the Pythagorean Order of Death
dedicated to restoring Atlantean Democracy
ia°:: the Book of Prayers
23 an opening prayer
My God, let us be delivered from fear.
We have convened this meeting on each point of the senate star.
Each of us is here! Salutations, Areopagites! 23!
may we never fear the seven who hold our funds in their hands. Though their proffers should
equal between only they seven themselves all the rest of our sixteen coffers combined, lo, though
we need not fear them. For we outnumber them twice over, and thus overpower them.
So, we say, in session now, may the seven be allowed to enter, and let the purse-strings be not
stingy for the agenda that we here decree.
May God protect us and forgive our sins.
13 an opening prayer
Lord God, let us be delivered from doubt.
We have convened this meeting on each point of the jury star.
We are all here! Salutations to the Illumined Ones on the five points of the Sovereign Star!
I tell you truly, we have nothing to fear from the ten above nor from the seven below. For we are a
strong star, shining bright! Together we are not twice seven, which would only polarize into a
stalemate. We are seven brothers and six sisters, a sacred parashinokh are we! Our thirteen
outnumbers the ten more of the twenty-three. Our six together with their ten outnumber the
seven! All is balance. All is balance.
7 an opening prayer
Good God, let us be delivered from an untimely death!
We have convened this meeting on each point of the True Areopagite heptashinokh!
For we are the Murder Council, the Final Tribunal, and ours is the Question for which an answer
is known. Let it be ourselves that may be slain before we give up our name and its meaning (it's
rank). Let our grand Eye be opened and Let the Light In! Let us see aright to steer, to guide.
May the five fathers guard us from the terrible righteousness of the other six, our daughters. Let
us guide them rightly, and bring them from helplessness into beauty and happiness and light.
May the five within us be blessed three times each! But we fear them not, for our's is the
righteousness of the six plus the two, and behold, the eight! The eight it is who can upend the
seven. So too, if the eight align with the five, we have the thirteen full against the mere ten. That
is how it is we can dissolve the senate, and how it is that, through us, the five control the court.
May the All-seeing God heal our limitations and give us wise guidance.
ib°:: the Popular Constitution
I. Should there be a revolt against the seven executives:
let the seven convene the thirteen.
-source: iia°::"Quarriers' Guild"::union::"B**Z"::Beriah:formation::Water:7
II. Should the Senate refute the Tribunal:
then it becomes a difference resolved by Senatorial vote.
A. if the Senate sides with the seven executives, then all is resolved.
B. if the Senate sides against the executives, the executives
convene a Death Council to try the Senate for dissolution.
1. If the Death Council sides with the Senate, then
the Senate may convene a jury against the executives.
2. If the executive Death Council dissolves the Senate,
Let each of the five adjoint lodges disperse in the opposite
geographical direction thus until they meet others of these arts
or find ruins indicating a dissolution of yore.
-source: iib°::"Overseers' Order"::history::"ShBLTh:JChN"::Yetzirah:creation::Air:12
III. by five may all this be controlled to any outcome.
for four cannot abide unless fifthed.
so six cannot abide unless seventhed.
nor twelve unless thirteenthed.
we are five / we add two /
we are seven / we add six /
we are thirteen / we add ten /
we are twenty-three.
Should five be revolved in seven
then eighteen judge the five.
Should seven be revolved in thirteen
then sixteen judge the seven.
Should thirteen be revolved in twenty-three
then the thirteen judge the ten.
Should seven wisely guide in twenty-three
then the thirteen do not convene.
three "love" two, "two" weds "one"
the three are unknown in the five.
four "rule" seven / seven is "underneath" five
five within seven are unknown to the seven
seven has "power over" thirteen
seven within thirteen are unknown to the thirteen
thirteen can "investigate" twenty-three
the thirteen are drawn by lot from the twenty-three.
twenty three is "thrice" five plus five times one plus three.
Twenty-four men rule this country, Pal.
twenty-three magistrates and me.
