the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
What is the Role of the Lemurian Pope in Atlantean Democracy?
"The Tyranny of ANY Pope"
Due to the repeated (though incremental, never perpetual; rather, one step forward, two steps back strategy) encroachment on individual civil liberties (ie. we, the masses' sovereign rights) by executives, both recent and ancient, people often ask me what it means, and rarely trust me when I say, "I am the Pope of the POD."
The suspicion is that, as "absolute power absolutely corrupts," then anyone of a sole office above a global empire would automatically assume the Protocol of a Messiahnic mental-dictator. This is so ingrained, its truth or falsehood breaks down to a self-fulfilling prophecy. If people expect to die, they will.
As I have said elsewhere, though, the "Pope of the POD" is nothing like the "Pope" of Universal Christendom. The POD Pope is the "inner-head" of the Order, that is the kether-consciousness that imbues us each with a conscience. This position is passed around from one head to another like cave-men passing the pipe around Stone Henge. This is different in each detail than the Absolutism of the sole-sovereign over a social (let alone global) empire. Thus the "good Pope" knows they are an "inner-head of the Order" only, unable to sway the mouth-piece of our Order, whose office, however petty, may exceed our own. There is a "good Pope" who is humble, and a "bad Pope" who is a Totalitarian, seeking only iron-fisted control over everything.
Sometimes the cure hurts. Therefore, in the short-term plans for restoring global government as a Democracy, first the current psychic-empire must be disassembled and restructed differently from the failed Republic it evolved from. The idea "all beings are equal," or that "each is infinite in capacity," may be too revolutionary yet for us to accept as "common knowledge." However, by shifting incrementally from the current Gloom towards full noon, the dawn may occur gradually for all AND each, equally. Therefore, we in the POD accept the current Pope of Christendom AND Dalai Lama of Buddhism as EQUAL in office as spiritual leaders of the Occident and Orient, and believe it is necessary for them to work together with the political leaders of the 5 UNSC permanent member-nations. The purpose of establishing a closer working relationship between them is to complete the "New Age" shift (called "Theosophy") that has aligned globalist politicians with Vedic and Gnostic concepts gradually over the last 100 years. Over the next 100 years, we in the POD hope, these 7 officials - that is, one from each current UNSC nation as well as an IHO Lama and OHO Pope - shall gradually transition into a working form of the Atlantean Democratic model of the 7 chief executives.
We in the POD accept the need for gradual transitionary programs for pacifist social-change to occur. Because we are pacifists ourselves by nature, we in the POD advocate this model of operation as well. However, we also offer the caveat that this occurs in a grand-cycle: the Democracy gradually becomes the Republic; the Republic gradually becomes the Empire; the Empire gradually becomes a Rebellion; the Rebellion gradually becomes a Democracy. The best thing we, as pacifists, can do to prevent violent social Revolution from occuring is to allow this process to occur, however to dam and levvy it with all our skills, and to then canal and channel the energy of social-movements in order to control the course of events on a mass scale, and to apply the lever at the end of this cycle, once we can harness the current down to a finite packaged point, to such causes as encouraging Individualism of thought and choice, and to ideals of free expression of ideas and products. What we, in the POD, seek is not a faucet behind which lurks massive pressure capable of bursting forth at the first sign of rust on the handle. This model itself would be faulty, and result in only a postponment and prolonging of the problem the whole model proposes to resolve. No, we in the POD seek not Absolute Dictatorship; rather we desire Absolute Democracy.
The outline of global Democratic government we, in the POD, propose, as based on our "Pythagorean" ideas of ideal number-theories, however cannot rely on the destruction of the entire existing mechanism for exploiting the political pendulum's eternal cycle via violent Revolution. If, in other words, a Revolutionary War occurs on a global scale, it will not succeed in producing a workable global Democracy as rapidly or be able to maintain one as long as if, instead, a global Democracy is brought about gradually through a transition from existing social structures.
Therefore, between the existing model - wherein one Pope reigns above one Lama, and these two advise the 5 member-nations of the UNSC, and the ideal model under global Democracy - wherein each citizen is equally free, none with expanded rights above any other, there is a cross-road between a shorter, more difficult path and a longer, smoother road. We in the POD cannot choose for you, who are not a member; we encourage you to choose for yourself.
To conclude, the "Pope" of Christendom today is nearly 180° different from the "Pope" over the Lemurian Church, one of the 7 chief-executives in Atlantean Democracy, as we in the POD propose it. Because of too centralised and too potent a convergance of authority, no man can hold the Crown of Christendom at this time without falling prey to the lure of "infallible" rule. Therefore, we must alter the role of the "Pope" from what it is today to that idealised under Atlantean global Democracy, however we must do so gradually, lest we risk losing all we have achieved.
