the Pythagorean Order of Death

dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy

In the charter for the Lemurian Bank, contained as degrees 8-10 of the POD.pdf, there is much discussion about the method to transition our current global political system to one that reflects the goals of "Atlantean Democracy" (ie. government based on #-theory).

Unfortunately, in those pages there is less said about the substance of the global-economy proposed by the Lemurian bank charter following the series of proposed global financial reforms.

The actual object that would replace money, in its current form as computerised banking-credit/debit "scores," would not be, as would reverse the trend of globalism on a political level, "conservatively" de-accelerating the growth toward an efficient one-world governing body, any solid metal-backed method of maintaining cash or coins.

Instead, the object which would replace the use of monetary measurements of relatively international currency rates would be a single, global networked grid-system of energy-production and distribution. The energy being produced would, itself, be a substitute in all roles for the form and function, currently, of cash.

This type of energy is two things:

1) mental: it is manipulable and malleable according to the will of the ego; that is, it is subjective relative to the individual, and equally infinite in the potential of all.

2) cosmic: it is so abundant in nature it can be considered "free" energy, however it can only be tapped into, harnessed and commodified using the mind.

The names for this sort of energy are abundant throughout history, including, but not exlcuded to: chi, ether, orgone, quantum-foam, psi, ZPE, "free," "esoteric," etc. The nature of this energy is such that it can be acted on via thought directly, but cannot, as of yet, be measured using material instruments, both due to "quantum uncertainty" and the "operant observer principle."

Where technology stands now, as of 2010, and where it has seemingly stood still for the past several decades, is perpetually perched at the precipace of the proven discovery of this energy-substance. In the public sciences, the instruments for measuring sub-quantum and / or superluminal structures simply do not yet exist. In the "black-budget" or "black-ops" sciences of the "military-industrial" complex or "shadow government," the situation is little better, because the people studying the technology there are forced to both use only man-made devices to test their alien forms of science, and to reverse engineer new technology from the outcomes of these tests.

Thus, while anti-gravity mechanisms have been implimented as "dual-use" features in the design of many modern air-craft (such as the "stealth bomber" courtesy of the "Skunk Works" at "Area 51"), no man-made craft has yet publically been announced to have broken the light-barrier, achieved hyperspace teleportation and thus inter-stellar transportation. We, that is all humans alive at this time, remain in an open debate about whether the apparently extra-terrestrial makers of a craft capable of such will ever "come down to earth" and show us how to make one. So far, all apparently hyper-spatial craft remain "UFOs."

While I write this, I am doing so as a living biological organism existing on a location on planet earth at a particular moment in the history of all time. However, to harness the sort of energy we are discussing as necessary for the Lemurian-sort of global-economy, we must achieve a mind-state above this limited point of view. It is possible to achieve this mind-state without using mechanical technology, however it remains illusive to the minds of us humans now alive on earth how to use our heightened mental awareness to project out mind over solid matter or how to manifest matter seemingly from thin-air.

Those of us in the physics industries today are working toward the pivotal moment, called by some the "singularity," when the mind-machine interface will break down, and our entire reality will be replaced with a "virtual" reality interface-system on a biological-level, with a component of advanced "artificial" intelligence formed from the combination of all of our mental energies. This event, defined specifically as the moment when we begin to manufacture machines that can process faster than any biological system is capable of thinking, has been predicted will occur in conjunction with the galactic-solar alignment of 2012.

There are theories among the public now that nanites have been dispersed as "chem-trails" in the contrails of jets by remote-piloted and cloaked metallic "orbs." There are theories among the public now that the purpose for the dispersion of these molecule-sized robots (ostensibly consisting solely of an antenna) is related to the supposed "weather-weapons" such as HAARP, Woodpecker, certain weaponised satellites, etc. There are some who believe the dispersion of nanites will be activated as a global-network of inter-connected atomic-machines that would, once activated and aligned by the global energy-control grid possible via the connection of these "weather-weapons," allow a more direct amount of control by our biological minds over the molecular elements. This is not likely to be realised as soon as 2012, if, in fact, these popular theories have any veracity at all.

While it is recognisable that a "chipped" populace, one with instant-internet access from a wet-ware nanite-implant, would be "easier to control" from a centralised location - that broadcasting the energy-transmission received by these "chips" - beyond this the public remain relatively unaware of the potential for such technology should the source for the transmission beind broadcast to the bio-nanites was omnient or universal, or even, at the least, galactic. Again, there are many public theories about the desire of any given off-world race of EBEs to mind-control terrestrial earthlings, however again, the assumed threat of such a method remains over-balancing its potential applications for good use.