-source: iic°::"Great Work's Architect"::passage::"TC:HTWSSTKS"::Atziluth:conception::Fire::22
(continues, following document: “The Pillars of Atlantean Law”)
ib°:: the Popular Constitution (continued)
IV. the Rights of Atlantean citizens :::
“Every citizen is guaranteed...
by the full government...
down to the 5 ‘fellow travelers’...
A. the Right to be free to be, to become, to think, to say, to do, to make and to profit by:
ANYTHING THEY WISH, unless a commission of a crime known to them prior.
B. the Right to be viewed Innocent unless Found Guilty by a jury of 13 from the 23.
C. the Right to be fully informed of these Rights and to have free and easy access to
the complete and current ATLANTEAN CONSTITUTIONS.
D. the Right to petition for redress of grievances against infractions of, and to
propose legislative bills to further expand, these Rights, directly and
personally, to the 23, the 13, the 7 and the 1X°. The Right to participate thus in
direct Democracy ::
1. the rights of citizens serving in the senate :
a. there will be no fewer than one chair reserved for the public by the executives.
b. there will be no fewer than two chairs reserved for the public in any regular jury.
c. there will be no fewer than three chairs in any open senate of 4 or more lodges.
d. citizen senators may vote twice each, citizen jurors and exec once each.
e. citizen senators may abstain from voting, citizen jurors and exec may not.
2. the duties of citizens serving in the senate :
a. among the executives, serve your own best interest.
b. among the jury, represent the moral high ground.
c. among the senators, represent your constituency.
E. the Right to Direct Democracy :::
1. Any citizen senator may be drawn by LOT to serve on a jury.
A. if 2 of 3 citizens are drawn, the 3rd is stepped down or may challenge a peer.
B. if a citizen wishes to abstain, they may be stepped down or challenged by a peer.
C. if a citizen senator elects into jury duty, they are duly replaced in the Senate by an
alternate elected by their constituency.
2. a citizen executive can use a series of COIN tosses to represent “Y / N”
to estimate more or less likely votes of their 6 fellow executives.
3. a citizen senator, a citizen juror and a citizen executive can all role 6-sided DICE,
with sides numbered “3” through “9,” to tile a 64 square go-board.
Further adaptations involve movements of pieces based on
adding patterns in the correspondent-sized magic number squares.
ib°:: the Popular Constitution (conclusion)
F. in exchange for the Rights of its citizens,
to liberty, equality and direct Democracy,
the government of Atlantis reserves the following ...
1. the Duties of the Atlantean government:
a. to protect its citizens’ Rights.
b. to provide free and easy access to complete and current Constitutions.
c. to begin such for each citizen over the age of 13 months.
d. to provision police, prisons and executioners per commission by Senate vote.
2. the Privileges due to the government:
a. to trust all government funds to the church, thus...
- in order to create a religio-banking establishment
- in order to protect all funds from secret hands
- in order to create a third-party ex-chequer.
b. to petition any sum withdrawal or deposit at any time from such bankers
- to be granted on proof of legitimacy per withdrawal.
- to be accepted gratis temporarily per deposit.
c. to hold the church accountable
- for government salaries.
- for collecting voluntary and anonymous taxation.
3. the Temporary Provisions of the Atlantean government:
a. to deduct funds from the church to arm the lodge guards.
b. to detain any citizen...
- who cannot (by volition) or will not (by refusal) obey...
- the laws of the current and complete Constitutions...
- and who is caught in a criminal act...
- until such time as their confession, their trial or their sentencing.
c. the government reserves the right to enforce punitive sentencing.
d. confer document “the basis of the Law” re. sentencing structure.
the “basis of the Law” document:
iic°:: the Constitution of the Pope
I) vote to create the position of Pope ( • )
- the ecumenical senate: the regular senate is convened ( • )
- the rights of the pope will be presented to the senate ( • • )
- the senate will vote Y/N to create the office of Pope ( • • • )
II) nomination process ( • • )
* see "equinox of the Popes" doc * ( • • )
III) ratification of rights ( • • • )
- the following rights must be chosen for each new Pope ( • )
1) the Pope shall serve:: ( • )
A) for life
B) for a limited term
-specified (d/m/y/etc.)