Part 1:
"The Perfect Pope"
There is a saying of the Ideal Man, or the Perfect Pope, that he effectively controls nature well enough to bring forth "Order from Chaos." Hir actions appear, to hirself, miraculous, but s/he wears the dignified mask with unbiased civic-pride. Who is like unto the Perfect Pope? The inner-mind of the Perfect Pope can be known only to they, themselves, who can be called such. Thus, their True Will is, indeed, ineffable to all but themselves. The Perfect Popes who have reigned have been many, but the role will always persist, in one form of phase or another. The "Most High" among the "Most High" is alive, while those who have passed before comprise their own living mind. This ancestral memory of extra-sensory mentalism is given to us all at our coming of age, but few can long sustain their turn at wearing this Crown.
The Constititons of Atlantean Democracy cannot be changed. They are a permanent testament. These stipulate that there are NO LAWS and NOTHING TO CENSOR, the True Pope (ie. all citizens of Atlantis, in potential). This establishes the corner-stone of the civic-contract in our system. However, the job-duties of the Pope are addended to this contract with them, and these specify to limit that citizen's rights further: in the conferences of the 7 executives wherein votes occur, the Pope has extremely limited veto powers.
The Perfect Pope respects these facts as laid out by the Constitutions.
Part 2:
"The Chaos Pope"
The coming of the Chaos Pope is preceded by a rapid decline in economic feasibility in a nation or region where previously standard of living had been high. This results from either a massive military built-up occupying foreign collonies, over-extension of the credit economy (or tax-cuts) for housing and public-works, including, usually, a massive infrastructure (roads and buildings) reinforcement program. When a state or nation exhibits these characteristics, it willl result invariably in the nation's bankrupting their money supply. The only difference between a Republic and an Empire is the rate at which they progress, however both are "down-hill" paradigms; the Republic is just at the "top" of the "hill" while the Empire is at the "bottom," when we mean by "hill" figuratively a metaphor for the state or nation's wealth surplus.
Republics always Boom, and then, just before they should Bust, they are considered Empires. However the division in the sand is much more faded between a Democracy and a Republic than the same point of no return would be between a Republic and an Empire, at least so it seems remains true for the minds of many. However for an advocate of True Democracy, the crossing of this line is the same form of crushing defeat as, to a Republican, the crossing of the threshhold into Empire means the end of their near-and-dear way of life. This difference is a single number: One.
The Chaos Pope lives in fear of the cycle that is unstoppable by any human hand.
Part 3:
"The Seasons of Popes"
Just as there is a direct dichotomy between a "Perfect Pope" and a "Chaos Pope," so at a right angle are there marked changes relative between the fore and after "Popes" (for short, or in long-hand, "Planetary Governors"). The changes between a Republic and an Empire operate at chronological right angles in a circular cycle to the changes that occur between the loss of a Democracy and the rise of a Republic. Such form seasons in this cycle that are comparable to the 4 dimensions of space in our universe (combining time as 1/2 dimension and 4-manifolds as the other), commonly called our space-time continuum. Likewise, the 4 forces of our cosmos are the same as those of our "Alchemical ideals" about our own planet. We do not need to look deeply to compare their attributes of hot or cold, gas, solid or liquid, etc. to find which are alike at which scales and on what levels.
These 4 "seasons" are also, inevitably and continually, acted out in the behaviours of man. This is not vague mere Astrology, comparing the 7 planets to 7 equal Kings seated at a Round Table as an ideal government. We in the POD see these changes as natural occurances, and believe it is not only because it is in the best interest of life-forms evolving on the planets of a solar-system that the rules for governance of life-forms in that star-system should be based on the same numbers as discovered in the measurements and cycles of the planets in that system; it is due also to these measurements and cycles all bearing similarities to one another in larger and larger (or alternately seen, smaller and smaller) scales throughout the entirety of our universe, beyond any single given planetary system.
There are, thus, 4 "seasons," however the number of Popes combines the 4 "Basic" elements with the 4 "rareified" elements between them. This combination of 3 and 4 yields both 7 (when added) and 12 (when multiplied). Many of the even most basic "Alchemists" of today know this much. However only we, modern Pythagoreans, consider the difference between 7 and 12, and reckon it at 5. Thus, we understand not only the patterns upon the level of our own inter-planetary system, where 3+4=7, but we also see beyond this, that 3X4=12 on the next level "up" of Astrology, and choose to base our model of ideal government on the combination of both these on the level beneath that of interplanetary Astrology, here upon earth. This is why we do not have 1 Potentate. We have, instead, 12 Popes. These 12 Popes are spread out as 3 attributes each within the 4 seasons, in the usual pattern of Astrology. However to understand the ideal government's place in the Seasons of the Pope, you must understand, as Pythagoras did, that 12-(3+4=7)=5.
