the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

here is my knowledge lecture on the meaning of the titles:

of the first degree of the the Order of Death:
[i°::"Contributors' Club"::Cheops/Chephren/Menkaure].

benpadiah wrote:
The first title is "fellowship."

Fellowship requires communication between at least two entities. The entities do not need to be sentient for this kind of communication to occur. It occurs between a mother and infant, a master and pet, between a teacher and student, and even between plants, snowflakes and music.

However there exists a more complex form of communication than mere "fellowship," and this occurs between only sentient beings. This superior kind of communication is called "karma" and this means to be called to "labour." We say that, to improve one's karma is to improve one's soul, because we must work to communicate as sentient entities, and our doing so proves our worth to our fellow peers, and the value of our contribution to history. Thus a "good soul" is one that accumulates "good karma." That is why "good" and "bad" units of karma comprise each element of our surrounding environment, our "aura" - because the work of the soul is "yoga" (union) of the within and the without. This is accomplished when the interior of the soul and its exterior aura align. Then we say its karma is finished and the aura is cleansed.

Therefore one can only cleanse the aura of bad karma by first being called to "labour" from the reverie of silent fellowship.

The second title is "ashlar."

After the workers were called from fellowship to labour by the Three Kings, they began to hew stones from the quarry. What is this like? The stones began to be chisled from the mines, but they were still uncarved, unrefined, unfinished. The rough ashlar has been compared to the uncrafted and unworked soul, while the finished ashlar, the perfect cube-stone, is like the soul that transcends by finishing their karma. But the cube-stone is only a symbol of the soul, while the true image of the soul's appearance is a torus, the exterior sphere of which is the aura and whose interior spiral is Kundalini ascending the chakras. So, how do we perfect the ashlar and how do we finish with karma?

The workers democratically elected their finest carvers from amongst those in the quarries. These they called the Builders, who had graduated from labour. The builders perfected the rough, un-hewn souls quarried out of raw karma. From the twisted and the torturous serpents' union, the ripples and the rays combined, the chakras align and the aura is cleansed. That is how the Builders' Guild perfects the "ashlar" souls.

From among the Builders they elected their best. His name was Imhotep. Imhotep selected his son, Ptahotep, as Chief Overseer. The remaining Builders and Workers in the quarry then elected Nyarlahotep as their representative to go on their behalf before Ptahotep. The names of the Three Kings to call the workers out of fellowship into labour were Cheops, Chephren and Menkaure.

The third title is "Assiyah."

Assiyah is the lowest of the four worlds in ha QBLH. The four worlds are Yetzirah between Assiyah and Beriah, and Beriah between Yetzirah and Atziluth, the "highest" of the four worlds.

Assiyah is the world of action and all activity, both naturally occuring acts as well as the karma between sentient entities. Assiyah is the combination of the mind and the physical environment by the exertion of effort by the physical tool of the body. This actually stirs up energy dystrophically, increasing entropic decay into chaos and disorder. However what is chaos and expansion of energy in Assiyah is peace and calm order by the time it reaches Atziluth.

It has been passed by then through the inversion of Beriah and Yetzirah at the hands of the builders and the aura cleansed by alignment into yoga of the karma rising up the chakras. Thus, what begins as work in the world of action becomes the domicile in which we will one day universally Sabbat, and finally rest from toils.

The fourth title is "making."

The reason we must work to cleanse our aura and to align our chakras is that they attract and spread negative karma while unaligned. This negative karma becomes manifest in our auras and thus becomes sin by narrowing our choices for actions. When we follow a tunnel-reality of negative karma through perpetual sin to its logical conclusion, we find that such a tortured sould will suffer many more lifetimes in Assiyah, the lowest world. Therefore, in order to avoid such a destiny, and to instead transcend Assiyah, we must use our work to make our karma "good" in order for our chakras to align and our aura to be cleansed.

The act of making our naturally more-or-less negative karmic auras into perfected, more-or-less "good" karmic auras is considered the "Great Work" of those called to labour. The quarriers and the builders both work and craft the ashlar to make it from bare rock into a cube-stone. So the karma-yoga of cleansing the aura and aligning the chakras is the act of taking the given karma and making it your own work.

When we take our natural karma and make it perfect by aligning our chakras and cleansing our auras, we become more capable of transcending from the world of action, Assiyah, the lowest of the four worlds. Then our work will become easier and easier until eventually, in Atziluth, we rest from toil.

The fifth title is "Earth."

Earth in this case does not refer to the planet earth so much as to the material substance of the world of Assiyah. Assiyah is the manifest universe of matter alone. Although the communication between mind and energy occurs via the world of matter, it is only when one applies their natural energy toward making their karma good that rest and order in Atziluth may be accomplished and achieved. Thus, only sentient entities called to labour and who do good work, aligning their chakras and cleansing their auras, can transcend the material reality of Assiyah.

According to legend the world of matter comprised of units of karma, called quanta, arose from an event during the creation of Assiyah, that is, the material universe, known as the "breaking of the vessels." According to this version of the "big bang" of the universe, during the single Planck-time following the initiation of expansion by one Planck length greater than the initial singularity, all that existed were perfect geometric patterns of cycling harmonic vibrations. Following this, heat began to arise from friction as the wavelengths of these emanations began to overlap, and with that these perfect forms became distorted and deformed into the present relative chaos and decreasing formation of patterns. Thus, according to legend, the "shards" of these "shells" form the "qliphotic" material world of Assiyah, the smallest units of karma being the probabilistically uncertain quanta.

Because the quanta of some elements of matter form solid nuclei at the centre of atoms, we call this force that binds quantum nuclei together the strong nuclear force, and compare it to the solid, material nature of the world of Assiyah, and to the ancient element of earth.

The sixth title is "3."

Because the material world has only six right-angled cardinal directions, we say that our universe of Assiyah has only three dimensional axes. The ancients referred to these three dimensions as the "three mothers," known from the Hebrew aleph-bet as the letters "aleph" (A), "mem" (M) and "shin" (S). These were also the three "pillars" of "mercy," severity" and "judgment" above which are suspended a pan of meit (containing water) and a pan of liability (containing fire) from a scale (a breath of air) deciding between them. The three dimensions are also symbolised in the thesis, antithesis, synthesis of dialectics, and thus by Yin Yang representing the alternation between action and passivity over time. So we see the concept of the three dimensions is a common expression used to communicate the idea of this world of work itself.

However three is also used to symbolise the way out of the materially real world of Assiyah through good karma. Just as three represents the synthesis of Binah and Chokmah in Kether, so too does it mean the dawning of Ayin, Ayin Soph and Ayin Soph Aur, and just as three stands for the three combined elements of salt, sulphur and mercury to the alchemists, so too does it connote the Trinity of Catholic Christianity and the Blue degrees of Free Masonry.

Whenever we see the ashlar cube representing earth we must think of the three other elemental worlds, and realise that the perfection of this ashlar cube, symbol of the aligned chakras and cleansed aura of a good soul, is only the first step, that of making good karma in the real world, to achieving transcendence from it, but know that now we have taken that step together, and it is the hardest step, because it is the first.

This concludes the knowledge lecture of the titles of i° Contributors.


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