-indeterminate (set by... Senate/Jury/Exec.s)
-causal (temporary dictatorship)
2) the duties of office shall be:: ( • • )
A) predetermined contract
B) public dictatorship
- 3X2=6 > 1 +/- 1 = 3
C) ongoing re-stipulation
D) established ex officio
- entered or vetoed by Pope
3) the privileges of office shall be:: ( • • • )
A) predetermined contract
B) public dictatorship
- 3X2=6 > 1 +/- 1 = 3
C) ongoing re-stipulation
D) established ex officio
- entered or vetoed by Pope
4) the Pope's last will::
A) written by Pope (X°)
B) stipulated by contract ( • • • )
-then/at death/ unspecified
C) kept by standing papal court ( • • )
(ministry of banking)
- the following rights must be chosen for the two Papal alternates:
1) while in session in the senate ( • )
A) and the Pope is presiding:: ( • • )
- take minutes, balance accounts, collect votes ( • • • )
- in open sessions:: serve as alternates and guards of the Pope
- in closed sessions:: serve as alternates and guards of the Pope
B) and the Pope is not presiding:: ( • • )
- collect votes, tell the time ( • • • )
- in open sessions:: as Area chairs, take minutes, balance accounts
- in closed sessions:: as Area chairs, take minutes, balance accounts
2) while in a judicial hearing::
- represent the interests of the Area and Order ( • • )
3) while in executive conference::
- represent the interests of their Area ( • • • )
4) in the event of continuity of office ( • • )
A) the two alternates will select by chance either one of them
(lots or coin) ( • )
B) the three remaining Area chairs will ratify or veto them as:: ( • • )
"Temporary Judicial Executive-Representative," standing position
C) the first order of duty is::
- convene an ecumenical senate to nominate new papal candidates
- the alternate Pope is considered last among the nominees ( • )
* see "equinox of the Popes" doc for further details * ( • • )
5) in the event continuity of office is not completed ( • • • )
A) in the event of veto of first alternate by the 3 remaining Area chairs
- second alternate is vetoed or ratified ( • )
B) in the event of veto of second alternate by the 3 Area chairs
- a representative from among the 3 other chairs is draw by lot ( • • )
C) in the event an ecumenical senate can convene immediately
- the alternate Pope is considered last among the nominees ( • • • )
* see "equinox of the Popes" doc for further details * ( • • )
6/1 : pope can abstain only
5/2 : pope can vote only
4/3 : pope can veto/pass
3/4 : pope can veto/pass
2/5 :pope can vote only
1/6 : pope can abstain only
“equinox of the popes” document:
“Seasons of the Pope” document:
iib°:: the Constitution of the Executives
I. the "Law of One" is :::
intro. the "Law of the Light"
- titles of the Light
a. "Most High"
b. "true will"
c. "greater light"
d. tachyons
A. Anarchy ::
1. temporary, task-based co-operatives
a. Democracy
- of the people
- by the people
- for the people
b. term-limits
- the republic
- representatives
- the public
2. liberty, justice, equality, fraternity or death
a. liberty / slavery
b. justice / conspiracy
c. equality / spying
d. fraternity / capital
e. death / any political prank
3. Individual Will > collective labour
a. the individual will
i. knowledge of self as utility
ii. belief in potentially infinite capacity
b. the greater good
i. knowledge of suffering
ii. belief self-interest is helping others
c. collective labour
i. knowledge of group utility
ii. belief in necessity to change history
B. the Law of Three ::
1. the mind / ego / primary psyche / mental voice
2. the intellect / subconscious / resources / records
3. the brain / the body / the nerves / the flesh
iib°:: the Constitution of the Executives (ongoing)
C. the Formal System or Ethics of Reasoning ::
1. as "moral compass"
2. as "memory castle"