Below regular polygons, like the 4-square seasons, the 4 equilateral triangles of the 3 sub-elements, or the circle of the Zodiac of Popes, exists an off-set, irregular, intermediate realm, populated by 3,4,5-sided triangles and irrational numbers, that consitutes the layer of politics occuring between any life-forms on the surface of any planet in any stellar system, anywhere in the cosmos. These patterns, on this level, are unique as tools from those patterns occuring throughout all the other levels of matter-energy recombinations in the whole of reality now. The reason these patterns, alone, on this level, alone, are unique from the others is not much of a mystery. It is not only because we exist on the exact mid-point in scale between the utmost Macrocosm Above and the most minute Microcosm Below. It is because of an all permeating essence, so finely rareified, it can only be called the "ether." This "ether" acts as a form of illumination from outside, that casts upon the surface of the smaller spheres within shadows from the patterns on the larger spheres without. Thus, there are 12 signs of the zodiac from Astrology and 7 planetary metals of Alchemy in the supernals beyond the "Veil of the Abyss," and why there are 4 elemental forces of a planet and 3 re-combined sub-elements occuring between these, as basic compositional requisites for life to exist. So, too, we see between these levels of the Macrocosm Above and Microcosm Below, the tools of the 3,4,5 triangle and irrational numbers are best used to establish government among the life-forms on the surface of the planet.
Part 4:
"The Equinoxes and Solstices between Papal Aeons"
In scriptures, the Gnostic word "Archon," being Judean for a Roman collonial governor, was always replaced by the word "Pope," which was Latin for "father." Thus, 2000 years ago, just as now, and so 2000 years from now, will such a transition in linguistical reasoning occur at the end of each "aeon" of solar precession for any planet in any system. On planet earth, our orbital inclination allows us to travel 12 revolutions around our exactly right-angled axis difference from the plane of our sun's equator per every 48,000 of our planet's solar orbits (ie. years). The Gnostics called this a millennial "year," and divided it into 12 "Aeonic" equivalents of "months," each one lasting itself 2,000 solar years.
Just like every third month the planet earth enters a perihelion or aphelion position in its annual orbit around the sun, so every third Aeon the spin of our planet completes one fourth of one full circular cycle, and these are marked as the "seasons" of a millennial "year." Also, just as the changes in our environment on earth throughout the year are due to our planet's angle of inclination, so too does our planet undergo 4 global-scale changes in environment over a millennial "year" for the same reason. Likewise, for the same reason we have nights and days on earth, that is, our planet's rotation around our axis, do we experience opposite seasons at the same time in the poles of our opposite hemispheres. In the temperate climates, weather changes rapidly, but in the polar climates weather changes occur over a much longer time-frame.
Just as there are twin poles of magnetism (north and south), so too there are twin poles of time (east or forward and west or backwards). However this only holds true on a spherical geometry, and might not exactly pertain to the same dimensions as those that can be applied to measure the outermost shape of our entire universe. If the universe is hyperbolic shaped, or flat, or if it is spherical or even a cube, will determine changes in extra-planetary environments that will only be able to be observed and studied over periods of time measured in millions of earth-years.
So too, there are 4 seasons between these pair of twin pole-positions, at aphelion (nearer or further the sun) and perihelion (equi-distant from the sun). These 4 blessed seasons are venerated by all Pythagoreans as being placid and tranquil and calm compared to the 4 accursed changes that terrorise all non-psychics with hatred, illness and death which occur to mark the moments between seasons, those exact instants at which earth is closest, furthest, or equidistant from our sun. These distances can be calculated down to a micron of an arc-second.
This is why earth undergoes roughly 365 rotations per solar orbit: because 360 is (5X2=10)X3X(3X4=12)=360, but there are 5 remaining days to complete the pattern of 5X(12=4X3X2X1)X(6=3X2X1)=360 as well. Both of these are understood by the Perfect Pope, and neither by the Chaos Pope. There are twelve Popes per Papal "year," however there are also a Perfect Pope and a Chaos Pope, totalling 14. The reason there are twelve "equal" Popes per annual cycle, plus a Perfect Pope above and a Chaos Pope below them, is that there are 7 chief executives in Atlantean Democracy, totalling 14 possible reccombinations of traits given polarity in each. Thus there are 12 "Apostles," plus one "Jesus" (or IHO) and one "Judas" (or OHO) per complete Papal "year."
the "Currents" of numbers
The currents of numbers are the difference between the negatively-magnetic "Chaos Pope" and the positively-magnetic "Perfect Pope." Sacred Geometry and Number-theories are Understood by the Perfect Pope, but merely known to the Chaos Pope, without any real understanding that comes through applied studies over long periods of time.
However, it is these numerical currencies that comprise and sustain the minds of any Pope's ego and very sanity. Between the seasons of Democracy and Anarchy the number-theory is born. Between the seasons of Republic and Democracy, the number-theory "comes of age." Between the seasons of Empire and Republic, the number-theory undergoes "inversion," or colloquially a "mid-life crisis." Between the seasons of Anarchy and Empire, the number theory dies out completely. Such is the pattern of changes formed as 4 triangles within a circle of 12.
This cycle is all-consuming of the Chaos Pope. However, the Perfect Pope floats atop this like oil on water. This is why we say, the "Chaos" Pope is more violent and prone to time's exacting measures than the "Perfect" Pope, who is more fair and moderate like the longer lasting seasons.
It is the knowledge and understanding of numerical currents that elevates anyone to become a Perfect Pope.
Jonathan Barlow Gee (benpadiah)
July 3, 2010
Tallahassee, Florida, USA
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