he wanted to he could have made us all Muslim but he did not in order for us to compete in doing good to each other. Islam only allows to fight mutual combatants. Your people are killing Muslims and non-Muslims. Do you not know that our Prophet PBUH wrote a letter ensuring the safety and protection of Christians in Muslim countries?
Like I said I am no scholar I am just your average Muslim, but like you I am from al-Bayt. I am descended from Prophet Muhammad PBUH through Hussein. I am not saying I am righteous because of it because I have committed many sins, I am human. I am making duat that this letter reaches you and your followers and causes self-reflection. If you want to spread Islam take da’wa classes. Watch and learn from people like Imam Ahmed Deedat. Give people Qur’ans. Show a good example of what Islam is: Love for God and love for your neighbor. Prophet Muhammad said that if anyone harms a non-Muslim even by the spoken word we have him to answer to on the Day of Judgment. We are not even allowed to curse the idle of another’s worship so they in turn curse Allaah swt. I will end this by a saying of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, “Avoid extremism in religion because it was extremism in religion that destroyed the people who came before you”.
Jazakhullaah khair,
Steven Pearce aka Abu Nour
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