the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy


Atlantean Democracy is defined as an approachable and ammendable system of government based on ideal #-theory.


the Atlantean Constitutions (current and complete) can be read online here:


Here is a brief run-through of the contents of these Constitutions:


Beginning on page 10, we introduce the three branches of the government in the "book of prayers," which contains the oaths to be taken by each branch before convening a meeting. The three branches of Atlantean Democracy are:


23 member Senate

13 member Jury

7 Chief Executives


On page 11, we find three clauses, corresponding to the three levels of initial psychic-initiation of the Atlantean Democratic school system.


On page 13, we find the Atlantean Citizens' "Bill of Rights," gauranteeing each individual sovereignty and direct Democracy. It also introduces the gaming system used to reflect the Atlantean government, which I'll return to here again in a moment.


Page 14 provides the State-side declaration of rights, rules, responsibilities, etc. This is also the first mention of the "church/bank" of Lemuria in these Constitutions. They are given as necessary to the State only to provide armaments to the Jurors to hunt down criminal suspects.


Pages 16 & 17 provide the "Constitution of the Pope," that is, the one of the seven chief executives that also acts as nominal head of the Lemurian "church/bank." The choice to create the office of Pope is optional, and it can also be disbanded at any time.


Pages 20 & 21 provide the "Constitution of the Executives" (ongoing), outlining the laws governing all free citizens living under Atlantean Democracy.


Pages 22 & 23 provide the "Constitution of the Congress" that establishes the ranks, titles and numbers of people necessary to operate the various levels and stages of Atlantean Democracy.


There are various diagrams throughout the text which I will explain as we go on.


Here are some videos including an explanation of the gaming form of "Atlantean Democracy," as well as showing the model of the dodecahedronal Senate building.


the Atlantean Senate (playlist):


"Atlantean Democracy" is an intellectual proprietary right under the "Pythagorean Order of Death" system I designed. For more information about the complete POD visit our ning site:


where you can find a free copy of the POD's 2010 edition to download from rapidshare.


I can answer any questions generated by this document, these videos and this website. I am not here to encourage nor discourage any of you to join nor to shun the POD. This thread is meant as an open debate forum for the concept and feasibility of "Atlantean Democracy" as a possible alternative form of global government to the one-world-dictator of the NWO's "Protocols." Please feel free to ask me anything, to discuss these concepts openly and freely, and to propose alternative solutions to any problems you may see in them. I look forward to a fun debate.



- Jon


- source:




there are already two threads here on ATS discussing the Lemurian "church/bank" aspect of the POD system:


The Pythagorean Order of Death (remarks):

links to: Levite Crown Pope 10° of the POD:


this is the most scariest illuminati document i ever read...

links to: Levite Crown Pope 10° of the POD:


So, here in this thread I want to avoid the more purely economic and religious aspects of Atlantean Democracy, and try to look at only the state side aspect of it. The best way to do this is to briefly study the constitutions (linked in the OP).


In point of fact, the Lemurian Church/Bank "degrees" in the full POD system are actually lower in rank than the Atlantean Democratic state-side. As given from page 23 of the Constitutions:





8°:: Priest:Binah


minimum needed to comprise a "church" = 3 OES, 2 GD, 1 OTO = 6




minmum for a "monastery" = 5 OES, 3 GD, 2 OTO = 10


10°::Levite:Crown: Pope


minimum "papal court" = 7 OES, 5 GD, 3 OTO = 15





Senate: (3iia°*2)+(7iic°)+(13iib°)=23::salt=water/fire::"Limitless Light"

3 "public" with 2 votes each (Masons of first degree), 7 executives (third degree), 

13 congress (2nd degree)



Judiciary: (1iic°)+(12lot22)=13::sulphur=fire/air::"Without End"

1 exec (min), all others drawn by lot from senate.



Executives: (1iia°)+(2iib°)+(3iic°)+(1X°)=7::mercury=air/water::"No Thing"

1 Mason of the first degree, 2 second degree, 3 of the third degree and 1 pope



This explains, concisely, the members of each of the Lemurian "church/bank" and the Atlantean Democracy "degrees" of the POD system.


Please feel free to ask any questions about this system that might occur to you.


- Jon



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