3. projection / manifestation
a. mind / matter
b. idealism > realism
c. reading --> writing
II. the "Law of Life" is :::
A. "Shall Be The Whole Of The Law."
1. meanings and definitions
a. "Thou" - the "higher" or "true" will
b. "Wilt" - the utility of the self
c. "Shall Be" - following such action
d. "The Law" - universal necessity
B. "Love Under Will"
1. meanings and definitions
a. "Love" - true or guided emotion
b. "Under" - the passion of empathy
c. "Will" - the "higher" or "true" will
III. the "Law of the Book" is :::
A. the teachings of the book
1. against defeat and imbalance of power
2. in favour of trusting neighbors to know
B. idealism > realism
-scribal colophon, contents incomplete, translation ongoing.
iia°:: the Constitution of the Congress
Roles and Rights of the Five Seats
iia° :: Lodge Guards
(minimum 10 initiates)
VII : 2 @ lodge door, outside
VI : 2 @ lodge door, inside
V : 2 @ vault doors, outside
IV : 2 @ vault windows
III : 2 @ vault doors, inside
iib° :: Lodge Bench
(minimum 5 Masters)
VII : Area (inter-lodge intel), 1st L of GM
VI : District (intra-lodge messenger), 2nd R of GM
V : Regional (intra-lodge intel), 1st R of GM
IV : Ambassador (inter-lodge mess), 2nd L of GM
iic° :: Senate Bench
(minimum 2 iia° guards / 1 Master)
VII : Area Chair
VI : 2nd R of AC
V : 1st L f AC
IV : 2nd L of AC
III : 1st R of AC
i°::“Contributor’s Club”
open to all paying for NEXUS rites, open only to males in IOBB 7=1 or GM
iia°::"Quarriers' Guild"
open only to Masons greater than or equal to the first degree, right proper.
iib°::"Overseers' Order"
open only to Masons of the second degree or higher, blue lodge.
iic°::"Great Work's Architect"
open only to Masons of the third degree, duly and truly.
Grand Master::Indigo:Cube::SN:Mercury::Gemini:Virgo::Nesfesh
Open only to Masons of the York Rite.
Open only to Masons of the Scottish Rite.
Open to the "Argentum Astrum" or outer three degrees of co-masonry (OES)
Open only to the members who are advanced into the Golden Dawn.
Open only to co-members of the OTO.
minimum needed to comprise a "church" = 3 OES, 2 GD, 1 OTO = 6
minimum for a "monastery" = 5 OES, 3 GD, 2 OTO = 10
minimum "papal court" = 7 OES, 5 GD, 3 OTO = 15
Senate:(3iia°*2)+(7iic°)+(13iib°)=23::salt=water/fire::"Limitless Light"
3 "public" with 2 votes each (Masons of first degree), 7 executives (third degree),
13 congress (2nd degree)
Judiciary:(1iic°)+(12lot22)=13::sulfur=fire/air::"Without End"
1 exec (min), all others drawn by lot from senate.
Executives:(1iia°)+(2iib°)+(3iic°)+(1X°)=7::mercury=air/water::"No Thing"
1 Mason of the first degree, 2 second degree, 3 of the third degree and 1 pope
incrementalism is all many socialist liberals will accept. They believe that the NWO (a global government) is incrementally ever encroaching, so they must also accept that it can be gradually titrated out as well. This accounts for their false belief in the concept of a "lesser of two evils." However, to imagine an opposite of this incrementalist pendulum mechanism itself in the form of Anarchism remains difficult. Personally, I am willing to provide the following constitution to any and all who inquire about "how my utopian [libertarian] society will work." It functions as a potentially global level of government that simultaneously renders the participants in this government legally impotent to invoke violence in enforcing its dictates as "laws." Thus, by internally pluralizing and limiting the overall size of government, it is possible to explain to a socialized liberal what a "lesser evil" (more "libertarian") form of government would look like. However, it remains essential to include the caveat that, even this form of government is meant to function only as a phase in the reversing of the pendulum in the opposite of the present direction, back toward a more "Anarchist" society, where no law is required, and so none exists.
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the Pythagorean Order of Death
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