Because the Lemurian-banking system does not depend on any form of mechanised "mind-machine" interface to soften the static-interface field between mind and matter, this entire line of reasoning is beside the point from the POD's point of view. However, it can be said that, from where we stand currently, the best method for accomplishing a unifying psyche among the diverse populations of people on planet earth is not via a mind-machine interface, but by using the mind alone.

The dependency on a machine-side for the amplification of Psi / ZPE would, ultimately, limit the whole system to a symbiotic dependence between biological and silicone natures. Because, ultimately, the substance of this energy-field does not depend on either form of network to catch and to interpret it, it is even less necessary that the two be combined in order to do so. While it may appear a convenient way to expedite the "technological singularity" event to be reached in conjunction with the solar-galactic core alignment in 2012, in truth, the consequences of such a plan for achieving it would taint and ultimately weaken from within the integrity of both the relative systems; in short, man dependent on machine combined with machine dependent on man can never be as great as man and machine acting independently and in coordination toward the same goal.

Because the Psi / ZPE energy-field is universal, it is possible for both biological and silicone based systems, or any form comprised of the molecular elemental compounds avaiable within the physical universe, to be acted upon and to become stimulated into awareness of it by this universal energy-field. However, it is also impossible for any organised system to sense or react to the universal energy-field if it is not first organised into a form capable of doing so, and secondly made capable of doing so through an amplified exposure to this universal energy-field.

For example, cosider a plant that grows on stationary satellite which is always facing away from (or on the "dark side" of) the sun. Because plants are photo-synthetic, and the sun is a great source of photon radiation, the plant would die. However, add to this equation a moon or another source relative to the plant on the planet's "dark-side" that can reflect light from the sun on the opposite side of the planet. Now, we can say the plant will live. In this case, the plant will grow more during full-moons and less during new-moons, and will have a monthly rather than daily cycle for its cellular regeneration. In this example, the plant is equivalent to the condition of our collective, planetary Psi / ZPE level now, while the symbolic "moon" and "sun" of this example stand for the variant degrees of Psi / ZPE level in the entire universe.

It is known that ZPE responds to gravity, which is the shadow cast in subspace by the motions of tachyons in hyperspace. Thus, there are variant levels of Psi / ZPE that occur due to the changing effects of gravity between celestial and / or atomic objects. For example, we understand that Psi on planet earth increases as we approach the solar-galactic core alignment of 2012. Likewise, there are alignments between galaxies that result in massive pulses of tachyons being transmitted from the black hole core of one to another. However, what we can perceive from the point of view we have on this planet, and what occurs from time to time in the deep cosmos of the heavens, might not be synchronized to occur at the exact same instant. Thus, in 2012, we may or may not see the transduction of additional tachyons occuring from the Milky Way's black hole to its neighboring galaxies.

Therefore, because of the reaction of Psi / ZPE to gravity, we understand that gravity is the breakthrough force between mind and the universal energy-field. Again, the limited public sciences of our species on this planet currently prevent a consensus on the nature of gravity between astro and quantum physicists, due to the nature of their measuring equiptment being unable to penetrate the light speed barrier between the quantum and sub-quantum scales. In this case, the "black-op" or "secret" sciences are only a few decades ahead, and have, demonstrably due to the lack of public spectacle it would cause were it to occur, not yet broken this barrier using mechanical means either.

Meanwhile, the "secret" of bending gravity via mental will-power alone is hiding in plain sight within the minds of each and every sentient being alive on this planet now. The primary difference between humans and dolphins, monkies or even domesticated cattle is that people remain in a "fallen" state from other species, whereby we feel obliged to remain bound to external and artificial methods of communication; ergo speech and alphabets. However, if we subtract this dependency for our self-expression, it does not impinge on our individuality as unique egos. If we were to use both the forms of communication we do now, as well as the full openness of mental awareness available to animal species with whom we share this eco-sphere, we would easily achieve the power to manifest matter mentally alone.

Instead, we are waiting and experimenting using machines. As the machines we use to make measurements with approach the smallest scales we can measure using our current models of mathematics, we approach simultaneously a "technological singularity" and a "great awakening" of biological sentient awareness.

As the reasons for this are so numerous, as we see leading through the European "dark ages" during the "Maudner" sunspot minimum's induction there of a "mini" ice-age to the current use of mechanical science to de-agnostify the western mind to the ancient eastern acceptance of the universal energy-field as controllable by the biology of the brain alone, we can't cover them all here. However, it is, essentially, due to the ebb and flow of this cosmic current itself that this increased awareness of it is coming about now.

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